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Home/ Torture in Egypt/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Mostafa Hussein

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Mostafa Hussein

Mostafa Hussein

Call for entries: Short film competition to mark the Day in Support of Torture Victims - 0 views

  • Each year, IRCT centres and programmes commemorate the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture through events that highlight the importance of preventing torture and providing rehabilitation to torture survivors. Previously, the IRCT had two 30-second television spots produced: “You can do something to stop torture” and “Let’s erase torture”. We are looking to expand our portfolio of TV spots by sponsoring a short-film competition. Anyone with an interest in helping to promote the vision of the IRCT is welcome to enter.
    Even though this is not directly related to Egypt. It will be great to see Egyptian filmmakers participating or even winning.
    Each year, IRCT centres and programmes commemorate the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture through events that highlight the importance of preventing torture and providing rehabilitation to torture survivors. Previously, the IRCT had two 30-second television spots produced: "You can do something to stop torture" and "Let's erase torture". We are looking to expand our portfolio of TV spots by sponsoring a short-film competition. Anyone with an interest in helping to promote the vision of the IRCT is welcome to enter.
Mostafa Hussein

نقيب الأطباء يدين الاعتداء على مديرة النديم - 0 views

    مسح ضوئي للبديل
Mostafa Hussein

المصرى اليوم - ما بين ٦ أبريل وماجدة عدلي - 0 views

    ضرورة وضع هذه الواقعة في سياق تكميم الأفواه عند الحديث في قضايا التعذيب والفساد
Mostafa Hussein

عفاف حسنين - 0 views

    تعرضت لتعذيب وحشي لإجبارها علي الإرشاد عن مكان الابن.
Mostafa Hussein

جمعية المساعدة القانونية لحقوق الإنسان -Ahrla- التعذيب - 0 views

    scroll to the bottom to read a similar scenario in 2001
Mostafa Hussein

موسم الهبوط فى الدورة الدموية! - 0 views

    صرحت نيابة كفر الدوار بدفن جثة بيومى محمد السيد الذى توفى داخل حجز قسم الشرطة بهبوط حاد فى الدورة الدموية والقلب.... hmmmm very very interesting :)
Mostafa Hussein

حبس مجند الشرطة المتهم بالاعتداء علي مديرة «النديم» بمحكمة كفر الدوار - 0 views

    أمرت نيابة قسم كفر الدوار بحبس مجند الشرطة أحمد عنتر إبراهيم ١٥ يوماً
Mostafa Hussein

ضمانات وحقوق المتهم فى القانون المصري للأستاذ محمود قنديل المحامي | مركز هشام... - 0 views

    ضمانات وحقوق المتهم فى القانون المصري (read 126)
Mostafa Hussein

طلب إحاطة يطالب العادلي بالتحقيق في واقعة الاعتداء على طبيبة مركز النديم - 0 views

    حمدي حسن عضو مجلس الشعب -- مسح ضوئي للدستور
Mostafa Hussein

دعـم لتقنية المعلومات - 0 views

    مسح ضوئي لأخبار عن النديم
Mostafa Hussein

Egyptian security must be called to account, despite the release of Philip Rizk - 0 views

    I was repeatedly questioned about everything and I was terrified. Although I was not abused physically, I was blind-folded all the time. Officers kept saying to me: "Do you know what we can do to you?", and I was threatened with long term imprisonment. Th
Mostafa Hussein

An Ex-Detainee of the U.S. Describes a 6-Year Ordeal - - 0 views

    the Egyptians tortured him with electric shocks
Mostafa Hussein

Fate of Dr. Aribert Heim, the Most-Wanted Nazi War Criminal, Is Uncovered - - 0 views

    "There was information that Heim was in Egypt working as a police doctor between 1967 and the beginning of the '70s," said Joachim Schäck, head of the fugitive unit at the state police. "This lead proved to be false."
Mostafa Hussein

Derek Summerfield: Apartheid revisited - 0 views

    According to Summerfield, half the population in Gaza have "basically spent some time in [Israeli] detention, some of them for years." The proportion of the Gazan adult male population interrogated and tortured, he adds, is probably higher than any popula
Mostafa Hussein

Rights groups demand public prosecution clampdown on torture | DNE - 0 views

    HMLC seminar
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