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yc c

Try Pandoc - a universal document converter - 3 views

    Pandoc is a program for converting between various markup formats. Input formats include markdown, reStructuredText, HTML, and LaTeX; output formats include HTML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, S5, DocBook, groff man, reStructuredText, markdown, and RTF. Many extensions to standard markdown syntax are provided, including inline LaTeX math, tables, definition lists, superscripts and subscripts, smart quotes and dashes, and footnotes Pandoc is in the MacPorts, Debian, Ubuntu, Slackware, Arch, NetBSD, and FreeBSD ports repositories. Note that the version of pandoc in these repositories may not be the most recent. There is also a Windows installer.
yc c - is a simple notepad with many useful features - 16 views

  • - is a simple notepad with a large number of features.Make your note, save it and share it with friends. Very easy and fast, isn't it? Such simplicity very well combines with a great number of features. You can design your page completely to your own taste. Press options, create your css styles and select the desired marking type: Textile, Markdown, HTML5 or plain text. Created pages contain only what you have typed. There are no irrelevant elements. Only text and media content. And this is just a small part of what you can do!
yc c

Showdown - Markdown in Javascript - 2 views

    Online markdown converter
yc c

Untitled - Table Editor - 3 views

    table editor + converter for Latex, Markdown, JSON, HTML, BBcode, Wiki, Balsamiq, CSV, reStructuredText and more. With sort, search.. etc
yc c

Jottit - 2 views

    Jottit makes getting a website as easy as filling out a textbox
yc c

wmd - The Wysiwym Markdown Editor - 5 views

    online advanced demo converts to HTML
    WMD is a free, lightweight HTML editor for blog comments, forum posts, and simple content management. You can add WMD to any textarea with one line of code. Add live preview with one line more. There's nothing to install on the server, and WMD works in nearly all modern browsers. WMD is free for non-commercial use.
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