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Kerry J

25 Women That Rock Social Media - Online Marketing Blog - 8 views

    Last week Erik Qualmann posted a list of "All Star Social Media" players in his ClickZ column. Being included in such a list with the likes of Chris Brogan and Scott Monty was humbling to say the least.  Erik qualified the list by saying they were mostly people he knew and he welcomed suggestions.  I noticed few women were mentioned and knowing there are so many power players, I decided to create a list of my own featuring women that I think "rock" the social web.
Janos Haits

Formulists - 3 views

    Organize groups of people on Twitter into auto-updating lists.
    Dynamic Twitter lists personalized for you and updated daily Formulists-generated lists continuously self-update and can be viewed or deleted from any twitter client!
Rick Powell

WordPress › Tweet Blender « WordPress Plugins - 0 views

    Tweet Blender is tag-aware and has support for multiple authors, lists, hashtags, and keywords all blended together. The plugin can show tweets from just one user or a list of users (as all other Twitter plugins do); however, it can also show tweets for a topic which you can define via Twitter hashtag or keyword. But there is more! It can also show tweets for multiple authors AND multiple lists AND multiple keywords AND multiple hashtags all blended together into a single stream.
Marcus Schroefel

Top 10 Must Follow Twitter List For Social Marketers | The Web2Marketer - 0 views

    My Top 10 Must Follow Twitter List For Aspiring Social Internet Marketers.
Vicki Davis

Independent voices of 2011: The most influential non-celebrity users of Twitter - Featu... - 1 views

    His UK generated list of most influential non celebrity tweeters includes NPR's Andy Carvin. It is interesting how many personalities cross time zones and national lines to influence us all. Andy is a great tweeter. Sadly, this list doesn't seem to link. Kind of misses the point but worth a read anyway.
Baxter Tocher

Create RSS Feeds From Twitter Lists - 2 views

    How to get tweets from a List into an RSS reader.
qualitypoint Tech

Drastic Twitter Follower Count increase for Bill Gates - 6 views

    Bill Gates, Microsoft Co-Founder has started Twitter Account @billgates. Within 18 hours from his first tweet, he got more than 182K followers and listed in 5K lists.

Twitter Lists To RSS - 10 views

    A service that will convert a twitter list into rss.
Andrew Long

Kiwi Tweets Home - Kiwi Tweets - 0 views

    Wetpaint page for tweeple resident in New Zealand. The list is manual so add yourself by editing the page.
Andrew Long

140 Health Care Uses for Twitter - 0 views

    A list of 140 things to use Twitter for with healthcare. Note that they are very brief (c/o CP)
Faster Dude

Your Twitter Karma - 0 views

    See Who you are following and who's folling you.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Basically, it's a Flash application that fetches your friends and followers from Twitter when you click the "Whack!" button, then displays them for you, letting you quickly paginate through them. By default, the list contains all your friends and followers and is sorted by last update, showing those who most recently updated first. You can sort the list alphabetically either ascending or descending by Twitter ID. You can filter the list in several ways: only friends or only followers, all friends or all followers, and mutual friends.
    Another site, similar to InRev TwitIn which helps you batch unfollow or batch reciprocate quickly and easily, as well as grow your network
    Get fully manageable page with all friends, followers with avatars, where You can do several bulk actions as bulk follow, bulk unfollow, bulk block. Very handy.
Faster Dude

Goodreads vs Twitter: The Benefits of Asymmetric Follow - O'Reilly Radar - 1 views

  • Asymmetric follow is why I use Twitter regularly and Facebook much less often. With Twitter’s model, I can find people I’m interested in, whether or not they know me, and learn about them and their lives and thoughts. Others can include me in their lists. You become “friends” with complete strangers over time, by communicating with them (responding with @messages for example), perhaps by mutual following.
  • Twitter’s wonderful system of @ messages means that anyone can address me - and so I find myself having conversations with complete strangers as well. I actually follow my @ messages more faithfully than I do my planned Follow list.
  • On Facebook, I’m expected to approve every request, and alas, I turn down far more than I accept. Amazingly, few people who I don’t know even bother to explain who they are and why they want to be my friend.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • LinkedIn and Plaxo and all the other greedy networks that are clamoring for my time and attention while requiring me to take explicit steps to approve or deny each request.
  • We learned long ago from Usenet and mailing lists that there are always more lurkers than posters.
Jeff Johnson Reminders That Think Like You Do - 0 views

    Typically, when you schedule something - at least something happening in the immediate future - you don't spell out the date and time, but rather say something along the lines of "let's have lunch on Friday at noon." And that's where looks to differentiate itself in the crowded market for reminder services. The service takes a Twitter-like approach to getting reminder data from you, with a 140-character limited form that wants you to input the answer to "remind me about …" Input things like "Mashable event Thursday at 6pm," "flight tomorrow at 8am," or "basketball next Monday at 7pm," and figures out the date and adds it to your reminder lists.
Lucy Gray

Researchers Without Borders and Twitter - 0 views

    This is a list of people that RWB community members might be interested in following.\n\n
Chris Miller

Twitglry - Twitter Tools and Apps Gallery - 5 views

    Small listing. is the largest review site of Twitter tools and apps
    Small listing. is the largest review site of Twitter tools and apps
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