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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jukka Aaltonen

Jukka Aaltonen

32-bit and 64-bit Windows: frequently asked questions - 1 views

    Finf out which version of Windows you are running.
Jukka Aaltonen

Formal concept analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

    WIkipedia article on the basics of formal concept analysis (FCA)
Jukka Aaltonen

Concepts (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) - 1 views

  • an analysis embodies a definition; it specifies a set of conditions that are individually necessary and jointly sufficient for the application of the concept.
    • Jukka Aaltonen
      Concept analysis : includes the definition of concepts
  • classical or definitional structure. Much of its appeal comes from the way it offers unified treatments of concept acquisition, categorization, and reference determination. In each case, the crucial work is being done by the very same components. Concept acquisition can be understood as a process in which new complex concepts are created by assembling their definitional constituents. Categorization can be understood as a psychological process in which a complex concept is matched to a target item by checking to see if each and every one of its definitional constituents applies to the target. And reference determination, we've already seen, is a matter of whether the definitional constituents do apply to the target.
    • Jukka Aaltonen
      Classical theory of concepts (definitional structure) applies well to the all of the phases of (concept analysis) ie. acquisition, categorization and reference determination
Jukka Aaltonen

Transcriber - 2 views

    Annotating, for example, interview recordings and other audio clips.
    Esim. haastatteluaineistojem litterointi.
Jukka Aaltonen

Philosophy of information - 4 views

philosophy information semantic
started by Jukka Aaltonen on 06 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Jukka Aaltonen

IHMC CmapTools - Download - 2 views

    To succeed in installing this sotware to your Windows-based computer: 1. Register yout email address (and type something in the first and lastname fields) at the CmapTools-site. 2.a To download the CmapTools installer n WIndows Vista or Windows 7, check first which version of the operating system you have (32 or 64 bit) and then download the correct excutable. 3. In case you have a previous installtion of the tool (that does not work), please remove that first (by clicking the Uninstall CmapTools -command in the tools Start-menu folder) and just after this install the correct version. I hope these instructions help you to install the concept modeling tool to your own computer. -jukka PS. See in this group also the instructions on how to check which version (architecture) of Windows you are running (32-bit and 64-bit Windows: FAQ)
Jukka Aaltonen

CmapTools Help - 0 views

    User manual of the CmapTools -software.
Jukka Aaltonen

CmapTools - Home Page Cmap.html - 2 views

    Home page of a simple concept modeling tool (CmapTools).
Jukka Aaltonen

Some selected articles - 0 views

  • A Defence of Constructionism: Philosophy as Conceptual Engineering,
  • The Philosophy of Information: Ten Years Later,
  • Philosophical Conceptions of Information
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Is Information Meaningful Data?,
  • The Symbol Grounding Problem: a Critical Review of Fifteen Years of Research,
  • Outline of a Theory of Strongly Semantic Information
  • Open Problems in the Philosophy of Information
  • Two Approaches to the Philosophy of Information,
  • What is the Philosophy of Information?,
    Kokoelma Floridin artikkeleita informaation filosofian aihealueeseen liittyen
    A ocllection of articles about philosophy of information by L. Floridi.
Jukka Aaltonen

Semantic Conceptions of Information (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) - 1 views

    Minkälaista tietoa käsittelet, muodostat, jäsennät ja jaat omassa tutkimuksessasi?
    What kind of information do you collect, categorize, build, analyze, evaluate or share in your own research?
Jukka Aaltonen

Tiedonhallinnan käsikirja - 1 views

    Tutkimusaineistojen tiedonhallintaa
Jukka Aaltonen

Science Information Life Cycle - 0 views

    Tieteellisen tiedon elinkaaresta (näkökulma: viittaukset, lähteet, tutkimusdata ja tulosten julkaiseminen)
    Millainen on itse tutkimuksen aikana käsiteltävän, muodostuvan ja jaettavan tiedon luonne ja elinkaari?
Jukka Aaltonen

Outline of scientific method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Tieteellisestä menetelmästä wikpedian mukaan..
    About scientific method according to wikipedia
Jukka Aaltonen

lta_2001_03_a4.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 1 views

    Tulkitseva käsitetutkimus
Jukka Aaltonen

epistemology: Definition from - 0 views

    Epistemologia: tiedon luonteen, sen taustaoletusten ja perusteiden sekä sen laajuuden ja pätevyyden tutkimusta.
Jukka Aaltonen

philosophy of science: Definition from - 0 views

    Tieteen filosofian määritelmiä
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