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Report: All performance metrics up for U.S. hotels in fourth quarter - 0 views

    U.S. EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS set new records for demand, ADR, RevPAR and room revenues in the fourth quarter of 2022, according to a report from hotel investment advisors The Highland Group. Also, the report showed rate resistance is apparent at lower price points due to recession and the economy extended-stay segment reported nine consecutive months of declining demand and three successive quarterly falls in occupancy. According to the Highland Group's "U.S. Extended-Stay Hotels: Fourth Quarter 2022" report, mid-price extended-stay hotels reported their second consecutive quarterly decline in occupancy in fourth quarter. Similar occupancy declines occurred for about two years starting in mid-2015 before ADR growth moderated and occupancy recovered. Extended-stay hotel supply growth was the lowest since 2013 during the quarter, below its long-term historical average for 20 consecutive quarters. The last time extended-stay supply growth was consistently near its current level was from 2010 fourth quarter through third quarter of 2014. "Extended-stay hotel RevPAR was more than 12 percent higher than in fourth quarter of 2019. There were 567,770 extended-stay hotel rooms open at the end of the quarter. Excluding 2020, the 6,481 net gain in rooms open over the last year was the lowest annual increase since 2012. Room nights available increased 1.2 percent over the last year which was the smallest annual gain in supply for nine years," the report said. "Fractional net economy and upscale segment supply gains compared to 2021 are largely due to re-branding moving rooms between segments in our database, de-flagging of hotels which no longer meet brand standards, as well as the sales of some hotels to multi-family apartment companies and municipalities."

Report:U.S. extended-stay segments see muted growth in July - 0 views

    EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS experienced limited growth in July, reflecting the summer travel season's tendency to favor the overall hotel industry more than extended-stay establishments, according to The Highland Group. Total hotels reported a smaller decrease in occupancy and a slightly higher increase in ADR compared to all extended-stay hotels in July 2022. According to Highland, Extended-stay hotels performed similarly to the preceding three months in July. The economy segment reported a decrease in RevPAR, while upscale extended-stay hotels saw the strongest RevPAR increase. However, ADR growth across extended-stay segments has noticeably narrowed over the last three months. For the second consecutive month, the economy segment achieved faster ADR gains compared to mid-price extended-stay hotels. "Extended-stay hotels' 9.2 percentage-point occupancy premium above the overall hotel industry is slightly below the long-term annual average range but typical for the summer travel season," said Mark Skinner, partner at The Highland Group.

U.S. extended-stay hotels drops for the second consecutive month in May - 0 views

    ALL RECOVERY INDICES of U.S. extended-stay hotels were lower compared to 2019 in May than in April, according to hotel investment advisors The Highland Group. The demand for economy extended-stay hotels declined 1.3 percent for the second consecutive month in May compared to same period last year mainly due to sharp increase in ADR in last few months, the report said. The U.S. Extended-Stay Hotels Bulletin: May 2022 by The Highland Group said that the extended-stay room supply growth was just 1.9 percent during the month. It is the second successive month that the growth was below 2 percent since 2013, and the eighth consecutive month of 4 percent or lower supply growth. The report added that the supply increase will be well below pre-pandemic levels during the near term. According to STR, all hotel room revenue was up 43 percent in May 2022 compared to last year. "In May, mid-price and upscale extended-stay segments reported their lowest monthly change in demand in 2022. Except for February 2021, due to the leap year in 2020, economy extended-stay hotels reported only the second monthly fall in demand in 23 consecutive months," the report said. "Overall hotel occupancy gained more than extended-stay hotels in May compared to one year ago, decreasing extended-stay hotel's occupancy premium to 12 percentage points, and remains within its long-term average range."

Report: U.S. extended-stay hotel performance up in first quarter - 0 views

    REVPAR FOR U.S extended-stay economy, mid-scale and upscale segments is recovering back to pre-pandemic levels, according to a report from consulting firm The Highland Group. Total extended-stay hotel occupancy is very close to the first quarter levels reported in 2016 and 2017 but below its peak years since 2015. "Overall, first quarter extended-stay hotel ADR was the highest ever reported in 2023 and all three segments have more than fully recovered their 2019 nominal ADR values," the report said. In its "2023 First Quarter U.S. Extended-Stay Hotels Report," Highland said the economy and mid-price extended-stay hotels made considerable gains in RevPAR relative to corresponding classes of all hotels between 2019 and 2023. Due to high concentration of rooms in urban markets, upscale extended-stay hotels have seen RevPAR decline slightly relative to all upscale class hotels. However, the gap is expected to narrow as urban markets make a full recovery, the report noted. "Rising interest rates and construction costs, as well as tightening loan underwriting, means extended-stay supply growth should be relatively low nationally for two to three years. Assuming the overall hotel industry does not endure a correction, extended-stay hotels should set more new performance records during the near term at least," says Mark Skinner, partner at The Highland Group.


    MOST ECONOMY AND MID-PRICE extended-stay hotels' performance in September was down compared to August, according to a report from hotel investment advisors The Highland Group. However, the bottom-up recovery and room supply distribution geographically are hindering the upscale segment's recovery. Relative to other classes of hotels, mid-price extended-stay hotels recorded the largest gain in September, the U.S. Extended-Stay Hotels Bulletin: September 2021 report said. Occupancy, ADR and RevPAR indices for upscale extended-stay hotels were about the same in September as in August but the decline in absolute ADR resulted in the segment's revenue recovery falling below 95 percent. Economy and mid-price segments both reported about a three-point gain in ADR recovery index in September compared to the month before. The upscale segment's ADR remained unchanged, the report said. "The mid-price extended-stay segment's gains in both ADR and occupancy pushed it slightly ahead of the upscale segment in terms of RevPAR growth. Because the overall hotel industry lost far more RevPAR than extended-stay hotels, its RevPAR growth in September 2021 compared to last year was 85 percent more than extended-stay hotels," the report added.

Report: U.S. extended-stay hotels see high demand in Jan - 0 views

    U.S. EXTENDED-STAY hotels posted record high demand in January and monthly RevPAR was up by more than one third mainly due to record ADR growth during the period over 2021, according to hotel investment advisors The Highland Group. Occupancy extended-stay hotels also remained high in the month when compared to the overall hotel industry's long-term average. The supply growth of 3.5 percent in January further indicated that mid-price and upscale supply increases should be well below pre-pandemic levels during the near term, according to "U.S. Extended-Stay Hotels Bulletin: January 2022" report by Highland Group. It is the fourth consecutive month of 4 percent or lower supply growth. The report said that the overall hotel industry lost far more revenue than extended-stay hotels in 2020 and 2021, so it is now recovering revenue more quickly. Besides, overall hotel industry lost far more RevPAR than extended-stay hotels in 2020, its RevPAR growth in January this year compared to last year was considerably greater.

U.S. Extended-Stay Hotels Hit Record Demand & Revenue Despite Q3 Occupancy Dip - 2024 R... - 0 views

    U.S. EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS posted record-high demand, ADR and RevPAR despite reporting a third consecutive occupancy decline during the third quarter of 2024, according to The Highland Group. Occupancy declines have been minimal and average occupancy remains more than 11 percentage points above the overall hotel industry year-to-date through the third quarter. The overall hotel industry saw a slightly smaller occupancy decline year-to-date through the third quarter than extended-stay hotels, according to STR/CoStar. The broader industry also posted stronger ADR growth, yielding a full percentage RevPAR gain, surpassing the 0.4 percent increase for extended-stay hotels. The 2024 Third Quarter US Extended-Stay Hotels Report found that the upper-upscale and luxury segments are helping lift overall hotel industry performance. With minimal extended-stay rooms in these categories, STR/CoStar data shows a 0.3 percent year-to-date RevPAR gain when they are excluded-closely aligning with extended-stay hotel performance.

Highland Group: U.S. Extended-Stay Hotels Down In October - 0 views

    MOST RECOVERY INDICES of U.S. extended-stay hotels declined slightly in October compared to the month before, according to hotel investment advisors Highland Group. Economy extended-stay hotels continue to lead the RevPAR recovery during the month with a 20 percent gain over the same period two years ago. The mid-price segment has more than recovered RevPAR every month since July and upscale extended-stay hotels continue to lag mainly due to the relatively high concentration of rooms in urban locations, according to "U.S. Extended-stay Hotels Bulletin: October 2021" report from to The Highland Group. According to the report, the 4 percent increase in extended-stay room supply in October was the lowest monthly gain in 2021. Mid-price and upscale supply growth should be well below pre-pandemic levels in the near future as the impact to supply growth from reopening hotels closed during the pandemic is almost over, the report added. The recent Highland Group report said that U.S. extended-stay hotels saw all-time highs in third quarter.

Highland Group: November Recovery Indices Pass 100 Percent - 0 views

    THE COLLECTIVE RECOVERY indices of U.S. extended-stay hotels exceeded 100 percent in November for the first time in 2021, according to hotel investment advisors Highland Group. The strongest gains were reported by mid-price and upscale extended-stay hotels. Economy extended-stay hotels continue to lead the RevPAR recovery during the month with a 22 percent gain compared to two years ago, according to "U.S. Extended-stay Hotels Bulletin: November 2021" report from the Highland Group. According to the report, the 4 percent increase in extended-stay room supply in November tied with October as the lowest monthly gain in 2021. "The impact to supply growth from reopening hotels closed during the pandemic is effectively over. Early indications are that mid-price and upscale supply growth should be well below pre-pandemic levels during the near term," the report said. "The overall hotel industry lost far more revenue than extended-stay hotels in 2020, so it is now recovering revenue more quickly." STR reported that all hotel room revenue was up 110 percent in November compared to a year ago.

Report: U.S. extended-stay hotels continue good performance in April - 0 views

    U.S. EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS continued their good performance in all measures of performance in April compared to 2019 and higher than in March, according to hotel investment advisors The Highland Group. Due to seasonal increases in leisure travel, the upscale extended-stay hotels benefited the most from the greatest lift in recovery indices except ADR. Meanwhile, mid-price extended-stay hotels achieved the strongest monthly gains in ADR and room revenues compared to April 2021, the U.S. Extended-Stay Hotels Bulletin: April 2022 report said. Economy extended-stay hotels continued the lead the recovery compared to 2019, but, demand declined 1.4 percent in April this year compared to April 2021, mainly due to strong increases in ADR over several months. "The 1.8 percent increase in extended-stay room supply in April is the first month supply growth reported below 2 percent since 2013 and the seventh consecutive month of 4 percent or lower supply growth. It is likely that the supply increases should be well below pre-pandemic levels during the near term," the report said.

Report: Total extended-stay hotels achieved fourth quarter milestones in 2023 - 0 views

    TOTAL EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS achieved new fourth-quarter milestones in 2023, setting records in supply, demand, ADR, RevPAR, and room revenues, according to The Highland Group. Despite this, occupancy declined alongside the broader hotel industry trend, with slower growth in ADR and RevPAR throughout the year. Consequently, extended-stay hotel RevPAR experienced its smallest fourth quarter increase since 2019, excluding contractionary periods. Extended-stay hotel supply growth increased marginally in 2023 but remained very low, the report said. The last time supply growth consistently hovered around its current level was from the fourth quarter of 2010 through the third quarter of 2014. Throughout this period, supply increases stayed below their long-term historical average for 20 consecutive quarters, while the federal funds rate was about 10 times higher than its current level. With interest rates and construction costs expected to stay relatively high, the risk of extended stay hotel oversupply nationally is low in the near term, despite the launch of several new brands, The Highland Group said.

Report: Varied trends affect extended-stay hotels in December - 0 views

    EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS DISPLAYED varied performance in December compared to the overall hotel industry, with supply, demand, and room revenues showing relative gains, according to The Highland Group. Occupancy experienced a milder decline than the broader hotel sector while low ADR growth and an unexpected decline in economy extended-stay RevPAR resulted in a total extended-stay hotel RevPAR decrease versus a slight RevPAR increase in the overall hotel industry. The 2.4 percent net increase in extended-stay room supply in December represents a modest rise compared to the average over the past 18 months and a slight gain over the most recent three months, the report said. Supply shifts overview December marked nine consecutive quarters with 4 percent or less supply growth, significantly below the long-term average, according to The Highland report. The 13 percent surge in economy extended-stay supply and the reduction in mid-price segment rooms are primarily attributed to conversions, with new construction in the economy segment accounting for approximately 3 percent of rooms compared to a year ago.

Report: New records set for extended-stay hotels in the third quarter - 0 views

    U.S. EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS set new performance records for demand, ADR and RevPAR in the third quarter of 2022, according to a report from The Highland Group. However, rate resistance is growing at lower price points as recession fears loom. The "U.S. Extended-stay Hotels: Third quarter 2022" report by the Highland Group said that the economy extended-stay segment reported six consecutive months of demand drop and two successive quarterly falls in occupancy in the quarter ending September. "Mid-price extended-stay hotels reported first quarterly decline in occupancy since fourth quarter of 2020. Excluding the last 15 months, extended-stay hotel ADR is still increasing at the fastest rate for 20 years but, like the overall hotel industry, ADR growth continues to decelerate," the report said. "The slowdown in ADR growth is greatest at higher price points although mid-price and upscale extended-stay ADR is still increasing faster than the economy segment."

U.S. Extended-Stay Hotels Lead in Growth | December 2024 Report - 0 views

    U.S. EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS closed the year strong in December, particularly at lower price points, outpacing the overall industry in supply, demand, occupancy and revenue growth, according to The Highland Group. However, slower ADR gains led to a smaller RevPAR increase than in the broader industry. The Highland Group's U.S. Extended-Stay Hotels Bulletin: December 2024 reported economy extended-stay hotels saw their third consecutive monthly RevPAR increase, with December's 5.5 percent growth, the highest since June 2022. "December was another very good month for extended-stay hotels with positive change in RevPAR in eight of the last nine months despite accelerating supply growth," said Mark Skinner, The Highland Group's partner.

Report: Extended-stay hotels lead January growth - Asian Hospitality - 0 views

    U.S. EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS started 2025 with strong January growth, particularly at lower price points, according to The Highland Group. Supply and demand grew much faster than the overall industry, but other performance metrics lagged. The U.S. Extended-Stay Hotels Bulletin: January 2025 reported stronger ADR and the most RevPAR gains for extended-stay hotels compared to corresponding classes. "January was another very good month for extended-stay hotels with positive change in RevPAR in nine of the last ten months and the economy segment continuing to lead RevPAR growth," said Mark Skinner, The Highland Group's partner.

October Extended-Stay Hotel Boom: Surpassing Industry Metrics - 0 views

    EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS OUTPEFORMED the broader hotel industry across all performance metrics in October, marking a notably strong month for the sector, according to The Highland Group. Extended-stay supply outpaced demand, leading to a decrease in occupancy. However, the decline was less pronounced than the overall hotel industry, where STR/CoStar reported a drop in demand compared to the previous year. Furthermore, the metrics of extended-stay hotels, including ADR, RevPAR, and revenues, demonstrated stronger growth compared to their counterparts in the broader hotel industry, The Highland Group said. The 2.2 percent net rise in extended-stay room supply in October, consistent with September, represents a modest increase compared to the average over the past 16 months. However, October marked the 25th consecutive month of 4 percent or less supply growth, significantly below the long-term average. The 12 percent surge in economy extended-stay supply, coupled with a reduction in mid-price segment rooms, primarily results from conversions, as new construction in the economy segment is estimated at around 2 percent of rooms compared to a year ago, the report added.
asianhospitality - 0 views

    U.S. EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS ended 2024 strong after a slow start, with supply, demand and room revenue growth outpacing the overall industry, according to The Highland Group. However, ADR and RevPAR growth lagged yet stayed positive, with stronger gains in the latter half. The Highland Group's report on the U.S. Extended-Stay Hotel Market 2025 found that although below the long-term average, extended-stay supply growth in 2024 was the highest since 2021 and is set to accelerate over the next one to three years. "Fundamental differences, such as far higher interest rates and real construction costs, exist between the current and most recent extended-stay hotel growth cycles, but a substantial increase in room revenues remains likely over the next one to three years," said Mark Skinner, The Highland Group's partner.

Report: Extended-stay room revenue up 3.4 percent in H1 - 0 views

    EXTENDED-STAY ROOM revenue rose 3.4 percent in the first half of 2024 and 5.1 percent in the second quarter, while occupancy decreased 0.2 percent in the first half but increased 1 percent during the second quarter, according to The Highland Group. The second quarter also saw the highest quarterly RevPAR increase in a year, an 11-point occupancy premium over all hotels and the most rooms under construction in four years. The 2024 mid-year U.S. extended-stay Lodging Market report found that all three extended-stay hotel segments reported record-high room revenues in the first half and for the second quarter. Revenue growth in extended-stay hotels is accelerating in 2024, with the second quarter's increase more than three times that of the first quarter, the report said. The 5.1 percent revenue increase in the second quarter significantly outpaces the 3 percent gain reported for the overall hotel industry by STR/CoStar. "Despite headline grabbing large increases in extended-stay rooms under construction, the annualized increase in room nights available over the next year should be well below the long-term average and the near-term risk of over supply nationally is very low," said Mark Skinner, The Highland Group's partner.

Report: Record demand for extended-stay in 1st quarter - 0 views

    U.S. EXTENDED-STAY hotels registered an increase in occupancy and ADR in the first quarter of this year, according to hotel investment advisors The Highland Group. Record high demand, low supply growth and rising overall ADR are driving the strong performance. Economy and mid-price extended-stay hotels recovered RevPAR to their nominal 2019 values and the former is leading the recovery, the U.S. Extended-stay Hotels: First Quarter 2022 report said. However, the upscale extended-stay segment is lagging the overall recovery but reporting slightly better recovery performance as demand is at an all-time high, the report added. "There were 564,257 extended-stay hotel rooms open at the end of the first quarter. However, the 17,165 net gain in rooms open over the last year was the lowest annual increase since 2014, excluding 2020. Room nights available increased 3.1 percent over 2021, but supply growth dropped 50 percent from 2016 across all three segments," the report said.

Hotel companies take an interest in extended-stay - 0 views

    EXTENDED-STAY HOTELS continue to outperform other types of hotels on a regular basis, even during the pandemic. Now, large hotel companies are expanding their interests in the segment. Choice Hotels International is seeing strong performance and growth in its extended-stay brands, and Wyndham Hotels & Resorts recently announced plans to launch a new extended-stay brand this year, its first in the economy segment. Coming off a good year Occupancy, ADR and RevPAR all exceeded pre-pandemic levels for Choice's established extended-stay brands, the economy brands WoodSpring Suites and Suburban Extended Stay as well as midscale brand MainStay Suites, according to the company. The company's new midscale Everhome Suites, launched in early 2020, also saw strong interest by franchisees. The overall performance is similar to what the brands saw in 2020.
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