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sheryl barnes

Elements of Engagement for Successful Learning - 0 views

    In this research we sought to understand student practices, beliefs, and behaviors that led to positive engagement on campus. More specifically, we studied student engagement as a function of the individual within the contexts of classroom and university environment using a basic interpretive approach. First year students from a medium-sized, public, Midwestern university participated in interviews on engagement, the classroom, university, and community contexts. Results suggest that both personality and a sense of self influence students' levels of engagement. Students who had identified life goals and who sought related activities and relationships made greater use of university resources and felt more engaged. We propose ways in which instructors and universities can make simple changes that may help enhance the experience of all students.
Melanie St.James

Internal Site Search Analysis: Simple, Effective, Life Altering! - 0 views

    Missing ingredient in web analytics: Understanding your site visitors' intent.
Hannah Reeves

Education News - Education Life - The New York Times - 0 views

    Thought this article on open access, open ed resources, etc might be of interest to some.
sheryl barnes

Teaching the Facebook Generation - BusinessWeek - 0 views

  • The challenge for faculty in all business functions—and all disciplines across higher education for that matter—is staying on top of these changes and knowing what to teach in the classroom. More than ever, we must be life-long learners to stay fresh and understand these tools. From professional networking in learning communities with colleagues across the country, to seminars and conferences and building relationships with local businesses that have expertise in these areas, we have many resources at our disposal. Professors need to lead students by example by knowing the mechanics of social media and showing our students how to use them strategically for the good of their employers.
sheryl barnes

The Google+ project: real life sharing, rethought for the web. - 0 views

    Anyone been invited to be a tester yet?
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