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Vicki Davis

BeTwittered : 32Hours - 0 views

    Be twittered has a gadget AND a moble gadget for twitter -- I'd love to hear how you like it. This means you may add a gadget to your homepage of igoogle to keep up w/ twitter on your start page. The mobile gadget allows you to put the app on your cell phone to track twitter. This is from 32 hours.
    Mobile app and iGoogle gadget.
Lee Kolbert

Follow Twitter Conversations - - 0 views

    Tries to arrange tweets in a conversation.
  • ...2 more comments...
    View Twitter conversations as threaded discussions. Just enter a username. No Signup!
    View Twitter conversations as threaded discussions. Just enter a username. No Signup!
    Follow Twitter Conversations -
    View and reply to Twitter conversations as threaded discussions. Bringing order to Twitter.
Michael Marlatt

How We Tweet: The Definitive List of the Top Twitter Clients - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • For all the press that FriendFeed got last week for allowing people to post replies directly to Twitter, it was still 65th on our list and registered barely a fraction of total tweeting activity. Some analysts think FriendFeed is a threat to Twitter's existence, but remember that 56% of users still interact with Twitter on the main site, and Twitter makes up 44% of activity on FriendFeed. So which service is really more reliant on the other?
  • There are a ton of Twitter clients out there. We saw 142 different ways to interact with Twitter in just 24 hours of monitoring the site's public feed. That's an amazing amount of activity on their API, and their application ecosystem is growing every day. Clearly, Twitter has struck a nerve with developers and users alike.
    Top ways to Tweet!
A. T. Wyatt

UTweet! - 9 views

    Interesting twitter tool that makes an animated show of your twitter stream. Very red and white!
    Interesting twitter tool that makes an animated show of your twitter stream. Very red and white!
recriweb prinkipo

8 Free Tools to Visualize Information on Twitter - 12 views

    There's a lot of noise on Twitter. People use a variety of ways to filter through that noise, from following specific lists, finding like-minded people through third party sites, or using a variety of services and websites to find the information that matters to them on Twitter. Another interesting way to filter through what is being said on Twitter, and better yet, analyse it, is to visualize it [...]
Janos Haits - 5 views

    Tweet Speaker. Listen to Twitter Enjoy Twitter while on a walk, stuck in traffic, in the kitchen, or on the go. Tweet Speaker lets you listen to news, sports, humor, and the musings of interesting people on Twitter - a sort of live podcast of your Tweets. Featuring a beautiful user interface, speech tailored for tweets, Tweet Marker support, adjustable reading speed, and Airplay, Tweet Speaker is a fun new way to experience Twitter.
Gabriela Grosseck

The Story (so far) of Twitter | Manolith - 0 views

    Twitter, Twitter, Twitter. Seems every where you turn these days that little blue bird is staring you right in the face. But how did it all start? Where is it
Alice Barr

The Truth About Twitter « Social Enterprise Blog - 0 views

    Ok, so what is Twitter and why should you care?  First, let's start with what it isn't.  Twitter is *not* about micro-blogging.  Yes, it is described this way - yes even by it's founders.  But they have also admittedly publicly that much of the innovation on Twitter has happened in the user base - the convention for retweets (RT), for example, came from the user base.  For those of you who are new, RT is just a way to a convention for sharing a message from someone you follow to your own followers.  It's sort of citation plus recommendation plus message all wrapped in a little two letter acronym.
Maggie Verster

Widgetropolis - Cool Widgets - 0 views

    # multiTwit - NEW - Send Tweets to Multiple accounts from your desktop. No need to give a website your login any more. # Twitter Follower Widget - Display the people that are following you on Twitter. # Twitter Friends Widget - Display the people you are following on Twitter. # The Javascript Hand Grenade - Protect your landing pages from hackers, snarfers and code thieves.
Lisa Thumann

twitter4teachers / Twitter Mentors - 0 views

    For teachers new to Twitter - Twitter Montors
Maggie Verster - The Complete Guide to Twitter - 4 views

    In over forty pages Makeuseof publishing editor Mark O'Neill, tackles every Twitter feature, tip and trick you can think of. Learn to work the interface, to Tweet from your desktop, cool Twitter bots and funniest people to follow. With this free manual, Mark will make sure you get your black belt in Twitter.
Janos Haits

Twittonary | A Twitter Dictionary - 0 views

    The Twitter Dictionary aka Twittonary provides explanations of various Twitter related words. You can search the entire Twitter Dictionary or by single word using their letter of the alphabet
Janos Haits

Twimfeed - Twitter Image Feed - 4 views

    Twitter Image Feed View recently tweeted images from your Twitter friends. All you need is a Twitter account.
Janos Haits

Top Trending Pics - Twicsy the Twitter Picture Search Engine - 3 views

    Upload Pics Upload and Post to Twitter in One Step Track statistics on your pics in real time. Increase your visibility on Twitter. Twicsy is Pics Browse & Search ALL Twitter Pics!
Valerie B. - read Twitter and Facebook as a daily newspaper - 3 views

    Heard on Twitter... Read Twitter and Facebook as a daily newspaper organizes links shared on Twitter and Facebook into an easy to read newspaper-style format. A great way to discover content that matters to you - even if you are not connected 24/7!
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Twitter Topics Show Up in Google Search Results |:| ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

    Is Google indexing Twitter search?
    Google has started ranking Twitter search pages for topics (think hashtag-style words) higher, often making the front page for certain queries. This is despite the fact that Twitter blocks Google's spider from indexing search result pages. Which begs the question, how is Google determining that these Twitter topics merit a high weight?
Gianto Widianto

Tips on Facebook, crowd sourcing and Twitter for journalists « Save the Media - 0 views

  • Crowd sourcing: If you have no idea what crowd sourcing is or how it could work for journalists, you must read this post on Beat Blogging. The post gives simple examples where journalists are asking readers for story ideas or for their opinions. For example, the post showcases a Sacramento Bee reporter using his blog to crowd source opinions on what it’s like to be back after being furloughed because of California state budget constraints. We used to just call this good reporting.
  • Tweeting news: If you’re skeptical of the value of Twitter to news organizations, read this post. It explains how the news of the fatal plane crash this week in Buffalo spread through Twitter with frequent updates. Twitter gives a blow by blow witness description of the crash that you couldn’t get from a traditional news source until much later. Why wouldn’t newspapers want to be able to break news in this immediate way?
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Collaborative Thinking: Twitter Compared to IM, Email and Forums - 0 views

    Overall, Twitter is best thought of as a message queuing/routing system built on top of a cache/repository platform.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Twitter for Wishes & Obstacles - 0 views

    Barbara Sher, author of Wishcraft, started a Twitter thread-thingie called #ideaparty. Its for problem-solving wishes and obstacles together with other Twitterers. You can join the party thru a "chat" room, or do it thru your Twitter account. Just use the #ideaparty hashtag. Read this first:
Bryan R. Adams

Influential Marketing Blog: 7 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Twitter's Success - 0 views

    By any measure, the growth and popularity of Twitter has been phenomenal. To say that Twitter has hit mainstream isn't really the right metric to use. It's more powerful to note that for a large group of Twitter enthusiasts, to...
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