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yc c

SDA: Archive - 3 views

    • yc c
      Example for alcohol consumption  DB: Variables:   Row: Drink //Column: Year Race Sex Region God(r:1-3″Non-theist";4-5″Believe, But Doubts";6″Know God Exists") Relig Polviews Degree Wordsum
    SDA is a set of programs for the documentation and Web-based analysis of survey data. SDA is developed and maintained by the Computer-assisted Survey Methods Program (CSM) at the University of California, Berkeley.  The dataset links labeled "Quick Tables" use a simplified user interface for generating basic crosstabulations (from a pre-selected subset of the variables in the study). The other dataset links use the standard SDA interface.
Janos Haits

figshare - credit for all your research - 8 views

    "store, share, discover research - get more citations for all of the outputs of your academic research over 5000 citations of figshare content to date"
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