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Andrew Lyons

Why corporate IT should unchain our office computers. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine - 0 views

shared by Andrew Lyons on 26 Aug 09 - Cached
  • The restrictions infantilize workers—they foster resentment, reduce morale, lock people into inefficient routines, and, worst of all, they kill our incentives to work productively. In the information age, most companies' success depends entirely on the creativity and drive of their workers. IT restrictions are corrosive to that creativity—they keep everyone under the thumb of people who have no idea which tools we need to do our jobs but who are charged with deciding anyway.
    • Andrew Lyons
      Locking down computers has never worked to increase productivity, espacially in the information age when many of the social sites are also the more easily, quickly accessible information research access points.
  • The restrictions infantilize workers—they foster resentment, reduce morale, lock people into inefficient routines, and, worst of all, they kill our incentives to work productively. In the information age, most companies' success depends entirely on the creativity and drive of their workers. IT restrictions are corrosive to that creativity—they keep everyone under the thumb of people w
  • Here's why: The restrictions infantilize workers—they foster resentment, reduce morale, lock people into inefficient routines, and, worst of all, they kill our incentives to work productively. In the information age, most companies' success depends entirely on the creativity and drive of their workers. IT restrictions are corrosive to that creativity—they keep everyone under the thumb of people who have no idea which tools we need to do our jobs but who are charged with deciding anyway.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Here's why: The restrictions infantilize workers—they foster resentment, reduce morale, lock people into inefficient routines, and, worst of all, they kill our incentives to work productively. In the information age, most companies' success depends entirely on the creativity and drive of their workers. IT restrictions are corrosive to that creativity—they keep everyone under the thumb of people who have no idea which tools we need to do our jobs but who are charged with deciding anyway.
  • Here's why: The restrictions infantilize workers—they foster resentment, reduce morale, lock people into inefficient routines, and, worst of all, they kill our incentives to work productively. In the information age, most companies' success depends entirely on the creativity and drive of their workers. IT restrictions are corrosive to that creativity—they keep everyone under the thumb of people who have no idea which tools we need to do our jobs but who are charged with deciding anyway.
    Locking down work computers has a psychological effect on employees that reduces productivity.
    Good article about the hazards of locking down your employee's computers and keeping them from optimising them for their own needs.
Jennifer Dorman

How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live - TIME - 0 views

    Evan Williams and Biz Stone of Twitter Robyn Twomey for TIME ENLARGE + Print Reprints Email Twitter Linkedin Buzz up! (44) Facebook MORE... Add to my: Technorati reddit Google Bookmarks Mixx StumbleUpon Blog this on: TypePad LiveJournal Blogger MySpace The one thing you can say for certain about Twitter is that it makes a terrible first impression. You hear about this new service that lets you send 140-character updates to your "followers," and you think, Why does the world need this, exactly? It's not as if we were all sitting around four years ago scratching our heads and saying, "If only there were a technology that would allow me to send a message to my 50 friends, alerting them in real time about my choice of breakfast cereal." Related Audio Host Katherine Lanpher talks with TIME's Just Fox on stocks vs. bonds and Barbara Kiviat about the housing market's new movement Download | Subscribe Specials The World of Twitter Specials Top 10 Celebrity Twitter Feeds Specials 10 Ways Twitter Will Change American Business Stories The TIME 100: The Twitter Guys by Ashton Kutcher More Related The TIME 100: The Twitter Guys by Ashton Kutcher The TIME 100: The Twitter Guys by Ashton Kutcher The Future of Twitter I, too, was skeptical at first. I had met Evan Williams, Twitter's co-creator, a couple of times in the dotcom '90s when he was launching Back then, what people worried about was the threat that blogging posed to our attention span, with telegraphic, two-paragraph blog posts replacing long-format articles and books. With Twitter, Williams w
    "Injecting Twitter into that conversation fundamentally changed the rules of engagement. It added a second layer of discussion and brought a wider audience into what would have been a private exchange. And it gave the event an afterlife on the Web. Yes, it was built entirely out of 140-character messages, but the sum total of those tweets added up to something truly substantive, like a suspension bridge made of pebbles."
Vicki Davis

Twitter app update brings improved discover, search and notifications to iOS and Androi... - 0 views

    The new Twitter iOS app and Android app works on the discover feature and search. Discover is supposed to show you more about what retweets you've gotten,etc. I've found it easier to see this information in hootsuite and for scheduling I use buffer. Twitter is amazing, but I rarely go to the site itself on my phone or computer. I have a feeling this is strategic for Twitter as they look to monetize. Update and check it out.
Jeff Johnson

Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship - 0 views

    Abstract: Social network sites (SNSs) are increasingly attracting the attention of academic and industry researchers intrigued by their affordances and reach. This special theme section of the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication brings together scholarship on these emergent phenomena. In this introductory article, we describe features of SNSs and propose a comprehensive definition. We then present one perspective on the history of such sites, discussing key changes and developments. After briefly summarizing existing scholarship concerning SNSs, we discuss the articles in this special section and conclude with considerations for future research.
Janos Haits

Echofon - 0 views

    Full Featured, Super Clean Twitter Apps. Never Read a Tweet Twice/ Echofon automatically keeps unread tweets in sync between your computer, your iPhone and your iPad.
W4W Toronto

White Terrorist Was Planning To Bomb G20 Summit @urbantoronto - 1 views

Byron Sonne nerdy computer specialist & now common-law wife, Kristen Peterson arrested in #G20 case - #toronto #terrorist

twitter G20 terrorist socialmedia education toronto

started by W4W Toronto on 24 Jun 10 no follow-up yet
Darren Draper

OPEN Teacher Talk: What is Your Network Diversity Index? - 0 views

  • If, like myself, the math makes you wail and gnash your teeth, try the following. Evaluate your network, divide it into groups, give each group a number and determine how many people you have representing each group. Then follow this link to a Shannon Index calculator, enter your the number of people you have in each group, compute and read the value for H1.
    • Darren Draper
      I plan on trying this for my Twitter network...
Adildi ldinlio

Digital Photography AIO Desk Reference For Dummies (3rd Edition)|free ebooks download - 0 views

    Digital Photography AIO Desk Reference For Dummies 3rd Edition free download at the best library for free multimedia ebooks download.
Adildi ldinlio

Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies|free ebooks do... - 0 views

    Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies free download at the best library for free multimedia ebooks download.
Adildi ldinlio

ASP.NET Solutions - 23 Case Studies|free ebooks download - 0 views

    ASP.NET Solutions - 23 Case Studies free download at the best library for free ebooks download.
Adildi ldinlio

After Effects 7 and Flash 8 Integration|free ebooks download - 0 views

    After Effects 7 and Flash 8 Integration free download at the best library for multimedia ebooks download.
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Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia|free ebooks download - 0 views

    Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia free download at the best library for free multimedia ebooks download.
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Pro Web 2.0 Application Development with GWT - free ebooks download - 0 views

    Pro Web 2.0 Application Development with GWT free download at the best library for free webdesign ebooks download.
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Create Your Own Home Networks - Sams | Free Ebooks Download - 0 views

    Create Your Own Home Networks free download at the best library for free networking ebooks download.
Adildi ldinlio

HDTV For Dummies|free ebooks download - 0 views

    HDTV For Dummies free download at the best library for free multimedia ebooks download.
Adildi ldinlio

Building Resilient IP Networks - Cisco Press | Free Ebooks Download - 0 views

    Building Resilient IP Networks free download at the best library for free networking ebooks download.
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