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UDL Toolkits: Teaching Every Student - 1 views

  • Students should record assigned words, their meanings, and examples of use in their journals.
    • Thomas Page
      I could use stiky notes in webpages. Students could use a wiki instead of a journal and link to pictures/use public domain pictures. Students could compose sentences. Students could use google translater.
  • The goal of this activity is to encourage students to think about how words are used and how they fit together.

Toms-UDL-Wki - A Physics Lesson Diigoized - 1 views


Learning with Multimedia Agents - 0 views

  • Agents are the lifelike characters in multimedia software and online applications that pop up on the screen to explain rules, provide hints, or prompt the user to use the program’s features.
  • when an agent is programmed to demonstrate emotion and to speak in a personalized tone, students’ learning rates and interaction is higher
    • Thomas Page
      This article, and in particular, this passage is what motivaded me to search for possible agents.
  • guided practice
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • build skills and fluency
  • comprehension strategies
  • an effective tutor for remediation or initial presentation of a new content area.
  • Reciprocal teaching
  • in teaching an agent how to solve a problem
  • t is important to determine the type of interaction that the agent has with the user as well as the quality of interaction it solicits from users. The best agents ask questions that promote higher-order thinking (i.e., why, what-if, and how questions) and do not unnecessarily define or limit the user’s thinking about a topic

SDNHM Fossil Mysteries Field Guide: American Mastodon - 0 views

  • Mammut americanum
    • Thomas Page
      Please stik to this page!
  • The mastodon family diverged from other elephant-like relatives in Miocene times, between 24 and 5 mya.
    • Thomas Page
      Evolution: The changes in a population over time. How does this passage relate to evolution? Write your answer on the NOTES section of the wiki before you read on.

Toms-UDL-Wki - Session 10 - 0 views

  • learner diversity is the norm.
  • What is the main argument or point of the theory or approach you chose
  • traditional curriculum needs to be fixed.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • multiple means of representation, multiple means of action and expression and multiple means of engagement.
  • heory or approach you chose look like
  • method or approach for solving the problem
  • a classroom that successfully uses the
  • begin by examining the broken curriculum
  • UDL claims that the solution to the problem

Introduction to the Language of Kinematics - 0 views

  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • Describing Motion with Words
    • Thomas Page
      Thanks for coming! I hope you enjoy my notes. Fred Before you read this page think about words you know that DESCRIBE movement. Click on the little cloud at the top right of this note and list your words in the comment window. Thanks!
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
    • Thomas Page
      Hey, you made it! This is Kitty. Remember, I did the highlighting. If you want to add your own highlighting, go ahead. You can make stikys like Fred did too. This is really great for remembering new words or ideas. And, It's really FUN!
  • the study of the motion of objects.
    • Thomas Page
      Hi, this is Kitty. This is one of my highlights. It is an important idea. You can add your own highlights and even make a note. This is a good way to lean new ideas and words.
  • to describe (and ultimately, explain) the motion of real-world objects.
    • Thomas Page
      Try and explain how to move a pencil from one side of your desk to the other. Post your idea on your wiki before you continue to read.
  • is the science of describing the motion of objects
  • Avoid memorizing the information
    • yvonne domings
      Tom, I love this little hint. It is very hard for students to find the big idea given that they are novices in the new domain (if they weren't, why would they need teaching? :o) By definition and from research we know that novices in a domain have trouble finding salient points quickly whereas experts are defined by being able to see things that novices cannot. Have you ever noticed this in yourself when you are learning something new? (for example, these new tech tools! :o) I think Diigo has lots of potential to be a great "just-in-time" support for students. What do you think?
    • Thomas Page
      Hi Yvonne, good point about the good idea, but I can't take credit for the icon, it was part of the original web page, the author deserves credit. I do think that Diigo has great promise for students and teachers. I am still learning how to use it. There are a lot of web resources for high school students, but the language level is too advanced for my students to access. Diigo could be used to lead them through a trail of big ideas, for example, and language support. Tom
  • which is used throughout the study of mechanics
  • You may click on any word now t
    for session 7 activity, an annotated web page
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