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Mathieu Plourde

Flipping with a MOOC-- A very new approach to teaching for me - 1 views

    This semester (spring, 2013), I integrated my on-campus Duke University class (which I've taught twice before using a "traditional" lecture format) with my online class (which I'd taught once before via Coursera MOOC), both bearing the title "Introduction to Genetics and Evolution." My on-campus class had 453 students, while the online one peaked at 27,000 enrolled (though MOOC enrollment figures are misleading). Needless to say, I was more than slightly nervous about this experiment messing up, given the number of students who would be affected! My initial reaction is that the integration (via "flipped classroom") was a success and thoroughly enjoyable by me (I'll have to wait to see the formal course evaluations before I know how much most of the students liked it), but I learned some lessons for future iterations.
Mathieu Plourde

Before Professors Teach, They Should Educate Themselves - 0 views

    "In the end, student satisfaction and enjoyment are being sacrificed for a select pool of research-based positions."
Mathieu Plourde

What's the Hurry? - 0 views

    "We are creatures of habit, and now we can't seem to slow down.  We're constantly on the run, trying to meet numerous deadlines, multi-tasking our way into oblivion (OK, I exaggerated a little bit here). But when do we actually get to slow down and enjoy our lives?  How can we find our peaceful inner voice, when we're so busy being overwhelmed by the anxious chatter of our running (there's that word again) internal dialogue?"
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