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yc c

JSON Formatter (& Validator!) - 1 views

    The JSON Formatter was created to help with debugging. As data expressed as JSON is often written without line breaks to save space, it became extremely difficult to actually read it. This tool hopes to solve the problem by formatting the JSON into data that is easily readable by human beings.
yc c

JSonduit - 7 views

    JSonduit is a service that can turn practically anything on the web into a JSON feed that any website or mobile app can consume. A JSON conduit, if you will. Feeds are created from one or more source URLs and a custom transform, written in JavaScript, that can manipulate the data before the feed is served. JSonduit also provides a hosting service for web widgets so that any site can easily display JSonduit feeds. In fact, the recent/popular lists you see below are widgets served by the JSonduit service; all done in a couple of lines of JavaScript (go ahead, view the page source!).
yc c

shell tools online - 2 views

    XML-tools - format xml - parse xml (xsd) - parse xml (dtd) - eval xpath - XSLT-tools - run xslt - Base64-tools - base64 encode - base64 decode - Hash-tools - md5 - sha - sha-256 - sha-512 - htpasswd - regular expressions - evaluate - JSON-tools - format json - xml2json
yc c

Untitled - Table Editor - 3 views

    table editor + converter for Latex, Markdown, JSON, HTML, BBcode, Wiki, Balsamiq, CSV, reStructuredText and more. With sort, search.. etc
yc c

wedata - 0 views

    wedata is a system used to create a database with data that anyone can edit, like a Wiki. wedata has the following features. * Any user can create a database. * Data in wedata's database are collections of key-value pairs. * Any user can edit (create/update/delete) any data. * Only a database's creator is permitted to delete the database or edit the database's attributes. * wedata provides data in JSON/JSOP format. * wedata provides a Web API to edit (create/update/delete) a database and a database's item data.
yc c

FeedMingle - 4 views

    I mingle all your feeds into one to produce a combined RSS, Atom, JSON and a widget
yc c

JSON Editor - 3 views

yc c - Documentation search engine - 4 views

    gotAPI helps you find functions, classes, methods, properties, styles, tags, constants and more Search In ActionScript 2.0, ActionScript 3.0, Adobe Flex 2, Adobe Flex 3.3, Apache Ant, Apache Commons, Apache RegExp, Apache Struts 1.1, Berkley DB XML, Bluetooth and OBEX, C++, CakePHP 1.2, Castor, CDC, CLDC, ColdFusion MX-7, ColdFusion MX-8, CSS, CSS, DbUnit 2.4.5, Dinkumware C/C++, DITA 1.1, DocBook, Dojo Toolkit 1.3, Drupal, Eclipse Platform 2.1, Erlang, Flickr API, FP, Google GWT, Google GWT+Gears, Groovy, Haskell, Hibernate, HTML, HTML, HttpUnit, J2EE 5.0, Java 1.5, Java 1.6, JavaScript, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON LIB, JSTL, JUnit, Log4J, MIDP, Mobile Media, MochiKit, MooTools, MySQL 4.1, OpenGL 2.1, Oracle 10g, Oracle 9i, Orb API 2.0, OSGi Platform 4.1, PBP, Perl 5.10, PHP, PostgreSQL 8.3, Prototype.js, Python 2.6.1, RMagick 1.15, RogueWave, Ruby Std Libraries, Ruby/Rails, Scala 2.7.3, Schema (XSD), 1.8, Selenium 0.8.2, Sicstus Prolog, Simple DirectMedia Layer, Spring Framework 2.0, Symphony 1.2, Twitter API, Web Services, XML DOM, XPath 2.0, XSL 2.0, Yahoo! UI
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