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Janos Haits

Home | Internet Monitor Dashboard - 14 views

    "Internet Monitor lets you explore, create, customize, and share dashboards of data visualizations about multiple facets of the Internet."
Janos Haits

McAfee True Intelligence Feed (Beta) - 2 views

    "Disclaimer: The following tool is provided as-is. It provides a simple scan for CVE-2014-0160 (also known as Heartbleed) on a public server. This scan is not accurate for every possible server configuration."
Janos Haits - Spy Any Website - 5706 people online - 11 views

  • is a free online service where you can gather information about every website currently registered on the internet. Our software compiles data from various sources in real-time and presents you with a comprehensive report. Using our service its completely free, and there is no daily lookup limit.
Janos Haits

VirusTotal - 4 views

    VirusTotal is a free service that analyzes suspicious files and URLs and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware detected by the antivirus industry.
Janos Haits

Malware Hunter - 4 views

    "Malware Hunter is a specialized Shodan crawler that explores the Internet looking for command & control (C2s) servers for botnets. It does this by pretending to be an infected client that's reporting back to a C2. Since we don't know where the C2s are located the crawler effectively reports back to every IP on the Internet as if the target IP is a C2. If the crawler gets a positive response from the IP then we know that it's a C2."
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