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Patrick Tabatcher

Apple - Find Out How - Mac Basics - Get Started with Mac - Mail Basics - 0 views

    Another nice example of a training video, this one from Apple. I like how this demo shows people the process at the beginning during the intro, and then goes into greater detail.
Patrick Tabatcher

AdobeTV - ActionScript 1:1 with Doug Winnie - 0 views

    Another training video. This one starts with the "teacher". The back-and-forth between Doug and the computer is interesting.
Patrick Tabatcher

Hilton uses Vicious Engine for 'salt' training game - 0 views

    Perhaps this isn't the best example of a "serious" game, but these sorts of things are popping up in the news more and more.
Patrick Tabatcher

Bento - Learn how to code - 0 views

    Links to lessons and training on HTML, CSS and tons of other web technologies. Clicking on a topic will highlight related topics.
Patrick Tabatcher

jQuery TourBus - 0 views

    jQuery library to create "tours" of a webpage. Useful to illustrate how to use a site to new users, or highlight new features to existing users.
Patrick Tabatcher

Basecamp Demos: Time Tracking - 0 views

    A nice example of a screen cast demo. No avatar, but the "teacher" does introduce himself. There is a nice tone to the demo with little superfluous stuff.
Patrick Tabatcher

The Bézier Game - 0 views

    Practice using the pen-tool in an online game.
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