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abu yousuf

Personal Finance Banking | Travel Banking Guide - 0 views

    Personal Finance Banking refers to private finance Services that is provided by the banks. This Personal finance Service chiefly contains the various varieties of loans, mortgage services and master-card services provided by banks.
Janos Haits

Virtual Personal Assistant | Administrative Assistant | Virtual Assistant | Personal As... - 3 views

    Our Virtual Assistants cater to the needs of the people round the clock through personal assistants, travel agents and lifestyle management agents available via email, telephone and live chat. These Virtual Assistants are competent enough to handle tasks of any nature: business or personal that can be carried out over the internet, via email, telephone or chat.
Janos Haits

Your personal web - - 23 views

    backstitch is a personal web experience that aggregates content from your favorite websites and services into a consistent user interface. Unlike other 'data aggregators' backstitch translates information into descriptive formats such as articles, photos, and products. With this common format backstitch is able to provide a consistent experience (regardless of source) as well as allow for detailed personalization such location search, price limits, and social filtering.
yc c

Weedle - Connect with people who need your skills - 4 views

    Weedle is a service whereby anybody can create a page that showcases what he can do, (EG his actual set of skills), and then be contacted by people who might be looking for the exact personal skills that the person has. Think of it as a tool for personal marketing and you will be getting quite near the mark. 
Janos Haits

Personal Assistants for Everyone - Fancy Hands - 9 views

    Personal Assistants for Everyone Fancy Hands is a team of personal assistants ready to work for you right now. You should focus on what's important, let us focus on the rest.
Janos Haits

Home - Personal - 15 views

    Everything in life isn't  meant to be socialA private personal network you control
yc c

Personal search engines : Logo maker Search engine maker maker matrix_revolutions googl... - 0 views

shared by yc c on 22 Feb 10 - Cached
    You can make your own personal Search Engine with your name as logo. Once created copy the URL and put it in you blog or website. Your visitors and friends will now see your personal search engine.
yc c

Zeo Personal Sleep Coach - Home - 3 views

    Zeo's soft and lightweight headband uses patent-pending SoftWave™ sensor technology to accurately track individual sleep patterns. Throughout the night in real time, the headband sends personal sleep information wirelessly to the Zeo Bedside Display, which resembles a high-tech alarm clock. Zeo Personal Sleep Coach will help you understand and minimize the factors that negatively affect sleep, so you can take control of your nights. You can use the visual web-based tools to see trends and cause-and-effect patterns.
Janos Haits

Zite: Personalized Magazine for iPad and iPhone - 5 views

    a personalized magazine that gets smarter as you use it
Janos Haits

Finance41 - Free Personal Finance Software - 8 views

    Finance41 is the world's easiest personal finance tracking system, built for people who want a clear insight of their money flow.
Janos Haits

Genieo - Your Personal Homepage | Personalised Newspaper - 13 views

    Genieo brings you the news you want, from your favorite sources, right to your own personal homepage, so that all you have to do is Be There Get Genieo Now!
Janos Haits - 20 views

    Manage Your Personal Cloud. Connect your personal cloud & securely access all your documents, photos, music and videos from many services all under one virtual roof. Drag & Drop any content from one service to another. Search & discover everything in your cloud content across different services. Securely share any content of any size instantly with anyone. ZeroPC is available on Web, iOS & Android.
yc c

Google Music - Set your music free. - 19 views

    Music Beta enabled you to upload your personal music collection (up to 20,000 songs) for free to the cloud so you could stream it anywhere, any time. Today, the beta service evolves into a broader platform: Google Music. Google Music is about discovering, purchasing, sharing and enjoying digital music in new, innovative and personalized ways.
yc c

uLearn by Infomapper - online maps for schools - 2 views

    Teaching with maps (whether on the whiteboard or using a set of personal computers) makes learning much more visual, exciting and personally relevant. uLearn is the easiest way to access a range of Ordnance Survey mapping in the UK, plus stunning aerial imagery and historic maps, all in a safe educational environment. Much more than just Geography Use maps as an index, not only to study geographical locations but also alongside uLearn's enormous library of geo-referenced resources. Explore the historic, cultural and factual aspects of your chosen locations across the planet. Just select a topic, zoom in to a place of interest and the resources available will automatically light up. And uLearn's mapping tools are interactive - stitch maps together, add your own photos and videos or annotate them to highlight your teaching focus. uLearn's maps and resources can be manipulated to meet your classroom needs, whatever the curriculum area. Really simple tools for creating lessons Whether using the resources already in uLearn or uploading your own resources, uLearn allows you at the click of a button, to capture the maps and resources for your lesson, ready to use in the classroom. It's as simple as clicking the 'Save current view to playlist' button!
yc c

GoaQoo.CoM  -  Ask your friends anonymous questions! - 2 views

     We all have questions that are very hard to be asked directly and in many cases we are afraid that by asking a question we can get ourselves in a strange, uncomfortable or embarrassing situation and therefore we avoid asking them.In other cases we would like to surprise someone and if we could ask for a clue in an anonymous way, it would help us in preparing the perfect surprise. GoaQoo is a free and simple application that allows users to ask anonymous questions from their friends. The identity of the person asking the question is fully protected, only the short description or nickname that is provided at the "Sender" item is disclosed to the Recipient. The e-mail of the sender is kept fully confidential and it is used only for notification purposes. All the questions are confidential, only the sender and the recipients have access to it. They can be opened on a special, password protected webpage and the links and access codes are sent in private e-mails. No other person can open the questions and answers besides you and your friend. To help to build up a conversation, the recipient of a question has the possibility to ask a question in return from the Sender but this is also done without revealing the identity of the Sender!
Janos Haits

Beename | Your Online Business Card - 11 views

    Beename is your personal online business card. It is a new way of sharing your personal info among friends and business partners with easy to remember domain name address like This becomes customized certificate of your online identity.
Janos Haits

Alfred, Your Personal Robot - 12 views

    Alfred provides curated recommendations using Clever Sense's Serendipity Engine. In tune with the location, time, and user's intent, his suggestions are personalized for each situation.
Janos Haits

TizzR the Personalized Homepage which can be fully Customized with Favourite Websites, ... - 16 views

    TizzR Is The Personalized Web Space And Homepage Which Can Be Customized By Adding Your Favourite Websites , Search Engines , And Emails As Well As Choosing Your Favourite Colour Schemes And Social Networking Sites To Use From One Page In One Place.
yc c

MoodJam | Latest moods - 1 views

shared by yc c on 15 Nov 09 - Cached
    MoodJam is a visualization of your moods and other people's moods. Use MoodJam to: * Keep a record of your moods every hour, day, and weeks-as often as you want, for as long as you want. * Visualize your moods in beautiful color strips. * Learn about trends in your moods and colors you associate with specific moods. * Share your moods with friends, family, co-workers, and other people who matter to you. MoodJam is a free service provided by the MoodJam Research Group in the Human Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. We sometimes study how our members use MoodJam to learn how to improve personal and social awareness of moods. We promise to never give your personal information to anyone. See our privacy policy for more information.
Janos Haits

Welcome to FellowUp | Personal (executive) Assistant for managing interactions - 6 views

    ellowUp is an automated, personalized "Executive Assistant" powered by an insight engine for managing interactions. FellowUp offers professionals an on-the-go, private dashboard to easily interact with, maintain, and gain insights about their network. It not only takes advantage of the full potential of one's business and social network, but also reduces cognitive load.
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