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Janos Haits

StreamIT - The innovative TV platform / La piattaforma TV innovativa - Documen... - 7 views

    The switch of TV rewwwolution NewDeal Production aims to promote a new perception of the media, exploiting the great improvement of the Internet technologies and the continuous development of the broadband penetration. Internet is overtaking the traditional television
Janos Haits

CVE security vulnerability database. Security vulnerabilities, exploits, references and... - 2 views

    "Looking for OVAL (Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language) definitions? allows you to view exact details of OVAL(Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language) definitions and see exactly what you should do to verify a vulnerability. It is fully integrated with cvedetails so you will be able to see OVAL definitions related to a product or a CVE entry. "
Janos Haits

Online Information Security Toolkit - 9 views

    "SecApps is an advanced offensive and defensive information security toolkit designed to enable companies, testers, the academia, security hobbyists and developers to discover, educate, exploit and mitigate security vulnerabilities in networks, systems, and applications."
Janos Haits

IT Security Database. OVAL patch, vulnerability, compliance definitions data source - 1 views

    "This site collects OVAL(Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language) definitions from several sources like Mitre, Red Hat, Suse, NVD, Apache etc and provides a unified, easy to use web interface to all IT security related items including patches, vulnerabilities and compliance checklists."
Janos Haits

Heartbleed Bug - 6 views

    "The Heartbleed bug allows anyone on the Internet to read the memory of the systems protected by the vulnerable versions of the OpenSSL software. This compromises the secret keys used to identify the service providers and to encrypt the traffic, the names and passwords of the users and the actual content. This allows attackers to eavesdrop on communications, steal data directly from the services and users and to impersonate services and users."
    Are concerned with an individual's need for love and affection. The majority of people want to feel that they belong to a group.
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