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Janos Haits

Physicians Network | Social Network for Physicians, Doctors and Healthcare Professionals - 1 views

    Find fax, phone number, insurance info, clinical interests, and languages spoken for over 567,000 US physicians
yc c

FriendFeed - About Us - 2 views

    FriendFeed enables you to keep up-to-date on the web pages, photos, videos and music that your friends and family are sharing. It offers a unique way to discover and discuss information among friends. Sign up for FriendFeed, invite some friends, and get a customized feed made up of the content that your friends shared - from news articles to family photos to interesting links and videos. FriendFeed automatically imports shared stuff from sites across the web, so if your friend favorites a video on YouTube, you get a link and a thumbnail of the video in your feed. And if your friend likes a news story on Digg, you get a link in your feed. FriendFeed makes all the sites you already use a little more social.
    Most quality online stores. Know whether you are a trusted online retailer in the world. Whatever we can buy very good quality. and do not hesitate. Everything is very high quality. Including clothes, accessories, bags, cups. Highly recommended. This is one of the trusted online store in the world. View now
Lisa Johnson, Ph.D.

CITE Journal - 2 views

    Sometimes very K-12 in focus, the Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE) journal never fails to inspire with well written articles across a variety of topics interesting to educators generally.
    Stay Online on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the world wide web on the worldwide web on the world wide web online online roulette from Modern contemporary modern modern modern modern sydney, Fun and Free! Now you is able of doing Actual "" Stay Online on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the world wide web on the worldwide web on the world wide web online online roulette for Fun in Modern contemporary modern modern modern modern sydney on a product new web page, Using the newest on the worldwide web working technology, Fun Stay Gambling house allows you be a factor of a genuine action occurring on a genuine desk in a genuine betting house, all approved on Live! You can see other real gamers in the betting house betting on the same outcomes you do providing you greatest believe in in the outcomes as they are not designed 'just for you a, like other action being affected by items such as 'live studios' or pc designed actions. Its awesome to think when your really in the betting house that you might be on digicam, and individuals on the worldwide web might be watching! The long run is scary! Believe one day soon this will be the only way individuals would bet on the worldwide web because the worldwide web is complete of fraudsters, you have to be extremely cautious, and why would you perform Online Online on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the world wide web on the worldwide web on the world wide web online online roulette any other way except from a Actual Gambling house you can assess out, see, pay attention to and trust! Amazingly this web page is definitely 100 % 10
yc c

ProgrammableWeb: Web 2.0 Mashup Matrix - 0 views

    An experimental matrix of Web 2.0 mashups.
    Usage: Hover the cursor over any cell in the matrix. A small box gives details on mashups for that API combination. Top links in hover box bring you to that API's reference page. Links in body of hover box take you directly to the mashup. Not all combinations have mashups & only those with the 'º' indicator currently have entries. Cells at the intersection of same API (ex: Amazon+Amazon) list any other examples for that API.

    Note that there are two views into the matrix: the default view shows only those APIs for which mashups have been added to the database. The second view shows all APIs regardless of whether there's currently a mashup registered. It's big. Definitions: What is a mashup anyway? As always, it's good to check Wikipedia's definition, but essentially a "mashup" is a web-based application built through (creative) combination of data from multiple sources. Often, but by no means always, this data is retrieved by using a vendor's API such as those listed here. (An API? Also at Wikipedia.) Some recent press may also help explain: BusinessWeek's "Mix, Match and Mutate", The Economist's "Mashing the Web". Background: This is an experiment. It is intended to be both a reference point and also a visualization. What you see here today will change both in content and form shortly. I am quite interested in seeing the 'space' in which mashups exist. Clearly, some APIs such as Google Maps, appear to be more widely used than others. UI Issues: Cross-browser support is good but not complete. Sometimes it can b
yc c

dooid - who are you? - 0 views

    DooID is your Web 2.0 business card with e-mail signature. Get your own design, evaluate your networks (like Twitter, Facebook, etc.), interests & services and decide who may see what! Registration is free.
yc c - an online business card - 0 views

    • yc c
      They shouldn't try to intergrate the vcard in editing, it's unecessary.
    Something like put your business card at a place which then can be viewed, printed or saved as vcard by everybody interested to You. This is good for your personal branding or business...
yc c

Help people find answers to their questions | - 0 views

shared by yc c on 28 Aug 09 - Cached
    Twixperts uses the awesome power of Twitter to deliver your questions to experts and contributors. We tweet out your question in a targeted way to folks who have indicated that they're interested in answering these types of questions - we let you know when an answer is waiting for you
yc c

Fedtastic - 1 views

    Fedtastic is a dynamic portal to government information referenced in the catalog and other sources. the system was designed to allow users to search for specific questions that are actually related to the subjects they might be interested in.
yc c

PostRank - 0 views

    The PostRank data service can be used in many different ways. One example is filtering existing feeds to reduce the quantity of items a feed reader is presented. PostRank helps you engage with information that interests you. Read what matters and learn as much or as little as you want about topics, from every little bit to just the hottest news.
yc c - 0 views

    The complete online environment for everyone, built around your domain name. Bring all of your interests together: news, entertainment, social networking, shopping, messaging, photos, videos, and more... Build your own site to share with family, friends or the world. ZooLoo™ is unique to you and allows you to create, connect and control your experience across the Internet.
yc c

Memeo MadeupMemeories - 0 views

    Customize you video with a personal photo. is an interesting alternative when it comes to creating funny videos with your face. You can actually paste your face on any video and share it with your friends and relatives.
yc c

Lizzer :: Linking made simple :: Be a genius - 4 views

    Draft a message below, then search on the right for interesting things to link or insert.
yc c

Google Buzz - 2 views

    Share updates, photos, videos, and more. Start conversations about the things you find interesting
yc c

Top Blogs on Twitter - Huffington Post, TechCrunch, Engadget, and more - Twittorati - 0 views

    a site where the top 100 bloggers' tweets are featured and analyzed. The service allows users to view the links most tweeted as well as displays Technorati's original concept of showcasing the Internet's top trafficked blogs and content from its contributors. One interesting component of the site is the fact that users can view the pictures shared by today's Twitter and blogging elite.
yc c

feedscrub :: keep your feeds squeaky clean! - 2 views

shared by yc c on 10 Feb 10 - Cached
    Feedscrub filters your feeds based on your preferences. Subscribe to all your favorite feeds, then tell Feedscrub which posts you do and don't like. Feedscrub will learn your preferences and begin filtering out posts that don't interest you.
yc c

Unsafe Colormatch - 1 views

    Why is the colormatch wheel anything but round? The traditional colorwheel has red in the noon position and proceeds counter-clockwise in twelve hue steps. But in color scheming "some colors are more equal than others". The Unsafe Colormatch wheel attempts to reflect this by overlapping the interesting colors and by putting more contrasting colors on top of less contrasting. The big central block is the base color as specified by the user. First hue step relative to the basecolor is in the 11 o'clock position. Next step is at 10 and so on. The blocks for primary and secondary colors (60 degrees apart) are bigger than the tertiary color blocks. Colors best suited for combining into a color scheme overlap with the basecolor. White and black are included so you can see them together with your colors. This way of arranging the colors may help you judge a color scheme at a glance.
Andrei Damaschin

Web Design Tools - - 0 views

    Here can make buttons,background and more interesting for your site.
yc c - 3 views

    Instantly create a web discussion forum attached to any webpage, any document, any image, or nothing at all. Just prepend Create a forum on a web page like this Create a forum without a web page like this Easily create or join groups of users to share those forums. The groups are invitation only - friends, family, co-workers, people with common interests. Invitations are simply a link you can mail to users or place on a web site.
yc c

uLearn by Infomapper - online maps for schools - 2 views

    Teaching with maps (whether on the whiteboard or using a set of personal computers) makes learning much more visual, exciting and personally relevant. uLearn is the easiest way to access a range of Ordnance Survey mapping in the UK, plus stunning aerial imagery and historic maps, all in a safe educational environment. Much more than just Geography Use maps as an index, not only to study geographical locations but also alongside uLearn's enormous library of geo-referenced resources. Explore the historic, cultural and factual aspects of your chosen locations across the planet. Just select a topic, zoom in to a place of interest and the resources available will automatically light up. And uLearn's mapping tools are interactive - stitch maps together, add your own photos and videos or annotate them to highlight your teaching focus. uLearn's maps and resources can be manipulated to meet your classroom needs, whatever the curriculum area. Really simple tools for creating lessons Whether using the resources already in uLearn or uploading your own resources, uLearn allows you at the click of a button, to capture the maps and resources for your lesson, ready to use in the classroom. It's as simple as clicking the 'Save current view to playlist' button!
yc c

Worldwide map search, route finder and travel directions - powered by Multimap - 6 views

    Basic maps site: The 'Basic maps' site carries the appearance of the new 'interactive maps' site and also includes many new features previously only available on the 'interactive maps' site. The 'basic maps' site has static maps which are non-draggable and you will also be able to use it without having to enable JavaScript. Birds Eye: Birds Eye or 'oblique' imagery, gives a unique perspective by taking images at a 45-degree angle and from four different directions. The imagery is captured by low-flying aircraft and is constantly being expanded and updated. Find A Business: This service allows you to quickly find local businesses and services, get directions to them using our route planner and share what you find with friends and family. Improved travel directions: We now offer you walking directions as well as driving directions; the ability to route between points of interest, as well as between addresses; and directions for even more countries. We also give separate maps for the start and end points as well as for your full journey. Search the web: The 'Search the web' tab will take you away from the Multimap site and onto the 'Bing' homepage powered by Microsoft.
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