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Ed Parker

Jenkins: T is for Transmedia… - 2 views

    Today, the Annenberg Innovation Lab at USC and the Joan Ganz Cooney Center announced the release of "T is for Transmedia: Learning Through Transmedia Play." The report is written by Becky Herr-Stephenson and Meryl Alper, under the supervision of Erin Reilly. This paper provides a much-needed guidebook to transmedia in the lives of children age 5-11 and its applications to storytelling, play, and learning. Building off of a review of the existing popular and scholarly literature about transmedia and children, this report identifies key links between transmedia and learning, highlights key characteristics of transmedia play, and presents core principles for and extended case studies of meaningful transmedia play experiences.
Eric Schiff

PLE / Personal Learning Environment: What's yours like? | eLearning Blog // Don't Waste... - 0 views

    What does yours look like? Post a diagram when you get a chance ;)
Ed Parker

Colleges Dream of Paperless, iPad-centric Education | Gadget Lab | - 0 views

  • Three universities are getting pumped to hand out free iPads to students and faculty with hopes that Apple’s tablet will revolutionize education.
  • “Those big, heavy textbooks that kids go around with in their backpacks are going to be a thing of the past,” said Mary Ann Gawelek, vice president of academic affairs at Seton Hill
  • For textbooks, students can currently access about 10,000 e-textbooks through a third-party company called CourseSmart, which includes titles from the five biggest textbook publishers.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • The iPad may succeed where Amazon’s Kindle DX failed.
  • Much of my learning comes from a physical interaction with the text: bookmarks, highlights, page-tearing, sticky notes and other marks representing the importance of certain passages — not to mention margin notes, where most of my paper ideas come from and interaction with the material occurs,” Aaron Horvath
  • the iPad is fast, sports a colorful touchscreen and supports enough apps to cater to a broad audience of students
  • Seton Hill, George Fox and Abilene Christian said that in addition to giving students iPads, they would train teachers to integrate mobile web software and iPad apps into their curricula.
  • George Fox’s iPod Touch program wasn’t the greatest success, because it turned out that the iPod Touch wasn’t the primary device students were bringing to the classroom.
  • the iPad’s bigger screen will change that.
  • Bill Rankin, a professor of medieval studies at Abilene Christian, called the iPhone program the “TiVoing of education,” because the iPhone was giving students the information they need, when they want it and wherever they want it.
  • “This is really about people re-imagining what books look like — re-imagining something that hasn’t really been re-imagined in about 550 years,” Rankin said.
  • “We’re challenging them to design features that would take full advantage of photos and texts and HTML5. There’s an academic component to that — forcing students to think differently about how information is distributed and presented to readers.”
Ed Parker

Gamification: Turning Work Into Play | h+ Magazine - 0 views

  • Professor Byron Reeves, who champions the adaptation of gaming technologies for the workplace.
  • David Helgason of Unity, a company that produces game development tools for the Web, mobile phones, and the Wii announced “The Year of Gamification” on the Unity blog
  • gamification is the application of game technology and game design outside “gamespace” and the acceptance of games in non-gaming sectors.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Quartier Saint-Blaise, a model of Paris that allows people to navigate through proposed urban planning projects
  • The use of game design techniques is an important part of what you call ‘gamification.’
  • pure interaction
  • They did some very large experiments teaching kids with Sim City and The Sims — just playing the games. But these games are extremely rich in knowledge and structural understanding. You can communicate an understanding of a society and how a society works.
  • In education, you have these terms. One is what you can remember in a multiple choice test right after you learn, and then how much you remember a week after, a month later, and the third is how well you can apply this knowledge in a completely different area. It turned out that retention was pretty good, but the application of this knowledge was very stron
    "Gamification is the application of game technology and game design outside "gamespace" and the acceptance of games in non-gaming sectors"
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