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Inmet's Bid for Petaquilla Copper - 0 views

    There is no consensus among the analysts on Inmet Mining Corp.'s (IEMMF.PK) C$345-million hostile bid to take out its junior partner Petaquilla Copper Ltd. (PTQLF.PK). On the positive side, Raymond James analyst Tom Meyer wrote that by moving its stake in the Petaquilla copper project from 48% to 74%, Inmet would gain "important strategic flexibility" and lower the risk profile on the project. If Petaquilla Copper was bought out, Inmet and Teck Cominco Ltd. (TCK) would be the sole remaining partners and the legal action between Petaquilla Copper and Teck would presumably end. In a note, Mr. Meyer wrote: With two shareholders in the project as opposed to three, we believe it is safe to say that rational decision-making may likely become less of a bottleneck and the project can move forward at a faster rate. He added that by going to a 74% interest, Inmet could be in a position to potentially buy Teck Cominco's stake as well. Analyst Greg Barnes from TD Newcrest presents the negative view. He wrote that the economics of the Petaquilla project are "marginal" and figures that it would need a long-term copper price above $2.25 a pound for it to work. He also noted a "lack of clarity" on how Inmet could optimize value from the project. He wrote: Until Inmet is able to verify improved project parameters, we feel that the company is overpaying for a project that has less than compelling economics. Over at UBS Securities, analyst Onno Rutten's opinion is a little more mixed. He thinks that Inmet's C$2.00-a-share offer for Petaquilla Copper is "a steep premium," but would accelerate the project's development if it is successful. That could unlock value for Inmet. However, Mr. Rutten shares Mr. Barnes' concerns about the risks of the project; he pointed out that Inmet, a C$3-billion company, is trying to build a project that costs close to C$4-billion. He also said that Petaquilla needs strong copper prices to be economic. But he wrote that the financi
Colin Bennett

Questions follow announcement of green superhighway - 0 views

    Wisconsin regulatory officials, utility companies and environmentalists agree that more line capacity is needed to transport electricity generated by the growing number of wind farms. But they're not sure ITC's plan for giant-sized lines is the answer. Michael Vickerman, executive director of the Madison environmental group, Renew Wisconsin, said he has "reservations" about the need for 765-kilovolt lines. Smaller transmission upgrades can accommodate new wind generation, he said. Wisconsin Public Service Commission Chairman Eric Callisto also has questions. "I don't want to close any doors to what they have proposed but I have lots of grave concerns about the cost," he said. ITC is proposing "very large lines" that would require "very large right-of-ways," Callisto said. A right-of-way is the legal permission to use a property owner's land or the area above it.
Glycon Garcia

Mexico clears way for private sector investment in renewables | reegle Blog - 0 views

    Until November it was virtually impossible for a private developer of renewable energy power plants to become an independent power producer (IPP) in Mexico. Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution precluded private investment stating that electricity generation for public use is an activity to be undertaken exclusively by the Government. Mexico's enactment of a new law for the use of Renewable Energy and the Financing of the Energy Transition ( Ley para el Aprovechamiento de Energías Renovables y el Financiamiento de la Transición Energética ) substantially improves the legal framework for private investment in renewable energy projects. The law regulates renewable energy electricity generation for purposes other than providing public electricity services. The law states that the use of renewable energy for electricity generation is possible for private use and any excess energy can be sold, but only based on regulations and approvals by Mexico's energy regulatory body, CRE .
Colin Bennett

Indian companies face year of slow recovery - 0 views

  • But signs of a broader recovery are harder to spot in sectors such as automotive, where carmakers are cutting back output in the face of dismal sales figures, the latest of which this week saw the market contract by about a quarter during February compared with the year before. Such reductions are, in turn, having a knock-on effect in sectors including steel, with large producers such as Tata Steel and Steel Authority of India, the nation’s two largest by sales, unveiling unexpectedly disappointing results during the past quarter. Tuesday’s data also showed further declines for companies in the country’s battered extractive industries, where recent production bans in big mining states have forced operations at companies such as the iron ore arm of London-listed Vedanta Resources to all but stop completely, pending legal reviews.
Matthew Wonnacott

BlackRock Gains SEC Approval for Copper-Backed Fund - 0 views

    US-based asset manager Blackrock Inc has gained approval from the SEC for its proposed physically-backed copper ETF. A decision on the controversial ETF, which copper consumers argue will disrupt supply in the copper market and bid up prices, was originally due in December. Although the planned ETF has received approval from the SEC, it is likely that it will face legal challenges similar to those faced by JP Morgan. In an effort to overturn a decision by the US SEC to approve JP Morgan's plan for a physically-backed copper ETF, US-based wire and cable makers Southwire and Encore Wire have taken their case to the Federal Appeals Court.
Colin Bennett

Brazil ramps up smart grid efforts - 0 views

  • The first group receiving new meters is comprised of 2,100 families and small businesses that are making use of illegal connections to source energy, mainly in in low income communities. Since 2004, the company has led the regularization of more than 500,000 connections at a cost of $380 million reais ($170 million) to bring access to legal and safe energy in 288 communities in the Greater São Paulo area. Under the name of “Transforming Consumers into Clients”, the program enables families to have a proof of residence through their electricity bills, as well as provides education on energy efficiency and electricity-related accident prevention.
Colin Bennett

Illegal not to act: Could courts save world from climate change? - 1 views

    "The Netherlands was aiming to cut its greenhouse emissions by 17 per cent by 2020, but the court has ordered that they must be cut by 25 per cent in the same time frame."
Colin Bennett

Ten EU nations sign up to develop North Sea electricity grid - 0 views

  • In a memorandum of understanding, ministers from Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden as well as the UK, agreed to explore the regulatory, legal, planning and technical issues that need to be addressed to create the grid.
Sergio Ferreira

Study reveals potential of recycling for CO2 reduction | EU - European Information on C... - 0 views

  • establishing EU-wide legally binding recycling targets for municipal solid waste could save up to 144 million tonnes of CO2 per year
James Wright

E.U. - The European Commission charges 12 cable-making companies with collusion - 0 views

    It was reported that the European Commission charged twelve companies with collusion for specific practices that they underwent in the submarine, underground power cable and related products sector. Nexans, Prysmian, ABB and NKT all confirmed that they had received a charge sheet from the European competition authorities and will respond following a thorough analysis of the E.U.'s Statement of Objections. The maximum fine applicable is 10% of global revenues. The charges relate to raids which took place over two years ago, however, the legal process was delayed due to the recent disaster in Japan.
Colin Bennett

ACCC takes action against electrical cable suppliers for alleged cartel - 0 views

    "Proceedings have been filed against: * Australia's two largest manufacturers of electrical cable, Olex Australia Pty Ltd (Olex) and Prysmian Power Cables & Systems Australia Pty Ltd (Prysmian), * the electrical wholesaling businesses L&H (which is operated by Lawrence & Hanson Group Pty Ltd) and Rexel (which is operated by Rexel Electrical Supplies Pty Ltd and Australian Regional Wholesalers Pty Ltd), * six senior executives from these manufacturing and wholesaling companies, and * an industry association, Electrical Wholesalers Association of Australia Limited (EWAA)."
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