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yc c

SITMO - Financial Engineering - 2 views

    » LaTeX Equation Editor : The interactive LaTex equation editor let's you write and download equations in seconds! You can now integrate the sitmo equation editor with iGoogle or your own site. » Online Option Calculators : The largest collection of online exotic option calculators.» Equations :  The Quant Equation Archive is an continously growing collection of the most important equations used in financial engineering.
yc c

Formula Sheet - 4 views

    Search Wikipedia and FormulaSheet for formulas. Instantly get the image or copy the formula to LaTeX or MS Word 2007+ as MathML. Upload your LaTeX file with a single click. We will find and extract all of your formulas.Create formulas from scratch using our intuitive equation editor. Add a title and description to your formula; give it tags so that you can find it again later.
yc c

Try Pandoc - a universal document converter - 3 views

    Pandoc is a program for converting between various markup formats. Input formats include markdown, reStructuredText, HTML, and LaTeX; output formats include HTML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, S5, DocBook, groff man, reStructuredText, markdown, and RTF. Many extensions to standard markdown syntax are provided, including inline LaTeX math, tables, definition lists, superscripts and subscripts, smart quotes and dashes, and footnotes Pandoc is in the MacPorts, Debian, Ubuntu, Slackware, Arch, NetBSD, and FreeBSD ports repositories. Note that the version of pandoc in these repositories may not be the most recent. There is also a Windows installer.
yc c

MonkeyTeX: Online LaTeX Editor - 5 views

    Create beautiful PDFs. Upload existing LaTeX documents, or fashion new ones Collaborate with teams. Work together with your group and see changes as they're made Publish your work. Make your document public to show it to the world
yc c

Demo | html2texy! (v0.2) - konverze HTML na Texy! - 2 views

    Html to latex
yc c

WikyBox - demo - 0 views

    Wiky is a clientside Wiki markup to HTML converter written in javascript. As it is bidirectional, it can convert Wiki markup to HTML and later convert that generated HTML text back to Wiki markup. Optionally Wiky will create math formulas from a simple notation similar to LaTeX.
yc c

Untitled - Table Editor - 3 views

    table editor + converter for Latex, Markdown, JSON, HTML, BBcode, Wiki, Balsamiq, CSV, reStructuredText and more. With sort, search.. etc
yc c

phpMyAdmin - 2 views

    # Intuitive web interface # Support for most MySQL features: * browse and drop databases, tables, views, fields and indexes * create, copy, drop, rename and alter databases, tables, fields and indexes * maintenance server, databases and tables, with proposals on server configuration * execute, edit and bookmark any SQL-statement, even batch-queries * manage MySQL users and privileges * manage stored procedures and triggers # Import data from CSV and SQL # Export data to various formats: CSV, SQL, XML, PDF, ISO/IEC 26300 - OpenDocument Text and Spreadsheet, Word, Excel, LATEX and others # Administering multiple servers # Creating PDF graphics of your database layout # Creating complex queries using Query-by-example (QBE) # Searching globally in a database or a subset of it # Transforming stored data into any format using a set of predefined functions, like displaying BLOB-data as image or download-link # And much more...
yc c

txt2tags online - 4 views

    Txt2tags is a document generator. It reads a text file with minimal markup as **bold** and //italic// and converts it to the following formats: HTMLXHTMLSGMLLaTeXLoutMan pageWikipedia / MediaWiki (NEW)Google Code Wiki (NEW)DokuWiki (NEW)MoinMoinMagicPointPageMakerPlain text
web2write Idensen

Anki - powerful, intelligent flashcards - 16 views

    Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Anyone who needs to remember things in their daily life can benefit from Anki. Since it is content-agnostic and supports images, audio, videos and scientific markup (via LaTeX), the possibilities are endless.  offline client is more complete
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