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Janos Haits

Cloud9 IDE - - 8 views

    an online platform for web development. Cloud9 is a state-of-the-art IDE that runs in your browser and lives in the cloud, allowing you to run, debug and deploy applications from anywhere, anytime. A complete game-changer that will change the way we develop applications forever.
christa joe

Emerging Trend of Online IDE - 0 views

    Online SDK services from different providers like Cloud9 and CodeAnywhere are already in the market which provide web based development applications. These tools allow developers to code from any place and at any time while sharing their code with team-mates. Reason for the popularity of this concept is that even the minimum internet connection speed available to users nowadays is sufficient for the online SDK to function properly.
yc c

Cloud9 - Your code anywhere, anytime - 13 views

    Cloud9 is a state-of-the-art IDE that runs in your browser and lives in the cloud, allowing you to run, debug and deploy applications from anywhere, anytime. Supports several languages with Javascript and HTML/CSS currently being the core ones. We also support Coffeescript, Ruby, PHP and many others with syntax highlighting with more to follow.
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