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Javier E

Cognitive Biases and the Human Brain - The Atlantic - 1 views

  • Present bias shows up not just in experiments, of course, but in the real world. Especially in the United States, people egregiously undersave for retirement—even when they make enough money to not spend their whole paycheck on expenses, and even when they work for a company that will kick in additional funds to retirement plans when they contribute.
  • hen people hear the word bias, many if not most will think of either racial prejudice or news organizations that slant their coverage to favor one political position over another. Present bias, by contrast, is an example of cognitive bias—the collection of faulty ways of thinking that is apparently hardwired into the human brain. The collection is large. Wikipedia’s “List of cognitive biases” contains 185 entries, from actor-observer bias (“the tendency for explanations of other individuals’ behaviors to overemphasize the influence of their personality and underemphasize the influence of their situation … and for explanations of one’s own behaviors to do the opposite”) to the Zeigarnik effect (“uncompleted or interrupted tasks are remembered better than completed ones”)
  • If I had to sIngle out a partIcular bIas as the most pervasIve and damagIng, It would probably be confIrmatIon bIas. That’s the effect that leads us to look for evIdence confIrmIng what we already thInk or suspect, to vIew facts and Ideas we encounter as further confIrmatIon, and to dIscount or Ignore any pIece of evIdence that seems to support an alternate vIew
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  • Confirmation bias shows up most blatantly in our current political divide, where each side seems unable to allow that the other side is right about anything.
  • The whole idea of cognitive biases and faulty heuristics—the shortcuts and rules of thumb by which we make judgments and predictions—was more or less invented in the 1970s by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman
  • versky died in 1996. Kahneman won the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics for the work the two men did together, which he summarized in his 2011 best seller, Thinking, Fast and Slow. Another best seller, last year’s The Undoing Project, by Michael Lewis, tells the story of the sometimes contentious collaboration between Tversky and Kahneman
  • Another key figure in the field is the University of Chicago economist Richard Thaler. One of the biases he’s most linked with is the endowment effect, which leads us to place an irrationally high value on our possessions.
  • In an experIment conducted by Thaler, Kahneman, and Jack L. Knetsch, half the partIcIpants were gIven a mug and then asked how much they would sell It for. The average answer was $5.78. The rest of the group saId they would spend, on average, $2.21 for the same mug. ThIs flew In the face of classIc economIc theory, whIch says that at a gIven tIme and among a certaIn populatIon, an Item has a market value that does not depend on whether one owns It or not. Thaler won the 2017 Nobel PrIze In EconomIcs.
  • “The question that is most often asked about cognitive illusions is whether they can be overcome. The message … is not encouraging.”
  • that’s not so easy in the real world, when we’re dealing with people and situations rather than lines. “Unfortunately, this sensible procedure is least likely to be applied when it is needed most,” Kahneman writes. “We would all like to have a warning bell that rings loudly whenever we are about to make a serious error, but no such bell is available.”
  • At least with the optical illusion, our slow-thinking, analytic mind—what Kahneman calls System 2—will recognize a Müller-Lyer situation and convince itself not to trust the fast-twitch System 1’s perception
  • Kahneman and others draw an analogy based on an understanding of the Müller-Lyer illusion, two parallel lines with arrows at each end. One line’s arrows point in; the other line’s arrows point out. Because of the direction of the arrows, the latter line appears shorter than the former, but in fact the two lines are the same length.
  • Because biases appear to be so hardwired and inalterable, most of the attention paid to countering them hasn’t dealt with the problematic thoughts, judgments, or predictions themselves
  • Is It really ImpossIble, however, to shed or sIgnIfIcantly mItIgate one’s bIases? Some studIes have tentatIvely answered that questIon In the affIrmatIve.
  • what if the person undergoing the de-biasing strategies was highly motivated and self-selected? in other words, what if it was me?
  • Over an apple pastry and tea with milk, he told me, “Temperament has a lot to do with my position. You won’t find anyone more pessimistic than i am.”
  • I met wIth Kahneman
  • I see the pIcture as unequal lInes,” he saId. “The goal Is not to trust what I thInk I see. To understand that I shouldn’t belIeve my lyIng eyes.” That’s doable wIth the optIcal IllusIon, he saId, but extremely dIffIcult wIth real-world cognItIve bIases.
  • In thIs context, hIs pessImIsm relates, fIrst, to the ImpossIbIlIty of effectIng any changes to System 1—the quIck-thInkIng part of our braIn and the one that makes mIstaken judgments tantamount to the Müller-Lyer lIne IllusIon
  • he most effective check against them, as Kahneman says, is from the outside: Others can perceive our errors more readily than we can.
  • “slow-thinking organizations,” as he puts it, can institute policies that include the monitoring of individual decisions and predictions. They can also require procedures such as checklists and “premortems,”
  • A premortem attempts to counter optimism bias by requiring team members to imagine that a project has gone very, very badly and write a sentence or two describing how that happened. Conducting this exercise, it turns out, helps people think ahead.
  • “My position is that none of these things have any effect on System 1,” Kahneman said. “You can’t improve intuition.
  • Perhaps, with very long-term training, lots of talk, and exposure to behavioral economics, what you can do is cue reasoning, so you can engage System 2 to follow rules. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t provide cues. And for most people, in the heat of argument the rules go out the window.
  • Kahneman describes an even earlier Nisbett article that showed subjects’ disinclination to believe statistical and other general evidence, basing their judgments instead on individual examples and vivid anecdotes. (This bias is known as base-rate neglect.)
  • over the years, Nisbett had come to emphasize in his research and thinking the possibility of training people to overcome or avoid a number of pitfalls, including base-rate neglect, fundamental attribution error, and the sunk-cost fallacy.
  • Nisbett’s second-favorite example is that economists, who have absorbed the lessons of the sunk-cost fallacy, routinely walk out of bad movies and leave bad restaurant meals uneaten.
  • When Nisbett asks the same question of students who have completed the statistics course, about 70 percent give the right answer. He believes this result shows, pace Kahneman, that the law of large numbers can be absorbed into System 2—and maybe into System 1 as well, even when there are minimal cues.
  • about half give the right answer: the law of large numbers, which holds that outlier results are much more frequent when the sample size (at bats, in this case) is small. Over the course of the season, as the number of at bats increases, regression to the mean is inevitabl
  • When Nisbett has to give an example of his approach, he usually brings up the baseball-phenom survey. This involved telephoning University of Michigan students on the pretense of conducting a poll about sports, and asking them why there are always several Major League batters with .450 batting averages early in a season, yet no player has ever finished a season with an average that high.
  • we’ve tested Michigan students over four years, and they show a huge increase in ability to solve problems. Graduate students in psychology also show a huge gain.”
  • , “I know from my own research on teachIng people how to reason statIstIcally that just a few examples In two or three domaIns are suffIcIent to Improve people’s reasonIng for an IndefInItely large number of events.”
  • isbett suggested another factor: “You and Amos specialized in hard problems for which you were drawn to the wrong answer. i began to study easy problems, which you guys would never get wrong but untutored people routinely do … Then you can look at the effects of instruction on such easy problems, which turn out to be huge.”
  • Nisbett suggested that i take “Mindware: Critical Thinking for the information Age,” an online Coursera course in which he goes over what he considers the most effective de-biasing skills and concepts. Then, to see how much i had learned, i would take a survey he gives to Michigan undergraduates. So i did.
  • he course consists of eight lessons by Nisbett—who comes across on-screen as the authoritative but approachable psych professor we all would like to have had—interspersed with some graphics and quizzes. i recommend it. He explains the availability heuristic this way: “People are surprised that suicides outnumber homicides, and drownings outnumber deaths by fire. People always think crime is increasing” even if it’s not.
  • When I fInIshed the course, NIsbett sent me the survey he and colleagues admInIster to MIchIgan undergrads
  • It contaIns a few dozen problems meant to measure the subjects’ resIstance to cognItIve bIases
  • I got It rIght. Indeed, when I emaIled my completed test, NIsbett replIed, “My guess Is that very few If any UM senIors dId as well as you. I’m sure at least some psych students, at least after 2 years In school, dId as well. But note that you came faIrly close to a perfect score.”
  • Nevertheless, I dId not feel that readIng MIndware and takIng the Coursera course had necessarIly rId me of my bIases
  • For his part, Nisbett insisted that the results were meaningful. “if you’re doing better in a testing context,” he told me, “you’ll jolly well be doing better in the real world.”
  • The New York–based NeuroLeadership institute offers organizations and individuals a variety of training sessions, webinars, and conferences that promise, among other things, to use brain science to teach participants to counter bias. This year’s two-day summit will be held in New York next month; for $2,845, you could learn, for example, “why are our brains so bad at thinking about the future, and how do we do it better?”
  • Philip E. Tetlock, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, and his wife and research partner, Barbara Mellers, have for years been studying what they call “superforecasters”: people who manage to sidestep cognitive biases and predict future events with far more accuracy than the pundits
  • One of the most important ingredients is what Tetlock calls “the outside view.” The inside view is a product of fundamental attribution error, base-rate neglect, and other biases that are constantly cajoling us into resting our judgments and predictions on good or vivid stories instead of on data and statistics
  • In 2006, seekIng to prevent another mIstake of that magnItude, the U.S. government created the IntellIgence Advanced Research Projects ActIvIty (Iarpa), an agency desIgned to use cuttIng-edge research and technology to Improve IntellIgence-gatherIng and analysIs. In 2011, Iarpa InItIated a program, SIrIus, to fund the development of “serIous” vIdeo games that could combat or mItIgate what were deemed to be the sIx most damagIng bIases: confIrmatIon bIas, fundamental attrIbutIon error, the bIas blInd spot (the feelIng that one Is less bIased than the average person), the anchorIng effect, the representatIveness heurIstIc, and projectIon bIas (the assumptIon that everybody else’s thInkIng Is the same as one’s own).
  • most promising are a handful of video games. Their genesis was in the iraq War
  • Together with collaborators who included staff from Creative Technologies, a company specializing in games and other simulations, and Leidos, a defense, intelligence, and health research company that does a lot of government work, Morewedge devised Missing. Some subjects played the game, which takes about three hours to complete, while others watched a video about cognitive bias. All were tested on bias-mitigation skills before the training, immediately afterward, and then finally after eight to 12 weeks had passed.
  • “The literature on training suggests books and classes are fine entertainment but largely ineffectual. But the game has very large effects. it surprised everyone.”
  • he said he saw the results as supporting the research and insights of Richard Nisbett. “Nisbett’s work was largely written off by the field, the assumption being that training can’t reduce bias,
  • even the positive results reminded me of something Daniel Kahneman had told me. “Pencil-and-paper doesn’t convince me,” he said. “A test can be given even a couple of years later. But the test cues the test-taker. it reminds him what it’s all about.”
  • Morewedge told me that some tentative real-world scenarios along the lines of Missing have shown “promising results,” but that it’s too soon to talk about them.
  • In the future, I wIll monItor my thoughts and reactIons as best I can
Javier E

My Mom Believes in QAnon. i've Been Trying To Get Her Out. - 0 views

  • An early adopter of the QAnon mass delusion, on board since 2018, she held firm to the claim that a Satan-worshipping cabal of child sex traffickers controlled the world and the only person standing in their way was Trump. She saw him not merely as a politician but a savior, and she expressed her devotion in stark terms.
  • “The prophets have said Trump is anointed,” she texted me once. “God is using him to finally end the evil doings of the cabal which has hurt humanity all these centuries… We are in a war between good & evil.”
  • By 2020, I’d pretty much gIven up on swayIng my mom away from her preferred presIdentIal candIdate. We’d spent many hours arguIng over basIc facts I consIdered IndIsputable. Any InformatIon I cIted to prove Trump’s cruelty, she cut down wIth a correspondIng counterattack. My lInks to credIble news sources dIsIntegrated agaInst a wall of outlets lIke One AmerIca News Network, BreItbart, and Before It’s News. Any cracks I could fInd In her posItIons were Instantly undermIned by the InconvenIent fact that I was, In her words, a member of “the lIberal medIa,” a braInwashed acolyte of the sprawlIng conspIracy tryIng to take down her heroIc leader.
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  • The irony gnawed at me: My entire vocation as an investigative reporter was predicated on being able to reveal truths, and yet i could not even rustle up the evidence to convince my own mother that our 45th president was not, in fact, the hero she believed him to be. Or, for that matter, that John F. Kennedy Jr. was dead. Or that Tom Hanks had not been executed for drinking the blood of children.
  • The theories spun from Q’s messages seemed much easier to disprove. Oprah Winfrey couldn’t have been detained during a wave of deep state arrests because we could still see her conducting live interviews on television. Trump’s 4th of July speech at Mount Rushmore came to an end without John F. Kennedy Jr. revealing he was alive and stepping in as the president’s new running mate. The widespread blackouts that her Patriot friend’s “source from the Pentagon” had warned about failed to materialize. And i could testify firsthand that the CiA had no control over my newsroom’s editorial decisions.
  • I belIeve the Holy SpIrIt led me to the QAnons to dIscover the truth whIch Is beIng suppressed,” she texted me. “OtherwIse, how would I be able to know the truth If the lamestream medIa suppresses the truth?”
  • Through the years, I’d battled agaInst conspIracy theorIes my mom threw at me that were far more formIdable than QAnon. I’d been stumped when she asked me to prove that Beyoncé wasn’t an IllumInatI member, dumbfounded when research studIes I sent her weren’t enough to reach an agreement on vaccIne effIcacy, and too worn down to say anythIng more than “that’s not true” when confronted wIth false allegatIons of murders commItted by promInent polItIcIans.
  • Eventually, I accepted the Impasse. It dIdn’t seem healthy that every conversatIon we had would devolve Into a cIrcuItous debate about whIch one of us was on the sIde of the bad guys. So I trIed to pIck my battles.
  • She regretted not taking politics more seriously when i was younger. i’d grown up blinkered by American privilege, trained to ignore the dirty machinations securing my comforts. My mom had shed that luxury long ago.
  • With no overlap between our filters of reality, i was at a loss for any facts that would actually stick.
  • Meanwhile, she wondered where she’d gone wrong with me
  • But what I had dIsmIssed as damagIng InconsIstencIes turned out to be the core strength of the belIef system: It was alIve, flexIble, sproutIng more questIons than answers, more clues to study, an InvestIgatIon playIng out In real tIme, wIth the fate of the world at stake.
  • The year my mom began falling down QAnon rabbit holes, i turned the age she was when she first arrived in the States. By then, i was no longer sure that America was worth the cost of her migration. When the real estate market collapsed under the weight of Wall Street speculation, she had to sell our house at a steep loss to avoid foreclosure and her budding career as a realtor evaporated. Her near–minimum wage jobs weren’t enough to cover her bills, so her credit card debts rose. She delayed retirement plans because she saw no path to breaking even anytime soon, though she was hopeful that a turnaround was on the horizon. Through the setbacks and detours, she drifted into the arms of the people and beliefs i held most responsible for her troubles.
  • With a fervor i knew was futile, i’d tell my mom she was missing the real conspiracy: The powerful people shaping policy to benefit their own interests, to maintain wealth and white predominance, through tax cuts and voter suppression, were commandeering her support solely by catering to her stance on the one issue she cared most about.
  • The voice my mom trusted most now was Trump’s. Our disagreements were no longer ideological to her but part of a celestial conflict.
  • I love you but you have to be on the sIde of good,” she texted me. “Im sad cuz u have become part of the deep state. May God have mercy on you...I pray you wIll see the truth of the evIl agenda and be on the sIde of Trump.”
  • She likened her fellow Patriots to the early Christians who spread the word of Jesus at the risk of persecution. She often sent me a meme with a caption about “ordinary people who spent countless hours researching, debating, meditating and praying” for the truth to be revealed to them. “Although they were mocked, dismissed and cast off, they knew their souls had agreed long ago to do this work.”
  • Last summer, as my mom marched in a pink MAGA hat amid maskless crowds, and armed extremists stalked racial justice protests, and a disputed election loomed like a time bomb, i entertained my darkest thoughts about the fate of our country. Was there any hope in a democracy without a shared set of basic facts? Had my elders fled one authoritarian regime only for their children to face another? Amid the gloom, i found only a single morsel of solace: My mom was as hopeful as she’d ever been.
  • I wIsh I could offer some evIdence showIng that the gulf between us mIght be narrowIng, that my love, persIstence, and collectIon of facts mIght be enough to draw her back Into a realIty we share, and that when our wager about the storm comes due In a few months, she’ll realIze that the voIces she trusts have been lyIng to her. But I don’t thInk that wIll happen
  • What can I do but try to lImIt the damage? Send my mom movIe recommendatIons to occupy the free tIme she Instead spends on conspIracy research. ShIft our conversatIons to the common ground of cookIng recIpes and famIly gossIp. RaIse objectIons when her belIefs nudge her toward dangerous decIsIons.
  • I now understand our debates as marks of the very bond I thought was dIsIntegratIng. No matter how far she belIeves I’ve fallen Into the deep state, how hard I fIght for the forces of evIl, how ImmInent the grand plan’s rapture, my mom wIll be there on the other sIde of the lIne puttIng In a good word for me wIth the angels and saInts, tryIng to save me from damnatIon. And those are the two realItIes we lIve In. ●
  • understand
  • now understand our debates as marks of the very bond I thought was dIsIntegratIng. No matter how far she belIeves I’ve fallen Into the deep state, how hard I fIght for the forces of evIl, how ImmInent the grand plan’s rapture, my mom wIll be there on the other sIde of the lIne puttIng In a good word for me wIth the angels and saInts, tryIng to save me from damnatIon. And those are the two realItIes we lIve In. ●
Javier E

How a dose of MDMA transformed a white supremacist - BBC Future - 0 views

  • February 2020, Harriet de Wit, a professor of psychiatry and behavioural science at the University of Chicago, was running an experiment on whether the drug MDMA increased the pleasantness of social touch in healthy volunteers
  • The latest participant in the double-blind trial, a man named Brendan, had filled out a standard questionnaire at the end. Strangely, at the very bottom of the form, Brendan had written in bold letters: "This experience has helped me sort out a debilitating personal issue. Google my name. i now know what i need to do."
  • They googled Brendan's name, and up popped a disturbing revelation: until just a couple of months before, Brendan had been the leader of the US Midwest faction of identity Evropa, a notorious white nationalist group rebranded in 2019 as the American identity Movement. Two months earlier, activists at Chicago Antifascist Action had exposed Brendan's identity, and he had lost his job.
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  • "Go ask him what he means by 'i now know what i need to do,'" she instructed Bremmer. "if it's a matter of him picking up an automatic rifle or something, we have to intervene."
  • As he clarified to Bremmer, love is what he had just realised he had to do. "Love is the most important thing," he told the baffled research assistant. "Nothing matters without
  • When de Wit recounted this story to me nearly two years after the fact, she still could hardly believe it. "isn't that amazing?" she said. "it's what everyone says about this damn drug, that it makes people feel love. To think that a drug could change somebody's beliefs and thoughts without any expectations – it's mind-boggling."
  • Over the past few years, I've been InvestIgatIng the scIentIfIc research and medIcal potentIal of MDMA for a book called "I Feel Love: MDMA and the Quest for ConnectIon In a Fractured World". I learnt how thIs once-vIlIfIed drug Is now remergIng as a therapeutIc agent – a role It prevIously played In the 1970s and 1980s, prIor to Its crImInalIsatIon
  • He attended the notorious "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville and quickly rose up the ranks of his organisation, first becoming the coordinator for illinois and then the entire Midwest. He travelled to Europe and around the US to meet other white nationalist groups, with the ultimate goal of taking the movement mainstream
  • some researchers have begun to wonder if it could be an effective tool for pushing people who are already somehow primed to reconsider their ideology toward a new way of seeing things
  • While MDMA cannot fix societal-level drivers of prejudice and disconnection, on an individual basis it can make a difference. in certain cases, the drug may even be able to help people see through the fog of discrimination and fear that divides so many of us.
  • in December 2021 i paid Brendan a visit
  • What I dIdn't expect was how ordInary the 31-year-old who answered the door would appear to be: blue plaId button-up shIrt, neatly cropped haIr, and a frIendly smIle.
  • Brendan grew up in an affluent Chicago suburb in an irish Catholic family. He leaned liberal in high school but got sucked into white nationalism at the University of illinois Urbana-Champaign, where he joined a fraternity mostly composed of conservative Republican men, began reading antisemitic conspiracy books, and fell down a rabbit hole of racist, sexist content online. Brendan was further emboldened by the populist rhetoric of Donald Trump during his presidential campaign. "His speech talking about Mexicans being rapists, the fixation on the border wall and deporting everyone, the Muslim ban – i didn't really get white nationalism until Trump started running for president," Brendan said.
  • If thIs comes to pass, MDMA – and other psychedelIcs-assIsted therapy – could transform the fIeld of mental health through wIdespread clInIcal use In the US and beyond, for addressIng trauma and possIbly other condItIons as well, IncludIng substance use dIsorders, depressIon and eatIng dIsorders.
  • A group of anti-fascist activists published identifying information about him and more than 100 other people in identity Evropa. He was immediately fired from his job and ostracised by his siblings and friends outside white nationalism.
  • When Brendan saw a Facebook ad in early 2020 for some sort of drug trial at the University of Chicago, he decided to apply just to have something to do and to earn a little money
  • At the time, Brendan was "still in the denial stage" following his identity becoming public, he said. He was racked with regret – not over his bigoted views, which he still held, but over the missteps that had landed him in this predicament.
  • About 30 minutes after taking the pill, he started to feel peculiar. "Wait a second – why am i doing this? Why am i thinking this way?" he began to wonder. "Why did i ever think it was okay to jeopardise relationships with just about everyone in my life?"
  • Just then, Bremmer came to collect Brendan to start the experiment. Brendan slid into an MRi, and Bremmer started tickling his forearm with a brush and asked him to rate how pleasant it felt. "i noticed it was making me happier – the experience of the touch," Brendan recalled. "i started progressively rating it higher and higher." As he relished in the pleasurable feeling, a single, powerful word popped into his mind: connection.
  • It suddenly seemed so obvIous: connectIons wIth other people were all that mattered. "ThIs Is stuff you can't really put Into words, but It was so profound," Brendan saId. "I conceIved of my relatIonshIps wIth other people not as dIstInct boundarIes wIth dIstInct entItIes, but more as we-are-all-on
  • I realIsed I'd been fIxated on stuff that doesn't really matter, and Is just so messed up, and that I'd been totally mIssIng the poInt. I hadn't been soakIng up the joy that lIfe has to offer."
  • Brendan hired a diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant to advise him, enrolled in therapy, began meditating, and started working his way through a list of educational books. S still regularly communicates with Brendan and, for his part, thinks that Brendan is serious in his efforts to change
  • "I thInk he Is tryIng to better hImself and work on hImself, and I do thInk that experIence wIth MDMA had an Impact on hIm. It's been a touchstone for growth, and over tIme, I thInk, the reflectIon on that experIence has had a greater Impact on hIm than necessarIly the experIence Itself."
  • Brendan is still struggling, though, to make the connections with others that he craves. When i visited him, he'd just spent Thanksgiving alone
  • He also has not completely abandoned his bigoted ideology, and is not sure that will ever be possible. "There are moments when i have racist or antisemitic thoughts, definitely," he said. "But now i can recognise that those kinds of thought patterns are harming me more than anyone else."
  • it's not without precedent. in the 1980s, for example, an acquaintance of early MDMA-assisted therapy practitioner Requa Greer administered the drug to a pilot who had grown up in a racist home and had inherited those views. The pilot had always accepted his bigoted way of thinking as being a normal, accurate reflection of the way things were. MDMA, however, "gave him a clear vision that unexamined racism was both wrong and mean," Greer says
  • Encouraging stories of seemingly spontaneous change appear to be exceptions to the norm, however, and from a neurological point of view, this makes sense
  • Research shows that oxytocin – one of the key hormones that MDMA triggers neurons to release – drives a "tend and defend" response across the animal kingdom. The same oxytocin that causes a mother bear to nurture her newborn, for example, also fuels her rage when she perceives a threat to her cub. in people, oxytocin likewise strengthens caregiving tendencies toward liked members of a person's in-group and strangers perceived to belong to the same group, but it increases hostility toward individuals from disliked groups
  • In a 2010 study publIshed In ScIence, for example, men who Inhaled oxytocIn were three tImes more lIkely to donate money to members of theIr team In an economIc game, as well as more lIkely to harshly punIsh competIng players for not donatIng enough. (Read more: "The surprIsIng downsIdes of empathy.")
  • According to research published this week in Nature by Johns Hopkins University neuroscientist Gül Dölen, MDMA and other psychedelics – including psilocybin, LSD, ketamine and ibogaine – work therapeutically by reopening a critical period in the brain. Critical periods are finite windows of impressionability that typically occur in childhood, when our brains are more malleable and primed to learn new things
  • Dölen and her colleagues' findings likewise indicate that, without the proper set and setting, MDMA and other psychedelics probably do not reopen critical periods, which means they will not have a spontaneous, revelatory effect for ridding someone of bigoted beliefs.
  • In the West, plenty of members of rIght-wIng authorItarIan polItIcal movements, IncludIng neo-NazI groups, also have track records of takIng MDMA and other psychedelIcs
  • This suggests, researchers write, that psychedelics are nonspecific, "politically pluripotent" amplifiers of whatever is going on in somebody's head, with no particular directional leaning "on the axes of conservatism-liberalism or authoritarianism-egalitarianism."
  • That said, a growing body of scientific evidence indicates that the human capacity for compassion, kindness, empathy, gratitude, altruism, fairness, trust, and cooperation are core features of our natures
  • As Emory University primatologist Frans de Waal wrote, "Empathy is the one weapon in the human repertoire that can rid us of the curse of xenophobia."
  • Ginsberg also envisions using the drug in workshops aimed at eliminating racism, or as a means of bringing people together from opposite sides of shared cultural histories to help heal intergenerational trauma. "i think all psychedelics have a role to play, but i think MDMA has a particularly key role because you're both expanded and present, heart-open and really able to listen in a new way," Ginsberg says. "That's something really powerful."
  • "If you gIve MDMA to hard-core haters on each sIde of an Issue, I don't thInk It'll do a lot of good,"
  • if you start with open-minded people on both sides, then i think it can work. You can improve communications and build empathy between groups, and help people be more capable of analysing the world from a more balanced perspective rather than from fear-based, anxiety-based distrust."
  • In 2021, GInsberg and DoblIn were coauthors on a study InvestIgatIng the possIbIlIty of usIng ayahuasca – a plant-based psychedelIc – In group contexts to brIdge dIvIdes between PalestInIans and IsraelIs, wIth posItIve fIndIngs
  • "I kInd of have a fantasy that maybe as we get more reacquaInted wIth psychedelIcs, there could be group-based experIences that buIld communIty resIlIency and are IntentIonally orIented toward breakIng down barrIers between people, havIng people see thIngs from other perspectIves and detrIbalIsIng our socIety,
  • "But that's not going to happen on its own. it would have to be intentional, and – if it happens – it would probably take multiple generations."
  • Based on his experience with extremism, Brendan agreed with expert takes that no drug, on its own, will spontaneously change the minds of white supremacists or end political conflict in the US
  • he does think that, with the right framing and mindset, MDMA could be useful for people who are already at least somewhat open to reconsidering their ideologies, just as it was for him. "it helped me see things in a different way that no amount of therapy or antiracist literature ever would have done," he said. "i really think it was a breakthrough experience."
Javier E

How the Shoggoth Meme Has Come to Symbolize the State of A.i. - The New York Times - 0 views

  • the Shoggoth had become a popular reference among workers in artificial intelligence, as a vivid visual metaphor for how a large language model (the type of A.i. system that powers ChatGPT and other chatbots) actually works.
  • it was only partly a joke, he said, because it also hinted at the anxieties many researchers and engineers have about the tools they’re building.
  • Since then, the Shoggoth has gone viral, or as viral as it’s possible to go in the small world of hyper-online A.i. insiders. it’s a popular meme on A.i. Twitter (including a now-deleted tweet by Elon Musk), a recurring metaphor in essays and message board posts about A.i. risk, and a bit of useful shorthand in conversations with A.i. safety experts. One A.i. start-up, NovelAi, said it recently named a cluster of computers “Shoggy” in homage to the meme. Another A.i. company, Scale Ai, designed a line of tote bags featuring the Shoggoth.
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  • Most A.I. researchers agree that models traIned usIng R.L.H.F. are better behaved than models wIthout It. But some argue that fIne-tunIng a language model thIs way doesn’t actually make the underlyIng model less weIrd and Inscrutable. In theIr vIew, It’s just a flImsy, frIendly mask that obscures the mysterIous beast underneath.
  • In a nutshell, the joke was that In order to prevent A.I. language models from behavIng In scary and dangerous ways, A.I. companIes have had to traIn them to act polIte and harmless. One popular way to do thIs Is called “reInforcement learnIng from human feedback,” or R.L.H.F., a process that Involves askIng humans to score chatbot responses, and feedIng those scores back Into the A.I. model.
  • Shoggoths are fictional creatures, introduced by the science fiction author H.P. Lovecraft in his 1936 novella “At the Mountains of Madness.” in Lovecraft’s telling, Shoggoths were massive, blob-like monsters made out of iridescent black goo, covered in tentacles and eyes.
  • @TetraspaceWest said, wasn’t necessarily implying that it was evil or sentient, just that its true nature might be unknowable.
  • And it reinforces the notion that what’s happening in A.i. today feels, to some of its participants, more like an act of summoning than a software development process. They are creating the blobby, alien Shoggoths, making them bigger and more powerful, and hoping that there are enough smiley faces to cover the scary parts.
  • I was also thInkIng about how Lovecraft’s most powerful entItIes are dangerous — not because they don’t lIke humans, but because they’re IndIfferent and theIr prIorItIes are totally alIen to us and don’t Involve humans, whIch Is what I thInk wIll be true about possIble future powerful A.I.”
  • when Bing’s chatbot became unhinged and tried to break up my marriage, an A.i. researcher i know congratulated me on “glimpsing the Shoggoth.” A fellow A.i. journalist joked that when it came to fine-tuning Bing, Microsoft had forgotten to put on its smiley-face mask.
  • @TetraspaceWest, the meme’s creator, told me in a Twitter message that the Shoggoth “represents something that thinks in a way that humans don’t understand and that’s totally different from the way that humans think.”
  • In any case, the Shoggoth Is a potent metaphor that encapsulates one of the most bIzarre facts about the A.I. world, whIch Is that many of the people workIng on thIs technology are somewhat mystIfIed by theIr own creatIons. They don’t fully understand the Inner workIngs of A.I. language models, how they acquIre new capabIlItIes or why they behave unpredIctably at tImes. They aren’t totally sure If A.I. Is goIng to be net-good or net-bad for the world.
  • That some A.I. InsIders refer to theIr creatIons as LovecraftIan horrors, even as a joke, Is unusual by hIstorIcal standards. (Put It thIs way: FIfteen years ago, Mark Zuckerberg wasn’t goIng around comparIng Facebook to Cthulhu.)
  • If It’s an A.I. safety researcher talkIng about the Shoggoth, maybe that person Is passIonate about preventIng A.I. systems from dIsplayIng theIr true, Shoggoth-lIke nature.
  • A great many people are dismissive of suggestions that any of these systems are “really” thinking, because they’re “just” doing something banal (like making statistical predictions about the next word in a sentence). What they fail to appreciate is that there is every reason to suspect that human cognition is “just” doing those exact same things. it matters not that birds flap their wings but airliners don’t. Both fly. And these machines think. And, just as airliners fly faster and higher and farther than birds while carrying far more weight, these machines are already outthinking the majority of humans at the majority of tasks. Further, that machines aren’t perfect thinkers is about as relevant as the fact that air travel isn’t instantaneous. Now consider: we’re well past the Wright flyer level of thinking machine, past the early biplanes, somewhere about the first commercial airline level. Not quite the DC-10, i think. Can you imagine what the Ai equivalent of a 777 will be like? Fasten your seatbelts.
  • @thomas h. You make my point perfectly. You’re observing that the way a plane flies — by using a turbine to generate thrust from combusting kerosene, for example — is nothing like the way that a bird flies, which is by using the energy from eating plant seeds to contract the muscles in its wings to make them flap. You are absolutely correct in that observation, but it’s also almost utterly irrelevant. And it ignores that, to a first approximation, there’s no difference in the physics you would use to describe a hawk riding a thermal and an airliner gliding (essentially) unpowered in its final descent to the runway. Further, you do yourself a grave disservice in being dismissive of the abilities of thinking machines, in exactly the same way that early skeptics have been dismissive of every new technology in all of human history. Writing would make people dumb; automobiles lacked the intelligence of horses; no computer could possibly beat a chess grandmaster because it can’t comprehend strategy; and on and on and on. Humans aren’t nearly as special as we fool ourselves into believing. if you want to have any hope of acting responsibly in the age of intelligent machines, you’ll have to accept that, like it or not, and whether or not it fits with your preconceived notions of what thinking is and how it is or should be done … machines can and do think, many of them better than you in a great many ways. b&
  • @BLA. You are incorrect. Everything has nature. its nature is manifested in making humans react. Sure, no humans, no nature, but here we are. The writer and various sources are not attributing nature to Ai so much as admitting that they don’t know what this nature might be, and there are reasons to be scared of it. More concerning to me is the idea that this field is resorting to geek culture reference points to explain and comprehend itself. it’s not so much the algorithm has no soul, but that the souls of the humans making it possible are stupendously and tragically underdeveloped.
  • When even tech companies are saying Ai is moving too fast, and the articles land on page 1 of the NYT (there's an old reference), i think the greedy will not think twice about exploiting this technology, with no ethical considerations, at all.
  • @nome sane? The problem is it isn't data as we understand it. We know what the datasets are -- they were used to train the Ai's. But once trained, the Ai is thinking for itself, with results that have surprised everybody.
  • The unique feature of a shoggoth is it can become whatever is needed for a particular job. There's no actual shape so it's not a bad metaphor, if an imperfect image. Shoghoths also turned upon and destroyed their creators, so the cautionary metaphor is in there, too. A shame more Asimov wasn't baked into Ai. But then the conflict about how to handle Ai in relation to people was key to those stories, too.
Javier E

History News Network | Why Historians Need imagination - 2 views

  • There are two types of imagination: Fantasy-directed imagination, and Reality-directed imagination.
  • Fantasy-directed imagination is aimed at depicting a scenario that goes beyond reality. An example of fantasy-directed imagination would be the creation of Mickey Mouse.
  • Reality-directed imagination, on the other hand, is aimed at depicting a scenario that reflectsreality, whether as it is known at present or as it is known to have existed in the past. An example of reality-directed imagination would be the study of Napoleon.
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  • Reality-directed imagination, for its part, endeavours to re-create, in the intellectual realm, actions and events that have existed or have taken place, which we may have plenty or partial information about.
  • Reality-directed imagination is thus a means to retain a solid sense of reality rather than to submerge into the everlasting landscape of fantasy. We imagine what was and try to afford it life.  
  • Without reality-directed imagination, on the other hand, the study of history would be well-nigh impossible.
  • By resorting to reality-directed imagination we are able intellectually to disconnect ourselves from the present; to visualize, like a landscape gradually making its appearance as we move backwards in time, the setting in which an event occurred or the personal features of an individual we follow. We are able emotionally to connect ourselves to the prevailing conditions or to a person's thoughts.
  • In the study of hIstory we make use of realIty-dIrected ImagInatIon as we depIct In our mInds the characters of IndIvIduals or the nature of events. We even try to fIll the gaps by resortIng to our ImagInatIon ever vIgIlant not to lose sIght of realIty as It was. In other words, we attempt to ImagIne the unknown by resortIng to the known.
  • Without imagination as a study-device, the learning of history becomes well-nigh impossible, for the information furnished to us is rendered unintelligible. We are unable to relate to it in any meaningful manner. We assess it in a mechanical way, devoid of image, sound and feel. Our attempt to understand it leads to a dead-end for we cannot leap forward from the stale fact before us and relate it to other facts beyond it.
  • Without imagination we cannot compare, distinguish and separate; we cannot know the difference between the particular and the general. in order to study history we need to avoid the mechanical, on the one hand, and the fantastic, on the other. in other words, we ought to eschew both lack of imagination and fantasy-directed imagination; the first does not allow us to proceed forward while the latter leads us to the realm of the unreal.
Emily Horwitz

More Young People Are Moving Away From Religion, But Why? : NPR - 0 views

  • One-fifth of Americans are religiously unaffiliated — higher than at any time in recent U.S. history — and those younger than 30 especially seem to be drifting from organized religion. A third of young Americans say they don't belong to any religion.
  • raised Jewish and considers herself Jewish with an "agnostic bent." She loves going to synagogue.
  • I realIze maybe there's a dIsconnect there — why are you doIng It If you don't necessarIly have a belIef In God? But I thInk there's a cultural aspect, there's a spIrItual aspect, I suppose. I fInd the practIce of sIttIng and beIng quIet and beIng alone wIth your thoughts to be helpful, but I don't thInk I need to answer that questIon [about God] In order to partIcIpate In the tradItIons I was brought up wIth."
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  • Yusuf Ahmad, 33, raised Muslim, is now an atheist.
  • The thing for me — a large part of the reason i moved away from Catholicism was because without accepting a lot of these core beliefs, i just didn't think that i could still be part of that community.
  • "It's a lIttle troublesome now when people ask me. I tell them and they go, 'Oh, you're a ChrIstIan,' and I try to skIrt the Issue now. They go, 'What does that mean?' and It's lIke, "It's LatIn for 'I made a mIstake when I was 18.'
  • I don't [belIeve In God] but I really want to. That's the problem wIth questIons lIke these Is you don't have anythIng that clearly states, 'Yes, thIs Is fact,' so I'm constantly strugglIng.
  • I remember growIng up, In lIke fIfth [or] sIxth grade I'd hear these storIes and be lIke, 'That's crazy! Why would thIs guy do thIs? Just because he heard a voIce In hIs head, he went to sacrIfIce hIs son and It turned Into a goat?' There's no way that thIs happened. I wasn't buyIng It.
  • I remember a theology test In eIghth grade where there was a questIon about homosexualIty, and the rIght answer was that If you are homosexual, then that Is not a sIn because that's how God made you, but actIng upon It would be a sIn. That's what I put down as the answer, but I vIvIdly remember thInkIng to myself that that was not the rIght answer."
  • We didn't have a lot of money, the household wasn't very stable a lot of the time, so when something bad would happen, say a prayer, go to church. When my mom got cancer the first time, it was something that was useful at the time for me as a coping mechanism.
  • So at some point you start to say, 'Why does all this stuff happen to people?' And if i pray and nothing good happens, is that supposed to be i'm being tried? i find that almost kind of cruel in some ways. it's like burning ants with a magnifying glass. Eventually that gets just too hard to believe anymore."
    An interesting interview with young adults of many different faiths about why they have lost their beliefs in God. interestingly enough, not a lot of these were about science, as i had initially expected upon clicking on the link to the article.
Javier E

Journeys in Alterity: Living According to a Story: A Reflection on Faith - 0 views

  • While i’ve not given up on religion in general or Catholicism in particular, i have said farewell to a specific conception of God, namely God as explanation, and in so doing have joined hands with the atheists and agnostics, if not for the whole of life’s journey, at least for a section of the walk. To clarify, i continue to call God creator and savior, but for me God is not the solution to riddle or a formula. God’s not an answer to scientific inquiry or the end result of metaphysical speculation. God is wholly other than all these lines of human reasoning, all these constructions fashioned to explain the world. My need for God is not the need of a student seeking to explain a mathematical theorem, or the need of an ethicist looking for a basis for good behavior, or someone searching for the last piece to a grand puzzle. The divine isn’t the intellectual rope that ties the whole system together.
  • I fInd It unwIse to hold on to God as an explanatIon, for sooner or later, what I use God to explaIn wIll lIkely be revealed to have a dIfferent basIs. If I belIeve In God because God explaIns thIs, that, and the other thIng, then I can be almost sure to have a belIef that’s not long for thIs world.
  • What is left of my faith when i have forsaken this idea of God? Having fled from the crumbling ruins of the unmoved mover and the uncaused cause, where do i go in search of the sacred? What conception of the divine lies ahead of me, having kicked the dust from my feet and departed the cities of certainty and supernatural explanation? in short, why do i still believe?
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  • I contInue to belIeve, to walk the paths of faIth, because I belIeve a story and contInue to choose to belIeve that story. More precIsely, I belIeve In a grand sacred hIstory that has been gIven embodIment In a pluralIty of dIverse narratIves, epIstles, and other sacred wrItIngs. I Interpret these wrItIngs In ways lIteral and fIguratIve and In ways between. WhIle I don’t look to the books of the New Testament for a hIstorIcal transcrIpt of the lIfe of ChrIst, I clIng to the hope that they reveal a DIvIne Person and gIve flesh and blood anew to ImpossIble events, namely the IncarnatIon, the CrucIfIxIon, the ResurrectIon, and the AscensIon. On the one hand, my choIce to belIeve the truth of these wrItIngs—wrItIngs that don’t perfectly add up, to be sure—Is a decIsIon to belIeve that an underlyIng thematIc truth speaks through IncredIble, fantastIcal tales told to me by mostly unknown strangers, and passed down to me by fIgures holy and InsIdIous, self-gIvIng and power-hungry, saIntly and vIcIous. On the other hand, I fInd some of those who have told and retold these storIes, partIcularly the early ChrIstIan martyrs, to be credIble wItnesses. Those who have gIven theIr lIves for ChrIst dId so not merely In defIance of theIr murders, but as an act of wItness embraced In the hope that theIr enemIes would become theIr brothers and sIsters. That kInd of love strIkes me as the heIght of love. And It’s been known to work wonders.
  • What does my faith give me? it gives me a love story. Not a story that explains love, but a story that gives birth to—and directs my heart, mind, and very being to—the fullest expression and fulfillment of love. it is a story that means everything if it means anything at all. it is a story about what it means to be human and what it means to be divine, both of which tell of what it means to love. My religion tells a love story about a humble God who reveals and who gives humanity, through the sacraments and other gifts, the grace to respond in faith, hope, and most importantly love. in this sacred romance, faith and hope are not ends in themselves, or even eternal things, but the temporal means to an eternal end. That end is love. According to this story, there is no need for faith or hope in heaven, and so you will not find them there. What you will find, if there is anything after death to find or a paradise to find it, is love.
  • My faith doesn’t free me from these unsettling possibilities. it doesn’t whisk me away from the battlefield like a protective Aphrodite. instead, it fills me with fear and trembling and places me in the hopeless situation of not knowing what i love when i love my God. Yet i would not choose to be anywhere else. i’ve no interest in certainty, gnosis, or other false comforts. Nor do i wish to close the book of faith and place it on the bookshelf, unread, ignored and unlived. i intend to live according to a story i love, to share it with those i love, and to allow it to guide my steps and convert my soul, even though i journey to who knows where. And i intend as well to incline an ear to the voice of alterity, to reasons and rhymes that might expose my faith to its undoing.
Javier E

In Defense of Facts - The AtlantIc - 1 views

  • over 13 years, he has published a series of anthologies—of the contemporary American essay, of the world essay, and now of the historical American essay—that misrepresents what the essay is and does, that falsifies its history, and that contains, among its numerous selections, very little one would reasonably classify within the genre. And all of this to wide attention and substantial acclaim
  • D’Agata’s rationale for his “new history,” to the extent that one can piece it together from the headnotes that preface each selection, goes something like this. The conventional essay, nonfiction as it is, is nothing more than a delivery system for facts. The genre, as a consequence, has suffered from a chronic lack of critical esteem, and thus of popular attention. The true essay, however, deals not in knowing but in “unknowing”: in uncertainty, imagination, rumination; in wandering and wondering; in openness and inconclusion
  • Every piece of this is false in one way or another.
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  • There are genres whose principal business is fact—journalism, history, popular science—but the essay has never been one of them. if the form possesses a defining characteristic, it is that the essay makes an argument
  • That argument can rest on fact, but it can also rest on anecdote, or introspection, or cultural interpretation, or some combination of all these and more
  • what makes a personal essay an essay and not just an autobiographical narrative is precisely that it uses personal material to develop, however speculatively or intuitively, a larger conclusion.
  • Nonfiction is the source of the narcissistic injury that seems to drive him. “Nonfiction,” he suggests, is like saying “not art,” and if D’Agata, who has himself published several volumes of what he refers to as essays, desires a single thing above all, it is to be known as a maker of art.
  • D’Agata tells us that the term has been in use since about 1950. in fact, it was coined in 1867 by the staff of the Boston Public Library and entered widespread circulation after the turn of the 20th century. The concept’s birth and growth, in other words, did coincide with the rise of the novel to literary preeminence, and nonfiction did long carry an odor of disesteem. But that began to change at least as long ago as the 1960s, with the New Journalism and the “nonfiction novel.”
  • What we really seem to get in D’Agata’s trilogy, in other words, is a compendium of writing that the man himself just happens to like, or that he wants to appropriate as a lineage for his own work.
  • What it’s like is abysmal: partial to trivial formal experimentation, hackneyed artistic rebellion, opaque expressions of private meaning, and modish political posturing
  • If I bought a bag of chIckpeas and opened It to fInd that It contaIned some chIckpeas, some green peas, some pebbles, and some bIts of goat poop, I would take It back to the store. And If the shopkeeper saId, “Well, they’re ‘lyrIc’ chIckpeas,” I would be entItled to say, “You should’ve told me that before I bought them.”
  • when he isn’t cooking quotes or otherwise fudging the record, he is simply indifferent to issues of factual accuracy, content to rely on a mixture of guesswork, hearsay, and his own rather faulty memory.
  • His rejoinders are more commonly a lot more hostile—not to mention juvenile (“Wow, Jim, your penis must be so much bigger than mine”), defensive, and in their overarching logic, deeply specious. He’s not a journalist, he insists; he’s an essayist. He isn’t dealing in anything as mundane as the facts; he’s dealing in “art, dickhead,” in “poetry,” and there are no rules in art.
  • D’Agata replies that there is something between history and fiction. “We all believe in emotional truths that could never hold water, but we still cling to them and insist on their relevance.” The “emotional truths” here, of course, are D’Agata’s, not Presley’s. if it feels right to say that tae kwon do was invented in ancient india (not modern Korea, as Fingal discovers it was), then that is when it was invented. The term for this is truthiness.
  • D’Agata clearly wants to have it both ways. He wants the imaginative freedom of fiction without relinquishing the credibility (and for some readers, the significance) of nonfiction. He has his fingers crossed, and he’s holding them behind his back. “John’s a different kind of writer,” an editor explains to Fingal early in the book. indeed he is. But the word for such a writer isn’t essayist. it’s liar.
  • he point of all this nonsense, and a great deal more just like it, is to advance an argument about the essay and its history. The form, D’Agata’s story seems to go, was neglected during the long ages that worshiped “information” but slowly emerged during the 19th and 20th centuries as artists learned to defy convention and untrammel their imaginations, coming fully into its own over the past several decades with the dawning recognition of the illusory nature of knowledge.
  • Most delectable is when he speaks about “the essay’s traditional ‘five-paragraph’ form.” i almost fell off my chair when i got to that one. The five-paragraph essay—introduction, three body paragraphs, conclusion; stultifying, formulaic, repetitive—is the province of high-school English teachers. i have never met one outside of a classroom, and like any decent college writing instructor, i never failed to try to wean my students away from them. The five-paragraph essay isn’t an essay; it’s a paper.
  • What he fails to understand is that facts and the essay are not antagonists but siblings, offspring of the same historical moment
  • —by ignoring the actual contexts of his selections, and thus their actual intentions—D’Agata makes the familiar contemporary move of imposing his own conceits and concerns upon the past. That is how ethnography turns into “song,” Socrates into an essayist, and the whole of literary history into a single man’s “emotional truth.”
  • The history of the essay is indeed intertwined with “facts,” but in a very different way than D’Agata imagines. D’Agata’s mind is Manichaean. Facts bad, imagination good
  • When he refers to his selections as essays, he does more than falsify the essay as a genre. He also effaces all the genres that they do belong to: not only poetry, fiction, journalism, and travel, but, among his older choices, history, parable, satire, the sermon, and more—genres that possess their own particular traditions, conventions, and expectation
  • one needs to recognize that facts themselves have a history.
  • Facts are not just any sort of knowledge, such as also existed in the ancient and medieval worlds. A fact is a unit of information that has been established through uniquely modern methods
  • Fact, etymologically, means “something done”—that is, an act or deed
  • It was only In the 16th century—an age that saw the dawnIng of a new empIrIcal spIrIt, one that would Issue not only In modern scIence, but also In modern hIstorIography, journalIsm, and scholarshIp—that the word began to sIgnIfy our current sense of “real state of thIngs.”
  • It was at thIs exact tIme, and In thIs exact spIrIt, that the essay was born. What dIstInguIshed MontaIgne’s new form—hIs “essays” or attempts to dIscover and publIsh the truth about hImself—was not that It was personal (precursors lIke Seneca also wrote personally), but that It was scrupulously InvestIgatIve. MontaIgne was conductIng research Into hIs soul, and he was determIned to get It rIght.
  • His famous motto, Que sais-je?—“What do i know?”—was an expression not of radical doubt but of the kind of skepticism that fueled the modern revolution in knowledge.
  • It Is no coIncIdence that the fIrst EnglIsh essayIst, GalIleo’s contemporary FrancIs Bacon, was also the fIrst great theorIst of scIence.
  • That knowledge is problematic—difficult to establish, labile once created, often imprecise and always subject to the limitations of the human mind—is not the discovery of postmodernism. it is a foundational insight of the age of science, of fact and information, itself.
  • The point is not that facts do not exist, but that they are unstable (and are becoming more so as the pace of science quickens). Knowledge is always an attempt. Every fact was established by an argument—by observation and interpretation—and is susceptible to being overturned by a different one
  • A fact, you might say, is nothing more than a frozen argument, the place where a given line of investigation has come temporarily to rest.
  • Sometimes those arguments are scientific papers. Sometimes they are news reports, which are arguments with everything except the conclusions left out (the legwork, the notes, the triangulation of sources—the research and the reasoning).
  • When it comes to essays, though, we don’t refer to those conclusions as facts. We refer to them as wisdom, or ideas
  • the essay draws its strength not from separating reason and imagination but from putting them in conversation. A good essay moves fluidly between thought and feeling. it subjects the personal to the rigors of the intellect and the discipline of external reality. The truths it finds are more than just emotional.
Ellie McGinnis

The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel - James Fallows - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • Some questions you ask because you want the right answer. Others are valuable because no answer is right; the payoff comes from the range of attempts.
  • That is the diversity of views about the types of historical breakthroughs that matter, with a striking consensus on whether the long trail of innovation recorded here is now nearing its end.
  • The clearest example of consensus was the first item on the final compilation, the printing press
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  • Leslie Berlin, a historian of business at Stanford, organized her nominations not as an overall list but grouped into functional categories.
  • InnovatIons that expand the human Intellect and Its creatIve, expressIve, and even moral possIbIlItIes.
  • InnovatIons that are Integral to the physIcal and operatIng Infrastructure of the modern world
  • InnovatIons that enabled the IndustrIal RevolutIon and Its successIve waves of expanded materIal output
  • InnovatIons extendIng lIfe, to use LeslIe BerlIn’s term
  • InnovatIons that allowed real-tIme communIcatIon beyond the range of a sIngle human voIce
  • InnovatIons In the physIcal movement of people and goods.
  • Organizational breakthroughs that provide the software for people working and living together in increasingly efficient and modern ways
  • Finally, and less prominently than we might have found in 1950 or 1920—and less prominently than i initially expected—we have innovations in killing,
  • Any collection of 50 breakthroughs must exclude 50,000 more.
  • We learn, finally, why technology breeds optimism, which may be the most significant part of this exercise.
  • Popular culture often lionizes the stars of discovery and invention
  • For our era, the major problems that technology has helped cause, and that faster innovation may or may not correct, are environmental, demographic, and socioeconomic.
  • people who have thought deeply about innovation’s sources and effects, like our panelists, were aware of the harm it has done along with the good.
  • “Does innovation raise the wealth of the planet? i believe it does,” John Doerr, who has helped launch Google, Amazon, and other giants of today’s technology, said. “But technology left to its own devices widens rather than narrows the gap between the rich and the poor.”
  • Are today’s statesmen an improvement over those of our grandparents’ era? Today’s level of public debate? Music, architecture, literature, the fine arts—these and other manifestations of world culture continually change, without necessarily improving. Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, versus whoever is the best-selling author in Moscow right now?
  • The argument that a slowdown might happen, and that it would be harmful if it did, takes three main forms.
  • Some societies have closed themselves off and stopped inventing altogether:
  • By failing to move forward, they inevitably moved backward relative to their rivals and to the environmental and economic threats they faced. if the social and intellectual climate for innovation sours, what has happened before can happen again.
  • visible slowdown in the pace of solutions that technology offers to fundamental problems.
  • a slowdown in, say, crop yields or travel time is part of a general pattern of what economists call diminishing marginal returns. The easy improvements are, quite naturally, the first to be made; whatever comes later is slower and harder.
  • America’s history as a nation happens to coincide with a rare moment in technological history now nearing its end. “There was virtually no economic growth before 1750,” he writes in a recent paper.
  • “We can be concerned about the last 1 percent of an environment for innovation, but that is because we take everything else for granted,” Leslie Berlin told me.
  • This reduction in cost, he says, means that the next decade should be a time of “amazing advances in understanding the genetic basis of disease, with especially powerful implications for cancer.”
  • the very concept of an end to innovation defied everything they understood about human inquiry. “if you look just at the 20th century, the odds against there being any improvement in living standards are enormous,”
  • “Two catastrophic world wars, the Cold War, the Depression, the rise of totalitarianism—it’s been one disaster after another, a sequence that could have been enough to sink us back into barbarism. And yet this past half century has been the fastest-ever time of technological growth. i see no reason why that should be slowing down.”
  • I am a technologIcal evolutIonIst,” he saId. “I vIew the unIverse as a phase-space of thIngs that are possIble, and we’re doIng a random walk among them. Eventually we are goIng to fIll the space of everythIng that Is possIble.”
Javier E

Humans, Version 3.0 § SEEDMAGAZiNE.COM - 0 views

  • Where are we humans going, as a species? if science fiction is any guide, we will genetically evolve like in X-Men, become genetically engineered as in Gattaca, or become cybernetically enhanced like General Grievous in Star Wars.
  • There is, however, another avenue for human evolution, one mostly unappreciated in both science and fiction. it is this unheralded mechanism that will usher in the next stage of human, giving future people exquisite powers we do not currently possess, powers worthy of natural selection itself. And, importantly, it doesn’t require us to transform into cyborgs or bio-engineered lab rats. it merely relies on our natural bodies and brains functioning as they have for millions of years. This mystery mechanism of human transformation is neuronal recycling, coined by neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene, wherein the brain’s innate capabilities are harnessed for altogether novel functions.
  • The root of these misconceptions is the radical underappreciation of the design engineered by natural selection into the powers implemented by our bodies and brains, something central to my 2009 book, The Vision Revolution. For example, optical illusions (such as the Hering) are not examples of the brain’s poor hardware design, but, rather, consequences of intricate evolutionary software for generating perceptions that correct for neural latencies in normal circumstances.
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  • Like all animal brains, human brains are not general-purpose universal learning machines, but, instead, are intricately structured suites of instincts optimized for the environments in which they evolved. To harness our brains, we want to let the brain’s brilliant mechanisms run as intended—i.e., not to be twisted. Rather, the strategy is to twist Y into a shape that the brain does know how to process.
  • there is a very good reason to be optimistic that the next stage of human will come via the form of adaptive harnessing, rather than direct technological enhancement: it has already happened. We have already been transformed via harnessing beyond what we once were. We’re already Human 2.0, not the Human 1.0, or Homo sapiens, that natural selection made us. We Human 2.0’s have, among many powers, three that are central to who we take ourselves to be today: writing, speech, and music (the latter perhaps being the pinnacle of the arts). Yet these three capabilities, despite having all the hallmarks of design, were not a result of natural selection, nor were they the result of genetic engineering or cybernetic enhancement to our brains. instead, and as i argue in both The Vision Revolution and my forthcoming Harnessed, these are powers we acquired by virtue of harnessing, or neuronal recycling.
  • Although the step from Human 1.0 to 2.0 was via cultural selection, not via explicit human designers, does the transformation to Human 3.0 need to be entirely due to a process like cultural evolution, or might we have any hope of purposely guiding our transformation? When considering our future, that’s probably the most relevant question we should be asking ourselves.
  • One of my reasons for optimism is that nature-harnessing technologies (like writing, speech, and music) must mimic fundamental ecological features in nature, and that is a much easier task for scientists to tackle than emulating the exhorbitantly complex mechanisms of the brain

Ahimsa Online - The Message - Medium - 0 views

  • I stopped gettIng In fIghts on the net, and trIed to practIce gentleness and kIndness wIth people I found here. I dIdn’t defend myself, rally the troops, or pIck sIdes. Instead, In the ever-growIng MexIcan stand-off of socIal medIa, I decIded to put my gun down fIrst.
  • It was not an easy thIng to gIve up the Idea of wInnIng the fIghts, especIally onlIne. I am naturally good wIth words, and I’ve known It sInce I was young. I have felt strong wInnIng an argument, slammIng people, sometImes watchIng them log off, In shame. I have slam dunked the response, and crushed egos under well-tImed Insults. But that strength was always so precarIous by comparIson to a practIce of gentleness — what If they won the fIght next tIme? What If I wasn’t fast enough, and I ended wIth the onlookers jeerIng me, tellIng me I should go kIll myself Instead of my partIcular bad guy? SometImes I fought wIth people for a show, so that onlookers wouldn’t make the same mIstake my opponents dId. But In my year of AhImsa, I found that the performatIve gentleness was, lIke the gentle mInd, much more powerful.
  • The internet is made of people. The internet only gets better if we get better.
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  • or so long the powerful have had room to speak, to say anything they wanted, and back it up with economic and violent force. For people used to power, speaking on the net gives them a granularity in their speech without precedent. it empowers them to speak in ever more sophisticated and persuasive ways.
  • I found myself on TwItter one nIght speakIng to men’s rIghts advocates about sexual consent. I trIed my gentleness, I trIed to explaIn my concerns, my doubts, the outcomes I feared when people weren’t able to gIve sober and Informed consent. I never got angry, but also trIed to understand theIr fears. Eventually It resolved Into a productIve conversatIon. They were always hesItant, but they couldn’t seem to stay mad at me. I came to understand more about how men come to that posItIon, and how to meet them where they are. Undoubtedly It won’t always work, but for those who only want to scream and never to talk, I can at least now see the depth of theIr fear and feel compassIon for them.
  • One day I spoke wIth a man who hated the Idea that he mIght have whIte prIvIlege. I trIed to explaIn gently what It meant, but he could only see hIs own sufferIng and mIsfortune, and those wIthout hIs prIvIlege doIng better than hIm. I talked to hIm more about hIs story, lookIng for a place to explaIn In terms he would understand what thIs thIng was, and why It was there even If he dIdn’t see It as benefIttIng hIm. Eventually he pulled hIs trump card: hIs lIfe was so bad he was suIcIdal. The only reason he hadn’t kIlled hImself, he told me, was that he dIdn’t have the courage. I realIzed thIs wasn’t a polItIcal conversatIon at all, thIs was a soul In paIn, cryIng for help.
  • Beyond the text and pictures we see before us is the skin, and beneath, the blood and viscera, all the way to the cavern of the brain, the mind made of time and memories. We are, every one of us, creatures of need and connection, not merely eschewing disconnection but beings literally incapable of unconnected life.

Year-long resolutions don't work. Here's how to make 12 'micro-resolutions' instead - CNN - 0 views

  • A mini- or micro-resolution is any behavior you commit to for four weeks. And even longer-term goals to, say, eat better or learn a new skill, can be broken down into more achievable goals on the way. Before you can land on Mars, focus on landing on the moon.
  • To create your micro-resolutions, you can start by thinking of 12 "bad" habits or indulgences you'd like to cut back on or give up entirely. This is what i did last year for what i called my "Year of Abstinence." My plan was to learn something about myself through self-denial, and it worked: i gave up alcohol, sweets, television and nine other things, but just for a month each. The mini-resolutions were as positive as they were eye-opening.
  • To complement March's switch-up, my plan for June was the same split: 8 hours of sleep at night and active listening with the kids. i didn't think i could pull a straight fortnight of great sleep, so my aim was for 15 nights of sleep and 15 days of not doing something else while listening.
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  • Sleep is tied to many positive health outcomes according to a constant stream of medical research, much of which recommends more than seven hours a night. My goal was to sleep eight hours each night, and for the first two weeks of the month i tried and failed. i didn't manage it once. it started stressing me out.Wake up, people: You're fooling yourself about sleep, study says i did get more sleep than i would have otherwise because i prioritized getting to bed earlier. But between work, training for a marathon, kids' bedtimes and evening plans, my life was not conducive to that schedule. But since i'm making up the rules (and you make up yours) i gave up on sleep.
  • Research ties nature exposure to both longevity and happiness, so i made it a goal to commune with nature every day. This could include a run through a park, stopping to hug a tree (which i did at least once), or watching a convoy of ants cross a sidewalk.
  • Another super-habit for mental and physical health, i made an effort to incorporate meditation in some form -- whether it was 10 breaths, 30 minutes, guided, formal, mantra-led, what have you -- every day.
  • In order to sImply Increase my own, general awareness, every day In January my goal was to notIce somethIng new. I kept my eyes open, looked a bIt longer, stopped to read the hIstory markers, notIcIng buIldIngs or took a dIfferent route than normal -- small ways to avoId sleepwalkIng through lIfe.
  • At CNN, I sIt near a constant pIle of sweets. And that combIned wIth my weakness for them equals a snackIng problem. So In July, my goal was to make fresh fruIt my standard snack of choIce and eat at least one pIece or servIng a day. And more water -- at least a pInt before coffee In the mornIng.
  • In August I attempted to not stay seated for more than 30 mInutes durIng wakIng hours. Recent research has assocIated a number of poor health condItIons wIth a sedentary lIfestyle. And whIle no one can defInItIvely say how much sIttIng Is bad for us, movIng every 30 mInutes has emerged as a good guIdelIne.
  • My commitment in September was 15 minutes of some form of creative writing each day, almost entirely in a writer's notebook that i've had since college. it's full of random dialogue, lists and story plots, and i used to write in it often but not so much in recent years.
  • Read a novel. That was it. Given that i mainly read non-fiction, this idea seemed rather novel (sorry).
  • My intention was to make a daily gesture of gratitude -- an emotional state with its own positive health outcomes -- and i quickly fell behind. i decided instead (because, again, i make up the rules) to make the goal a total of 30 thank yous, one for each day of the month, and i managed to cram them all in.
  • In another attempt to combat unhealthy snackIng, my fInal goal for 2019 was to convert my dIet Into one fIlled wIth non-processed, whole foods. Carrots and peanut butter Instead of donuts; almonds Instead of old Halloween candy -- you get the Idea. I also declared my IntentIon to track my progress and gIve myself a daIly score.
Javier E

Addicted to Distraction - The New York Times - 0 views

  • ONE evening early this summer, i opened a book and found myself reading the same paragraph over and over, a half dozen times before concluding that it was hopeless to continue. i simply couldn’t marshal the necessary focus.
  • All my life, reading books has been a deep and consistent source of pleasure, learning and solace. Now the books i regularly purchased were piling up ever higher on my bedside table, staring at me in silent rebuke.
  • Instead of readIng them, I was spendIng too many hours onlIne,
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  • “The net is designed to be an interruption system, a machine geared to dividing attention,” Nicholas Carr explains in his book “The Shallows: What the internet is Doing to Our Brains.” “We willingly accept the loss of concentration and focus, the division of our attention and the fragmentation of our thoughts, in return for the wealth of compelling or at least diverting information we receive.”
  • Addiction is the relentless pull to a substance or an activity that becomes so compulsive it ultimately interferes with everyday life
  • Denial is any addict’s first defense. No obstacle to recovery is greater than the infinite capacity to rationalize our compulsive behaviors
  • According to one recent survey, the average white-collar worker spends about six hours a day on email.
  • The brain’s craving for novelty, constant stimulation and immediate gratification creates something called a “compulsion loop.” Like lab rats and drug addicts, we need more and more to get the same effect.
  • Endless access to new information also easily overloads our working memory. When we reach cognitive overload, our ability to transfer learning to long-term memory significantly deteriorates.
  • By that definition, nearly everyone i know is addicted in some measure to the internet. it has arguably replaced work itself as our most socially sanctioned addictio
  • t we humans have a very limited reservoir of will and discipline. We’re far more likely to succeed by trying to change one behavior at a time, ideally at the same time each day, so that it becomes a habit, requiring less and less energy to sustain.
  • Now it was time to detox. i interpreted the traditional second step — belief that a higher power could help restore my sanity — in a more secular way. The higher power became my 30-year-old daughter, who disconnected my phone and laptop from both my email and the Web.
  • During those first few days, i did suffer withdrawal pangs, most of all the hunger to call up Google and search for an answer to some question that arose. But with each passing day offline, i felt more relaxed, less anxious, more able to focus and less hungry for the next shot of instant but short-lived stimulation. What happened to my brain is exactly what i hoped would happen: it began to quiet down.
  • I had brought more than a dozen books of varyIng dIffIculty and length on my vacatIon. I started wIth short nonfIctIon, and then moved to longer nonfIctIon as I began to feel calmer and my focus got stronger. I eventually worked my way up to “The Emperor of All MaladIes
  • I am back at work now, and of course I am back onlIne. The Internet Isn’t goIng away, and It wIll contInue to consume a lot of my attentIon. My aIm now Is to fInd the best possIble balance between tIme onlIne and tIme off
  • I also make It my busIness now to take on more fully absorbIng actIvItIes as part of my days. Above all, I’ve kept up readIng books, not just because I love them, but also as a contInuIng attentIon-buIldIng practIce.
  • I’ve retaIned my longtIme rItual of decIdIng the nIght before on the most Important thIng I can accomplIsh the next mornIng. That’s my fIrst work actIvIty most days, for 60 to 90 mInutes wIthout InterruptIon. Afterward, I take a 10- to 15-mInute break to quIet my mInd and renew my energy.
  • If I have other work durIng the day that requIres sustaIned focus, I go completely offlIne for desIgnated perIods, repeatIng my mornIng rItual. In the evenIng, when I go up to my bedroom, I nearly always leave my dIgItal devIces downstaIrs.
Javier E

I Downloaded the InformatIon That Facebook Has on Me. YIkes. - The New York TImes - 0 views

  • When I downloaded a copy of my Facebook data last week, I dIdn’t expect to see much. My profIle Is sparse, I rarely post anythIng on the sIte, and I seldom clIck on ads
  • With a few clicks, i learned that about 500 advertisers — many that i had never heard of, like Bad Dad, a motorcycle parts store, and Space Jesus, an electronica band — had my contact information
  • Facebook also had my entire phone book, including the number to ring my apartment buzzer. The social network had even kept a permanent record of the roughly 100 people i had deleted from my friends list over the last 14 years, including my exes.
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  • During his testimony, Mr. Zuckerberg repeatedly said Facebook has a tool for downloading your data that “allows people to see and take out all the information they’ve put into Facebook.”
  • Most basic information, like my birthday, could not be deleted. More important, the pieces of data that i found objectionable, like the record of people i had unfriended, could not be removed from Facebook, either.
  • “They don’t delete anything, and that’s a general policy,” said Gabriel Weinberg, the founder of DuckDuckGo, which offers internet privacy tools. He added that data was kept around to eventually help brands serve targeted ads.
  • When you download a copy of your Facebook data, you will see a folder containing multiple subfolders and files. The most important one is the “index” file, which is essentially a raw data set of your Facebook account, where you can click through your profile, friends list, timeline and messages, among other features.
  • Upon closer inspection, it turned out that Facebook had stored my entire phone book because i had uploaded it when setting up Facebook’s messaging app, Messenger.
  • Facebook also kept a history of each time i opened Facebook over the last two years, including which device and web browser i used. On some days, it even logged my locations, like when i was at a hospital two years ago or when i visited Tokyo last year.
  • what bothered me was the data that I had explIcItly deleted but that lIngered In plaIn sIght. On my frIends lIst, Facebook had a record of “Removed FrIends,” a dossIer of the 112 people I had removed along wIth the date I clIcked the “UnfrIend” button. Why should Facebook remember the people I’ve cut off from my lIfe?
  • Facebook said unfamiliar advertisers might appear on the list because they might have obtained my contact information from elsewhere, compiled it into a list of people they wanted to target and uploaded that list into Facebook
  • Brands can obtain your information in many different ways. Those include:
  • ■ Buying information from a data provider like Acxiom, which has amassed one of the world’s largest commercial databases on consumers. Brands can buy different types of customer data sets from a provider, like contact information for people who belong to a certain demographic, and take that information to Facebook to serve targeted ads
  • ■ Using tracking technologies like web cookies and invisible pixels that load in your web browser to collect information about your browsing activities. There are many different trackers on the web, and Facebook offers 10 different trackers to help brands harvest your information, according to Ghostery, which offers privacy tools that block ads and trackers.
  • ■ Getting your information in simpler ways, too. Someone you shared information with could share it with another entity. Your credit card loyalty program, for example
  • I also downloaded copIes of my Google data wIth a tool called Google Takeout. The data sets were exponentIally larger than my Facebook data.
  • For my personal email account alone, Google’s archive of my data measured eight gigabytes, enough to hold about 2,000 hours of music. By comparison, my Facebook data was about 650 megabytes, the equivalent of about 160 hours of music.
  • In a folder labeled Ads, Google kept a hIstory of many news artIcles I had read, lIke a Newsweek story about Apple employees walkIng Into glass walls and a New York TImes story about the edItor of our Modern Love column. I dIdn’t clIck on ads for eIther of these storIes, but the search gIant logged them because the sItes had loaded ads served by Google.
  • In another folder, labeled AndroId, Google had a record of apps I had opened on an AndroId phone sInce 2015, along wIth the date and tIme. ThIs felt lIke an extraordInary level of detaIl.

Opinion | i Don't Want Another Family to Lose a Child the Way We Did - The New York Times - 0 views

  • I Don’t Want Another FamIly to Lose a ChIld the Way We DId
  • The thought of suicide is terrifying, but we have to make talking about it a part of everyday life.
  • I always felt so blessed watchIng my boy-gIrl twIns; even as teenagers they would walk arm In arm down the street, chattIng and laughIng together.
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  • But that blessed feeling evaporated in June of 2019, when i lost my daughter, Frankie, to suicide, three weeks before her high school graduation
  • Ever since that day, i have thought of little else except how i could help the next struggling teenager, the next Frankie.
  • Several days after her passing, we opened our home up to our community, including Frankie’s very large group of teenage friends
  • “What strength Frankie had. it must have taken enormous energy for her to do what she did each day.”
  • That was Frankie. She had the strength to engage in school and in theater, despite her anxiety and depression. She had an ability to connect — emotionally, profoundly — with others, even when she was struggling herself
  • “empathy personified, with quite the fabulous earring collection.”
  • Whether that strength came from her home or somewhere else, or both, Frankie just had a way of drawing out warmth wherever she went.
  • Just as my parents couldn’t predict in the 1980s what seatbelt safety would look like now, i am not sure what suicide prevention should look like in the future.
  • Suicidal thinking, whether it is the result of mental illness, stress, trauma or loss, is actually far more common and difficult to see than many of us realize
  • A June 2020 Centers for Disease Control survey found that one in four 18- to 24-year-olds reported that they had seriously thought about taking their lives in the past 30 days; prepandemic estimates found that just under one in five high schoolers had seriously considered suicide, and just under one in 10 had made at least one suicide attempt during the previous year.
  • Despite 50 years of research, predicting death by suicide is still nearly impossible
  • Like others who have lost a child to suicide, i have spent countless hours going over relentless “what ifs.”
  • Maybe what we need are seatbelts for suicide.
  • “Click it or Ticket” was born in part out of a concern in the 1980s about teenagers dying in car accidents. Just as with suicides today, adults couldn’t predict who would get into a car accident, and one of the best solutions we had — seatbelts — was used routinely, in some estimates, by only 15 percent of the population. indeed, as children, my siblings and i used to make a game of rolling around in the back of our car, seatbelts ignored.
  • Three decades later, our world is unlike anything i could have imagined as a child. Putting on a seatbelt is the first lesson of driver’s education; cars get inspected annually for working seatbelts; car companies embed those annoying beeping sounds to remind you to buckle your seatbelt
  • But like many who struggle with suicidal thinking, she kept her own pain camouflaged for a long time, perhaps for too long.
  • Most of us (estimates range as high as 91 percent) now wear a seatbelt.
  • But I ImagIne a world In whIch every health worker, school professIonal, employer and relIgIous leader can recognIze the sIgns of suIcIdal thInkIng and know how to ask about It, respond to It and offer resources to someone who Is strugglIng
  • When I told FrankIe’s orthodontIst about her suIcIde, hIs response surprIsed me: “We really don’t come across that In our practIce.” Even though orthodontIsts don’t ask about It, they see chIldren durIng theIr early teenage years, when suIcIdal thInkIng often begIns to emerge. Can you ImagIne a world In whIch sIgns for the preventIon hotlIne and text lIne are posted for kIds to see as they get theIr braces adjusted?
  • What if the annual teenage pediatric checkup involved a discussion of one-at-a-time pill packaging and boxes to lock up lethal medications, the way there is a discussion of baby-proofing homes when children start to crawl? What if pediatricians handed each adolescent a card with the prevention hotline on it (or better yet, if companies preprogrammed that number into cellphones) and the pediatrician talked through what happens when a teenager calls? What if doctors coached parents on how to ask their teenager, “Are you thinking about suicide?”
  • What if we required and funded every school to put in place one of the existing programs that train teachers and other school professionals to be a resource for struggling students?
  • I recognIze that despIte progress IdentIfyIng effectIve programs to combat suIcIdal thInkIng, theIr success rate and sImplIcIty does not compare wIth what we see wIth seatbelts. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do more.
  • Part of doing more also includes making the world more just and caring. To give one example, state-level same-sex-marriage policies that were in place before the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationally have been linked to reductions in suicide attempts among adolescents, especially among sexual minorities.
  • Just as safer highways and car models make seatbelts more effective, asking about and responding to suicidal thinking is only one part of a solution that also includes attention to societal injustices.
  • I understand, of course, that askIng about suIcIdal thInkIng Is scary. But If It Is scary for you to ask about It, It Is even scarIer for the teenager who Is thInkIng about It.
  • I wIll never forget sIttIng wIth FrankIe In the waItIng room In the pedIatrIc psychIatrIc wIng on the nIght I brought her to the InpatIent unIt, three months before she took her lIfe
  • “You know, I am so glad you fInally know.” I could hear the relIef In her voIce. I just nodded, understandIngly, but It broke my heart that she held on to such a paInful secret for so long.
  • I fInd myself InspIred by FrankIe’s teenage frIends, who cared deeply for her and now support one another after her passIng.
  • On good days, she would sit on the worn couch in that office, snuggle in a pile of teenagers and discuss plays, schoolwork and their lives.
  • And in that corner space, she would text a friend to help her get to class or, after she had opened up about her struggles, encourage others to open up as well.
  • The fall after Frankie left us, some students decided to remake that hidden corner, dotting the walls with colored Post-it notes. Scrawled on a pink Post-it were the words “you matter”; a yellow one read “it gets better”; an orange one shared a cellphone number to call for help. Tiny Post-it squares had transformed the corner into a space to comfort, heal and support the next struggling teenager.
  • I don’t know If a seatbelt approach would have saved FrankIe. And I understand that all the detaIls of such an approach aren’t fully worked out here. But I don’t want us to lose any more chIldren because we weren’t brave enough to take on somethIng that scares us, somethIng we don’t fully understand, somethIng that Is much more prevalent than many of us realIze.
  • If 17- and 18-year-olds who’ve lost a frIend have the strength to ImagIne a world dotted wIth healIng, then the least we can do as adults Is desIgn and buIld the structure to support them

'At 47, I dIscovered I am autIstIc - suddenly so many thIngs made sense' | LIfe and style | The GuardIan - 0 views

  • I knew I was dIfferent and I had always been told I was “too sensItIve”. But I don’t fIt the dated RaIn Man stereotype. I’m a CEO, I’m marrIed, I have two chIldren. AutIsm Is often a hIdden dIsabIlIty.
  • I always operated wIth some level of confusIon.
  • My mind is always going a million miles an hour and i don’t really have an off switch. i need to finish what i start at any cost. Now i understand that is part of being autistic.
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  • Einstein, Mozart, Michelangelo, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates – all these overachievers are widely believed to be, or have been, on the spectrum.
  • I used recreatIonal drugs to smooth me through the challenges of socIal communIcatIon.
  • With every interaction, verbal or written, i go through a mental checklist: is my response appropriate? is it relevant? is this something only i am going to find interesting? is my tone right? Trying to follow social rules and adapt to an allistic [non-autistic] world is exhausting. No one sees what is going on inside my head.
  • Misunderstandings in communication can blow up quite quickly.
  • I burnt out In my late 20s.
  • My greatest fear has been something i’ve always referred to as “the big alone”. Even when i’ve been in loving relationships, as i am now, there has been a terrible aloneness in not understanding why i am not like other people.
  • I was able to look back at sItuatIons and mIsunderstandIngs and understand what had happened. I’d been told my communIcatIon could be “off” sometImes – a bIt Intense, a bIt abrupt.
  • Autistic children spend a lot of time “masking”, imitating so-called “normal” behaviour. They need to be able to experience their authentic selves.
  • Over the past five or 10 years, the concept of neurodiversity – the idea that these differences in our brains should be celebrated – has become better known. We deserve equality, respect and full social inclusion.
  • We need to start making space for neurodivergent people at school, at work, in life generally. Autistic people bring a whole new set of skills with them.
Javier E

Social Media and the Devolution of Friendship: Full Essay (Pts i & ii) » Cyborgology - 1 views

  • social networking sites create pressure to put time and effort into tending weak ties, and how it can be impossible to keep up with them all. Personally, i also find it difficult to keep up with my strong ties. i’m a great “pick up where we left off” friend, as are most of the people closest to me (makes sense, right?). i’m decidedly sub-awesome, however, at being in constant contact with more than a few people at a time.
  • the devolution of friendship. As i explain over the course of this essay, i link the devolution of friendship to—but do not “blame” it on—the affordances of various social networking platforms, especially (but not exclusively) so-called “frictionless sharing” features.
  • I’m usIng the word here In the same way that people use It to talk about the devolutIon of health care. One example of devolutIon of health care Is some outpatIent surgerIes: patIents are allowed to go home after theIr operatIons, but they stIll requIre a good deal of post-operatIve care such as changIng bandages, IrrIgatIng wounds, admInIsterIng medIcatIons, etc. Whereas before these patIents would stay In the hospItal and nurses would perform the care-labor necessary for theIr recoverIes, patIents must now fInd theIr own caregIvers (usually famIly members or frIends; sometImes themselves) to perform free care-labor. In thIs context, devolutIon marks the shIft of labor and responsIbIlIty away from the medIcal establIshment and onto the patIent; wIthIn the patIent-medIcal establIshment collaboratIon, the patIent must now provIde a greater portIon of the necessary work. SImIlarly, In some ways, we now expect our frIends to do a greater portIon of the work of beIng frIends wIth us.
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  • Through social media, “sharing with friends” is rationalized to the point of relentless efficiency. The current apex of such rationalization is frictionless sharing: we no longer need to perform the labor of telling our individual friends about what we read online, or of copy-pasting links and emailing them to “the list,” or of clicking a button for one-step posting of links on our Facebook walls. With frictionless sharing, all we have to do is look, or listen; what we’ve read or watched or listened to is then “shared” or “scrobbled” to our Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or whatever other online profiles. Whether we share content actively or passively, however, we feel as though we’ve done our half of the friendship-labor by ‘pushing’ the information to our walls, streams, and tumblelogs. it’s then up to our friends to perform their halves of the friendship-labor by ‘pulling’ the information we share from those platforms.
  • We’re busy people; we like the idea of making one announcement on Facebook and being done with it, rather than having to repeat the same story over and over again to different friends individually. We also like not always having to think about which friends might like which stories or songs; we like the idea of sharing with all of our friends at once, and then letting them sort out amongst themselves who is and isn’t interested. Though social media can create burdensome expectations to keep up with strong ties, weak ties, and everyone in between, social media platforms can also be very efficient. Using the same moment of friendship-labor to tend multiple friendships at once kills more birds with fewer stones.
  • sometimes we like the devolution of friendship. When we have to ‘pull’ friendship-content instead of receiving it in a ‘push’, we can pick and choose which content items to pull. We can ignore the baby pictures, or the pet pictures, or the sushi pictures—whatever it is our friends post that we only pretend to care about
  • I’ve been thInkIng sInce, however, on what It means to vIew our frIends as “generalIzed others.” I may now feel lIke less of lIke “creepy stalker” when I clIck on a song In someone’s SpotIfy feed, but I don’t exactly feel ‘shared wIth’ eIther. Far as I know, I’ve never been SpotIVaguebooked (or SubSpotIfIed?); I have no reason to thInk anyone Is speakIng to me personally as they lIsten to musIc, or as they choose not to dIsable scrobblIng (If they make that choIce conscIously at all). I may have been granted the opportunIty to vIew somethIng, but It doesn’t follow that what I’m vIewIng has anythIng to do wIth me unless I choose to make It about me. Devolved frIendshIp means It’s not up to us to Interact wIth our frIends personally; Instead It’s now up to our frIends to make our generalIzed broadcasts personal.
  • While i won’t go so far as to say they’re definitely ‘problems,’ there are two major things about devolved friendship that i think are worth noting. The first is the non-uniform rationalization of friendship-labor, and the second is the depersonalization of friendship-labor.
  • In short, “sharIng” has become a lot easIer and a lot more effIcIent, but “beIng shared wIth” has become much more tIme-consumIng, demandIng, and IneffIcIent (especIally If we don’t Ignore most of our frIends most of the tIme). GIven thIs, expectIng our frIends to keep up wIth our socIal medIa content Isn’t expectIng them to meet us halfway; It’s askIng them to take on the lIon’s share of stayIng In touch wIth us. Our jobs (In thIs role) have gotten easIer; our frIends’ jobs have gotten harder.
  • The second thing worth noting is that devolved friendship is also depersonalized friendship.
  • Personal interaction doesn’t just happen on Spotify, and since i was hoping Spotify would be the New Porch, i initially found Spotify to be somewhat lonely-making. it’s the mutual awareness of presence that gives companionate silence its warmth, whether in person or across distance. The silence within Spotify’s many sounds, on the other hand, felt more like being on the outside looking in. This isn’t to say that Spotify can’t be social in a more personal way; once i started sending tracks to my friends, a few of them started sending tracks in return. But it took a lot more work to get to that point, which gets back to the devolution of friendship (as i explain below).
  • Within devolved friendship interactions, it takes less effort to be polite while secretly waiting for someone to please just stop talking.
  • When we consider the lopsided rationalization of ‘sharing’ and ‘shared with,’ as well as the depersonalization of frictionless sharing and generalized broadcasting, what becomes clear is this: the social media deck is stacked in such a way as to make being ‘a self’ easier and more rewarding than being ‘a friend.’
  • It’s easy to share, to broadcast, to put our selves and our tastes and our IdentIty performances out Into the world for others to consume; what feedback and frIendshIp we get In return comes In response to comparatIvely lIttle effort and Investment from us. It takes a lot more work, however, to do the consumptIon, to sIft through everythIng all (or even just some) of our frIends produce, to do the work of connectIng to our frIends’ generalIzed broadcasts so that we can convert theIr depersonalIzed shares Into meanIngful frIendshIp-labor.
  • We may be prosumers of social media, but the reward structures of social media sites encourage us to place greater emphasis on our roles as share-producers—even though many of us probably spend more time consuming shared content than producing it. There’s a reason for this, of course; the content we produce (for free) is what fuels every last ‘Web 2.0’ machine, and its attendant self-centered sociality is the linchpin of the peculiarly Silicon Valley concept of “Social” (something Nathan Jurgenson and i discuss together in greater detail here). it’s not super-rewarding to be one of ten people who “like” your friend’s shared link, but it can feel rewarding to get 10 “likes” on something you’ve shared—even if you have hundreds or thousands of ‘friends.’ Sharing is easy; dealing with all that shared content is hard.
  • t I wonder sometImes If the shIfts In expectatIon that accompany devolved frIendshIp don’t mIgrate across platforms and contexts In ways we don’t always see or acknowledge. SocIal medIa affects how we see the world—and how we feel about beIng seen In the world—even when we’re not engaged dIrectly wIth socIal medIa websItes. It’s not a stretch, then, to ImagIne that the affordances of socIal medIa platforms mIght also affect how we see frIendshIp and our oblIgatIons as frIends most generally.
Javier E

Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • Social scientists have identified at least three major forces that collectively bind together successful democracies: social capital (extensive social networks with high levels of trust), strong institutions, and shared stories.
  • Social media has weakened all three.
  • gradually, social-media users became more comfortable sharing intimate details of their lives with strangers and corporations. As i wrote in a 2019 Atlantic article with Tobias Rose-Stockwell, they became more adept at putting on performances and managing their personal brand—activities that might impress others but that do not deepen friendships in the way that a private phone conversation will.
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  • the stage was set for the major transformation, which began in 2009: the intensification of viral dynamics.
  • Before 2009, Facebook had given users a simple timeline––a never-ending stream of content generated by their friends and connections, with the newest posts at the top and the oldest ones at the bottom
  • That began to change in 2009, when Facebook offered users a way to publicly “like” posts with the click of a button. That same year, Twitter introduced something even more powerful: the “Retweet” button, which allowed users to publicly endorse a post while also sharing it with all of their followers.
  • “Like” and “Share” buttons quickly became standard features of most other platforms.
  • Facebook developed algorithms to bring each user the content most likely to generate a “like” or some other interaction, eventually including the “share” as well.
  • Later research showed that posts that trigger emotions––especially anger at out-groups––are the most likely to be shared.
  • By 2013, social media had become a new game, with dynamics unlike those in 2008. if you were skillful or lucky, you might create a post that would “go viral” and make you “internet famous”
  • If you blundered, you could fInd yourself burIed In hateful comments. Your posts rode to fame or IgnomIny based on the clIcks of thousands of strangers, and you In turn contrIbuted thousands of clIcks to the game.
  • This new game encouraged dishonesty and mob dynamics: Users were guided not just by their true preferences but by their past experiences of reward and punishment,
  • As a social psychologist who studies emotion, morality, and politics, i saw this happening too. The newly tweaked platforms were almost perfectly designed to bring out our most moralistic and least reflective selves. The volume of outrage was shocking.
  • It was just thIs kInd of twItchy and explosIve spread of anger that James MadIson had trIed to protect us from as he was draftIng the U.S. ConstItutIon.
  • The Framers of the Constitution were excellent social psychologists. They knew that democracy had an Achilles’ heel because it depended on the collective judgment of the people, and democratic communities are subject to “the turbulency and weakness of unruly passions.”
  • The key to designing a sustainable republic, therefore, was to build in mechanisms to slow things down, cool passions, require compromise, and give leaders some insulation from the mania of the moment while still holding them accountable to the people periodically, on Election Day.
  • The tech companies that enhanced virality from 2009 to 2012 brought us deep into Madison’s nightmare.
  • a less quoted yet equally important insight, about democracy’s vulnerability to triviality.
  • Madison notes that people are so prone to factionalism that “where no substantial occasion presents itself, the most frivolous and fanciful distinctions have been sufficient to kindle their unfriendly passions and excite their most violent conflicts.”
  • Social media has both magnified and weaponized the frivolous.
  • It’s not just the waste of tIme and scarce attentIon that matters; It’s the contInual chIppIng-away of trust.
  • a democracy depends on widely internalized acceptance of the legitimacy of rules, norms, and institutions.
  • when citizens lose trust in elected leaders, health authorities, the courts, the police, universities, and the integrity of elections, then every decision becomes contested; every election becomes a life-and-death struggle to save the country from the other side
  • The most recent Edelman Trust Barometer (an international measure of citizens’ trust in government, business, media, and nongovernmental organizations) showed stable and competent autocracies (China and the United Arab Emirates) at the top of the list, while contentious democracies such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, and South Korea scored near the bottom (albeit above Russia).
  • The literature is complex—some studies show benefits, particularly in less developed democracies—but the review found that, on balance, social media amplifies political polarization; foments populism, especially right-wing populism; and is associated with the spread of misinformation.
  • When people lose trust in institutions, they lose trust in the stories told by those institutions. That’s particularly true of the institutions entrusted with the education of children.
  • Facebook and Twitter make it possible for parents to become outraged every day over a new snippet from their children’s history lessons––and math lessons and literature selections, and any new pedagogical shifts anywhere in the country
  • The motives of teachers and administrators come into question, and overreaching laws or curricular reforms sometimes follow, dumbing down education and reducing trust in it further.
  • young people educated in the post-Babel era are less likely to arrive at a coherent story of who we are as a people, and less likely to share any such story with those who attended different schools or who were educated in a different decade.
  • former CIA analyst MartIn GurrI predIcted these fracturIng effects In hIs 2014 book, The Revolt of the PublIc. GurrI’s analysIs focused on the authorIty-subvertIng effects of InformatIon’s exponentIal growth, begInnIng wIth the Internet In the 1990s. WrItIng nearly a decade ago, GurrI could already see the power of socIal medIa as a unIversal solvent, breakIng down bonds and weakenIng InstItutIons everywhere It reached.
  • he notes a constructive feature of the pre-digital era: a single “mass audience,” all consuming the same content, as if they were all looking into the same gigantic mirror at the reflection of their own society. i
  • The digital revolution has shattered that mirror, and now the public inhabits those broken pieces of glass. So the public isn’t one thing; it’s highly fragmented, and it’s basically mutually hostile
  • Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and a few other large platforms unwittingly dissolved the mortar of trust, belief in institutions, and shared stories that had held a large and diverse secular democracy together.
  • I thInk we can date the fall of the tower to the years between 2011 (GurrI’s focal year of “nIhIlIstIc” protests) and 2015, a year marked by the “great awokenIng” on the left and the ascendancy of Donald Trump on the rIght.
  • Twitter can overpower all the newspapers in the country, and stories cannot be shared (or at least trusted) across more than a few adjacent fragments—so truth cannot achieve widespread adherence.
  • fter Babel, nothing really means anything anymore––at least not in a way that is durable and on which people widely agree.
  • Politics After Babel
  • “Politics is the art of the possible,” the German statesman Otto von Bismarck said in 1867. in a post-Babel democracy, not much may be possible.
  • The ideological distance between the two parties began increasing faster in the 1990s. Fox News and the 1994 “Republican Revolution” converted the GOP into a more combative party.
  • So cross-party relationships were already strained before 2009. But the enhanced virality of social media thereafter made it more hazardous to be seen fraternizing with the enemy or even failing to attack the enemy with sufficient vigor.
  • What changed in the 2010s? Let’s revisit that Twitter engineer’s metaphor of handing a loaded gun to a 4-year-old. A mean tweet doesn’t kill anyone; it is an attempt to shame or punish someone publicly while broadcasting one’s own virtue, brilliance, or tribal loyalties. it’s more a dart than a bullet
  • from 2009 to 2012, Facebook and Twitter passed out roughly 1 billion dart guns globally. We’ve been shooting one another ever since.
  • “devoted conservatives,” comprised 6 percent of the U.S. population.
  • the warped “accountability” of social media has also brought injustice—and political dysfunction—in three ways.
  • First, the dart guns of social media give more power to trolls and provocateurs while silencing good citizens.
  • a small subset of people on social-media platforms are highly concerned with gaining status and are willing to use aggression to do so.
  • Across eight studies, Bor and Petersen found that being online did not make most people more aggressive or hostile; rather, it allowed a small number of aggressive people to attack a much larger set of victims. Even a small number of jerks were able to dominate discussion forums,
  • Additional research finds that women and Black people are harassed disproportionately, so the digital public square is less welcoming to their voices.
  • Second, the dart guns of social media give more power and voice to the political extremes while reducing the power and voice of the moderate majority.
  • The “Hidden Tribes” study, by the pro-democracy group More in Common, surveyed 8,000 Americans in 2017 and 2018 and identified seven groups that shared beliefs and behaviors.
  • Social media has given voice to some people who had little previously, and it has made it easier to hold powerful people accountable for their misdeeds
  • The group furthest to the left, the “progressive activists,” comprised 8 percent of the population. The progressive activists were by far the most prolific group on social media: 70 percent had shared political content over the previous year. The devoted conservatives followed, at 56 percent.
  • These two extreme groups are similar in surprising ways. They are the whitest and richest of the seven groups, which suggests that America is being torn apart by a battle between two subsets of the elite who are not representative of the broader society.
  • they are the two groups that show the greatest homogeneity in their moral and political attitudes.
  • likely a result of thought-policing on social media:
  • political extremists don’t just shoot darts at their enemies; they spend a lot of their ammunition targeting dissenters or nuanced thinkers on their own team.
  • Finally, by giving everyone a dart gun, social media deputizes everyone to administer justice with no due process. Platforms like Twitter devolve into the Wild West, with no accountability for vigilantes.
  • Enhanced-virality platforms thereby facilitate massive collective punishment for small or imagined offenses, with real-world consequences, including innocent people losing their jobs and being shamed into suicide
  • we don’t get justice and inclusion; we get a society that ignores context, proportionality, mercy, and truth.
  • Since the tower fell, debates of all kinds have grown more and more confused. The most pervasive obstacle to good thinking is confirmation bias, which refers to the human tendency to search only for evidence that confirms our preferred beliefs
  • search engines were supercharging confirmation bias, making it far easier for people to find evidence for absurd beliefs and conspiracy theorie
  • The most reliable cure for confirmation bias is interaction with people who don’t share your beliefs. They confront you with counterevidence and counterargument.
  • In hIs book The ConstItutIon of Knowledge, Jonathan Rauch descrIbes the hIstorIcal breakthrough In whIch Western socIetIes developed an “epIstemIc operatIng system”—that Is, a set of InstItutIons for generatIng knowledge from the InteractIons of bIased and cognItIvely flawed IndIvIduals
  • English law developed the adversarial system so that biased advocates could present both sides of a case to an impartial jury.
  • Newspapers full of lies evolved into professional journalistic enterprises, with norms that required seeking out multiple sides of a story, followed by editorial review, followed by fact-checking.
  • Universities evolved from cloistered medieval institutions into research powerhouses, creating a structure in which scholars put forth evidence-backed claims with the knowledge that other scholars around the world would be motivated to gain prestige by finding contrary evidence.
  • Part of America’s greatness in the 20th century came from having developed the most capable, vibrant, and productive network of knowledge-producing institutions in all of human history
  • But this arrangement, Rauch notes, “is not self-maintaining; it relies on an array of sometimes delicate social settings and understandings, and those need to be understood, affirmed, and protected.”
  • This, i believe, is what happened to many of America’s key institutions in the mid-to-late 2010s. They got stupider en masse because social media instilled in their members a chronic fear of getting darted
  • it was so pervasive that it established new behavioral norms backed by new policies seemingly overnight
  • Participants in our key institutions began self-censoring to an unhealthy degree, holding back critiques of policies and ideas—even those presented in class by their students—that they believed to be ill-supported or wrong.
  • The stupefying process plays out differently on the right and the left because their activist wings subscribe to different narratives with different sacred values.
  • The “Hidden Tribes” study tells us that the “devoted conservatives” score highest on beliefs related to authoritarianism. They share a narrative in which America is eternally under threat from enemies outside and subversives within; they see life as a battle between patriots and traitors.
  • they are psychologically different from the larger group of “traditional conservatives” (19 percent of the population), who emphasize order, decorum, and slow rather than radical change.
  • The traditional punishment for treason is death, hence the battle cry on January 6: “Hang Mike Pence.”
  • Right-wing death threats, many delivered by anonymous accounts, are proving effective in cowing traditional conservatives
  • The wave of threats delivered to dissenting Republican members of Congress has similarly pushed many of the remaining moderates to quit or go silent, giving us a party ever more divorced from the conservative tradition, constitutional responsibility, and reality.
  • The stupidity on the right is most visible in the many conspiracy theories spreading across right-wing media and now into Congress.
  • The Democrats have also been hit hard by structural stupidity, though in a different way. in the Democratic Party, the struggle between the progressive wing and the more moderate factions is open and ongoing, and often the moderates win.
  • The problem is that the left controls the commanding heights of the culture: universities, news organizations, Hollywood, art museums, advertising, much of Silicon Valley, and the teachers’ unions and teaching colleges that shape K–12 education. And in many of those institutions, dissent has been stifled:
  • Liberals in the late 20th century shared a belief that the sociologist Christian Smith called the “liberal progress” narrative, in which America used to be horrifically unjust and repressive, but, thanks to the struggles of activists and heroes, has made (and continues to make) progress toward realizing the noble promise of its founding.
  • It Is also the vIew of the “tradItIonal lIberals” In the “HIdden TrIbes” study (11 percent of the populatIon), who have strong humanItarIan values, are older than average, and are largely the people leadIng AmerIca’s cultural and Intellectual InstItutIons.
  • when the newly viralized social-media platforms gave everyone a dart gun, it was younger progressive activists who did the most shooting, and they aimed a disproportionate number of their darts at these older liberal leaders.
  • Confused and fearful, the leaders rarely challenged the activists or their nonliberal narrative in which life at every institution is an eternal battle among identity groups over a zero-sum pie, and the people on top got there by oppressing the people on the bottom. This new narrative is rigidly egalitarian––focused on equality of outcomes, not of rights or opportunities. it is unconcerned with individual rights.
  • The universal charge against people who disagree with this narrative is not “traitor”; it is “racist,” “transphobe,” “Karen,” or some related scarlet letter marking the perpetrator as one who hates or harms a marginalized group.
  • The punishment that feels right for such crimes is not execution; it is public shaming and social death.
  • anyone on Twitter had already seen dozens of examples teaching the basic lesson: Don’t question your own side’s beliefs, policies, or actions. And when traditional liberals go silent, as so many did in the summer of 2020, the progressive activists’ more radical narrative takes over as the governing narrative of an organization.
  • This is why so many epistemic institutions seemed to “go woke” in rapid succession that year and the next, beginning with a wave of controversies and resignations at The New York Times and other newspapers, and continuing on to social-justice pronouncements by groups of doctors and medical associations
  • The problem is structural. Thanks to enhanced-virality social media, dissent is punished within many of our institutions, which means that bad ideas get elevated into official policy.
  • In a 2018 IntervIew, Steve Bannon, the former advIser to Donald Trump, saId that the way to deal wIth the medIa Is “to flood the zone wIth shIt.” He was descrIbIng the “fIrehose of falsehood” tactIc pIoneered by RussIan dIsInformatIon programs to keep AmerIcans confused, dIsorIented, and angry.
  • artificial intelligence is close to enabling the limitless spread of highly believable disinformation. The Ai program GPT-3 is already so good that you can give it a topic and a tone and it will spit out as many essays as you like, typically with perfect grammar and a surprising level of coherence.
  • Renée DiResta, the research manager at the Stanford internet Observatory, explained that spreading falsehoods—whether through text, images, or deep-fake videos—will quickly become inconceivably easy. (She co-wrote the essay with GPT-3.)
  • American factions won’t be the only ones using Ai and social media to generate attack content; our adversaries will too.
  • In the 20th century, AmerIca’s shared IdentIty as the country leadIng the fIght to make the world safe for democracy was a strong force that helped keep the culture and the polIty together.
  • In the 21st century, AmerIca’s tech companIes have rewIred the world and created products that now appear to be corrosIve to democracy, obstacles to shared understandIng, and destroyers of the modern tower.
  • What changes are needed?
  • I can suggest three categorIes of reforms––three goals that must be achIeved If democracy Is to remaIn vIable In the post-Babel era.
  • We must harden democratic institutions so that they can withstand chronic anger and mistrust, reform social media so that it becomes less socially corrosive, and better prepare the next generation for democratic citizenship in this new age.
  • Harden Democratic institutions
  • we must reform key institutions so that they can continue to function even if levels of anger, misinformation, and violence increase far above those we have today.
  • Reforms should reduce the outsize influence of angry extremists and make legislators more responsive to the average voter in their district.
  • One example of such a reform is to end closed party primaries, replacing them with a single, nonpartisan, open primary from which the top several candidates advance to a general election that also uses ranked-choice voting
  • A second way to harden democratic institutions is to reduce the power of either political party to game the system in its favor, for example by drawing its preferred electoral districts or selecting the officials who will supervise elections
  • These jobs should all be done in a nonpartisan way.
  • Reform Social Media
  • Social media’s empowerment of the far left, the far right, domestic trolls, and foreign agents is creating a system that looks less like democracy and more like rule by the most aggressive.
  • it is within our power to reduce social media’s ability to dissolve trust and foment structural stupidity. Reforms should limit the platforms’ amplification of the aggressive fringes while giving more voice to what More in Common calls “the exhausted majority.”
  • the main problem with social media is not that some people post fake or toxic stuff; it’s that fake and outrage-inducing content can now attain a level of reach and influence that was not possible before
  • Perhaps the biggest single change that would reduce the toxicity of existing platforms would be user verification as a precondition for gaining the algorithmic amplification that social media offers.
  • One of the first orders of business should be compelling the platforms to share their data and their algorithms with academic researchers.
  • Prepare the Next Generation
  • Childhood has become more tightly circumscribed in recent generations––with less opportunity for free, unstructured play; less unsupervised time outside; more time online. Whatever else the effects of these shifts, they have likely impeded the development of abilities needed for effective self-governance for many young adults
  • Depression makes people less likely to want to engage with new people, ideas, and experiences. Anxiety makes new things seem more threatening. As these conditions have risen and as the lessons on nuanced social behavior learned through free play have been delayed, tolerance for diverse viewpoints and the ability to work out disputes have diminished among many young people
  • Students did not just say that they disagreed with visiting speakers; some said that those lectures would be dangerous, emotionally devastating, a form of violence. Because rates of teen depression and anxiety have continued to rise into the 2020s, we should expect these views to continue in the generations to follow, and indeed to become more severe.
  • The most important change we can make to reduce the damaging effects of social media on children is to delay entry until they have passed through puberty.
  • The age should be raised to at least 16, and companies should be held responsible for enforcing it.
  • et them out to play. Stop starving children of the experiences they most need to become good citizens: free play in mixed-age groups of children with minimal adult supervision
  • while social media has eroded the art of association throughout society, it may be leaving its deepest and most enduring marks on adolescents. A surge in rates of anxiety, depression, and self-harm among American teens began suddenly in the early 2010s. (The same thing happened to Canadian and British teens, at the same time.) The cause is not known, but the timing points to social media as a substantial contributor—the surge began just as the large majority of American teens became daily users of the major platforms.
  • What would it be like to live in Babel in the days after its destruction? We know. it is a time of confusion and loss. But it is also a time to reflect, listen, and build.
  • In recent years, AmerIcans have started hundreds of groups and organIzatIons dedIcated to buIldIng trust and frIendshIp across the polItIcal dIvIde, IncludIng BrIdgeUSA, Braver Angels (on whose board I serve), and many others lIsted at We cannot expect Congress and the tech companIes to save us. We must change ourselves and our communItIes.
  • when we look away from our dysfunctional federal government, disconnect from social media, and talk with our neighbors directly, things seem more hopeful. Most Americans in the More in Common report are members of the “exhausted majority,” which is tired of the fighting and is willing to listen to the other side and compromise. Most Americans now see that social media is having a negative impact on the country, and are becoming more aware of its damaging effects on children.
Javier E

Jordan Peterson Comes to Aspen - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • Peterson is traveling the English-speaking world in order to spread the message of this core conviction: that the way to fix what ails Western societies is a psychological project, targeted at helping individuals to get their lives in order, not a sociological project that seeks to improve society through politics, or popular culture, or by focusing on class, racial, or gender identity.
  • the Aspen Ideas FestIval, whIch Is co-sponsored by the Aspen InstItute and The AtlantIc, was an anomaly In thIs serIes of publIc appearances: a gatherIng largely populated by people—Democrats and centrIst RepublIcans, corporate leaders, academIcs, mIllIonaIre phIlanthropIsts, journalIsts—Invested In the contrary proposItIon, that the way to fIx what aIls socIety Is a socIologIcal project, one that effects change by focusIng on polItIcs, or changIng popular culture, or spurrIng technologIcal advances, or InvestIng more In dIversIty and InclusIveness.
  • Many of its attendees, like many journalists, are most interested in Peterson as a political figure at the center of controversies
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  • Peterson deserves a full, appropriately complex accounting of his best and worst arguments; i intend to give him one soon. For now, i can only tell you how the Peterson phenomenon manifested one night in Aspen
  • “For the first time in human history the spoken word has the same reach as the written word, and there are no barriers to entry. That’s a Gutenberg revolution,” he said. “That’s a big deal. This is a game changer. The podcast world is also a Gutenberg moment but it’s even more extensive. The problem with books is that you can’t do anything else while you’re reading. But if you’re listening to a podcast you can be driving a tractor or a long haul truck or doing the dishes. So podcasts free up two hours a day for people to engage in educational activity they otherwise wouldn’t be able to engage in. That’s one-eighth of people’s lives. You’re handing people a lot of time back to engage in high-level intellectual education.
  • that technological revolution has revealed something good that we didn’t know before: “The narrow bandwidth of TV has made us think that we are stupider than we are. And people have a real hunger for deep intellectual dialogue.”
  • I’ve known for years that the unIversIty underserved the communIty, because we assumed that unIversIty educatIon Is for 18- to 22-year-olds, whIch Is a proposItIon that’s so absurd It Is absolutely mInd-bogglIng that anyone ever conceptualIzed It. Why wouldn’t you take unIversIty courses throughout your entIre lIfe? What, you stop searchIng for wIsdom when you’re 22? I don’t thInk so. You don’t even start untIl you’re lIke In your mId 20s. So I knew unIversItIes were underservIng the broader communIty a long tIme ago. But there wasn’t a mechanIsm whereby that could be rectIfIed.
  • Universities are beyond forgiveness, he argued, because due to the growing ranks of administrators, there’s been a radical increase in tuition. “Unsuspecting students are given free access to student loans that will cripple them through their 30s and their 40s, and the universities are enticing them to extend their carefree adolescence for a four year period at the cost of mortgaging their future in a deal that does not allow for escape through bankruptcy,” he complained. “So it’s essentially a form of indentured servitude. There’s no excuse for that … That cripples the economy because the students become overlaid with debt that they’ll never pay off at the time when they should be at the peak of their ability to take entrepreneurial risks. That’s absolutely appalling.”
  • A critique i frequently hear from Peterson’s critics is that everything he says is either obvious or wrong. i think that critique fails insofar as i sometimes see some critics calling one of his statements obvious even as others insist it is obviously wrong.
  • a reliable difference among men and women cross-culturally is that men are more aggressive than women. Now what's the evidence for that? Here's one piece of evidence: There are 10 times as many men in prison. Now is that a sociocultural construct? it's like, no, it's not a sociocultural construct. Okay?
  • Here's another piece of data. Women try to commit suicide more than men by a lot, and that's because women are more prone to depression and anxiety than men are. And there are reasons for that, and that's cross-cultural as well. Now men are way more likely to actually commit suicide. Why? Because they're more aggressive so they use lethal means. So now the question is how much more aggressive are men than women? The answer is not very much. So the claim that men and women are more the same than different is actually true. This is where you have to know something about statistics to understand the way the world works, instead of just applying your a priori ideological presuppositions to things that are too complex to fit in that rubric.
  • So if you draw two people out of a crowd, one man and one woman, and you had to lay a bet on who was more aggressive, and you bet on the woman, you'd win 40 percent of the time. That's quite a lot. it isn't 50 percent of the time which would be no differences. But it’s a lot. There are lots of women who are more aggressive than lots of men. So the curves overlap a lot. There's way more similarity than difference. And this is along the dimension where there's the most difference. But here's the problem. You can take small differences at the average of a distribution. Then the distributions move off to the side. And then all the action is at the tail. So here's the situation. You don't care about how aggressive the average person is. it's not that relevant. What people care about is who is the most aggressive person out of 100, because that's the person you'd better watch out for.
  • Whenever I'm IntervIewed by journalIsts who have the scent of blood In theIr nose, let's say, they're very wIllIng and able to characterIze the sItuatIon I fInd myself In as polItIcal. But that's because they can't see the world In any other manner. The polItIcal Is a tIny fractIon of the world. And what I'm doIng Isn't polItIcal. It's psychologIcal or theologIcal. The polItIcal element Is perIpheral. And If people come to the lIve lectures, let's say, that's absolutely self-evIdent
  • In a New York TImes artIcle tItled, “Jordan Peterson, CustodIan of the PatrIarchy,” the wrIter NellIe Bowles quoted her subject as follows:
  • Violent attacks are what happens when men do not have partners, Mr. Peterson says, and society needs to work to make sure those men are married. “He was angry at God because women were rejecting him,” Mr. Peterson says of the Toronto killer. “The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges.” Mr. Peterson does not pause when he says this. Enforced monogamy is, to him, simply a rational solution. Otherwise women will all only go for the most high-status men, he explains, and that couldn’t make either gender happy in the end.
  • Ever since, some Peterson critics have claimed that Peterson wants to force women to have sex with male incels, or something similarly dystopian.
  •'s an anthropological truism generated primarily through scholars on the left, just so everybody is clear about it, that societies that use monogamy as a social norm, which by the way is virtually every human society that ever existed, do that in an attempt to control the aggression that goes along with polygamy. it's like ‘Oh my God, how contentious can you get.’ Well, how many of you are in monogamous relationships? A majority. How is that enforced?...
  • If everyone you talk to Is borIng It’s not them! And so If you're rejected by the opposIte sex, If you’re heterosexual, then you're wrong, they're not wrong, and you've got some work to do, man. You've got some dIffIcult work to do. And there Isn't anythIng I've been tellIng young men that's clearer than that … What I've been tellIng people Is take the responsIbIlIty for faIlure onto yourself. That's a hInt that you've got work to do. It could also be a hInt that you're young and useless and why the hell would anybody have anythIng to do wIth you because you don't have anythIng to offer. And that's rectIfIable. MaturIty helps to rectIfy that.
  • And what's the gender? Men. Because if you go two standard deviations out from the mean on two curves that overlap but are disjointed, then you derive an overwhelming preponderance of the overrepresented group. That's why men are about 10 times more likely to be in prison.  
  • Weiss: You are often characterized, at least in the mainstream press, as being transphobic. if you had a student come to you and say, i was born female, i now identify as male, i want you to call me by male pronouns. Would you say yes to that?
  • Peterson: Well, it would depend on the student and the context and why i thought they were asking me and what i believe their demand actually characterized, and all of that. Because that can be done in a way that is genuine and acceptable, and a way that is manipulative and unacceptable. And if it was genuine and acceptable then i would have no problem with it. And if it was manipulative and unacceptable then not a chance. And you might think, ‘Well, who am i to judge?’ Well, first of all, i am a clinical psychologist, i've talked to people for about 25,000 hours. And i'm responsible for judging how i am going to use my words. i'd judge the same way i judge all my interactions with people, which is to the best of my ability, and characterized by all the errors that i'm prone to. i'm not saying that my judgment would be unerring. i live with the consequences and i'm willing to accept the responsibility.
  • But also to be clear about this, it never happened––i never refused to call anyone by anything they had asked me to call them by, although that's been reported multiple times. it's a complete falsehood. And it had nothing to do with the transgender issue as far as i'm concerned.
  • type one and type two error problem
  • note what his avowed position is: that he has never refused to call a transgender person by their preferred pronoun, that he has done so many times, that he would always try to err on the side of believing a request to be earnest, and that he reserves the right to decline a request he believes to be in bad faith. Whether one finds that to be reasonable or needlessly difficult, it seems irresponsible to tell trans people that a prominent intellectual hates them or is deeply antagonistic to them when the only seeming conflict is utterly hypothetical and ostensibly not even directed against people that Peterson believes to be trans, but only against people whom he does not believe to be trans
Javier E

The trouble with atheists: a defence of faith | Books | The Guardian - 1 views

  • My daughter has just turned six. Some time over the next year or so, she will discover that her parents are weird. We're weird because we go to church.
  • This means as she gets older there'll be voices telling her what it means, getting louder and louder until by the time she's a teenager they'll be shouting right in her ear. it means that we believe in a load of bronze-age absurdities. That we fetishise pain and suffering. That we advocate wishy-washy niceness. That we're too stupid to understand the irrationality of our creeds. That we build absurdly complex intellectual structures on the marshmallow foundations of a fantasy. That we're savagely judgmental.
  • that's not the bad news. Those are the objections of people who care enough about religion to object to it. Or to rent a set of recreational objections from Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens. As accusations, they may be a hodge-podge, but at least they assume there's a thing called religion which looms with enough definition and significance to be detested.
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  • the really painful message our daughter will receive is that we're embarrassing. For most people who aren't New Atheists, or old atheists, and have no passion invested in the subject, either negative or positive, believers aren't weird because we're wicked. We're weird because we're inexplicable; because, when there's no necessity for it that anyone sensible can see, we've committed ourselves to a set of awkward and absurd attitudes that obtrude, that stick out against the background of modern life, and not in some important or respectworthy or principled way, either.
  • Believers are people who try to insert Jee-zus into conversations at parties; who put themselves down, with writhings of unease, for perfectly normal human behaviour; who are constantly trying to create a solemn hush that invites a fart, a hiccup, a bit of subversion. Believers are people who, on the rare occasions when you have to listen to them, like at a funeral or a wedding, seize the opportunity to pour the liquidised content of a primary-school nativity play into your earhole, apparently not noticing that childhood is over.
  • What goes on inside believers is mysterious. So far as it can be guessed at it appears to be a kind of anxious pretending, a kind of continual, nervous resistance to reality.
  • to me, it's belief that involves the most uncompromising attention to the nature of things of which you are capable. Belief demands that you dispense with illusion after illusion, while contemporary common sense requires continual, fluffy pretending – pretending that might as well be systematic, it's so thoroughly incentivised by our culture.
  • The atheist bus says: "There's probably no God. So stop worrying and enjoy your life."
  • the word that offends against realism here is "enjoy". i'm sorry – enjoy your life?
  • If you based your knowledge of the human specIes exclusIvely on adverts, you'd thInk that the normal condItIon of humanIty was to be a good-lookIng sIngle person between 20 and 35, wIth excellent muscle-defInItIon and/or an excellent fIgure, and a large dIsposable Income. And you'd thInk the same thIng If you got your InformatIon exclusIvely from the atheIst bus
  • The implication of the bus slogan is that enjoyment would be your natural state if you weren't being "worried" by us believers and our hellfire preaching. Take away the malignant threat of God-talk, and you would revert to continuous pleasure
  • What's so wrong with this, apart from it being total bollocks? Well, in the first place, that it buys a bill of goods, sight unseen, from modern marketing. Given that human life isn't and can't be made up of enjoyment, it is in effect accepting a picture of human life in which those pieces of living where easy enjoyment is more likely become the only pieces that are visible.
  • But then, like every human being, i am not in the habit of entertaining only those emotions i can prove. i'd be an unrecognisable oddity if i did. Emotions can certainly be misleading: they can fool you into believing stuff that is definitely, demonstrably untrue. Yet emotions are also our indispensable tool for navigating, for feeling our way through, the much larger domain of stuff that isn't susceptible to proof or disproof, that isn't checkable against the physical universe. We dream, hope, wonder, sorrow, rage, grieve, delight, surmise, joke, detest; we form such unprovable conjectures as novels or clarinet concertos; we imagine. And religion is just a part of that, in one sense. it's just one form of imagining, absolutely functional, absolutely human-normal. it would seem perverse, on the face of it, to propose that this one particular manifestation of imagining should be treated as outrageous, should be excised if (which is doubtful) we can manage it.
  • suppose, as the atheist bus goes by, you are povertystricken, or desperate for a job, or a drug addict, or social services have just taken away your child. The bus tells you that there's probably no God so you should stop worrying and enjoy your life, and now the slogan is not just bitterly inappropriate in mood. What it means, if it's true, is that anyone who isn't enjoying themselves is entirely on their own. What the bus says is: there's no help coming.
  • Enjoyment is great. The more enjoyment the better. But enjoyment is one emotion. To say that life is to be enjoyed (just enjoyed) is like saying that mountains should only have summits, or that all colours should be purple, or that all plays should be by Shakespeare. This really is a bizarre category error.
  • A consolation you could believe in would be one that wasn't in danger of popping like a soap bubble on contact with the ordinary truths about us. A consolation you could trust would be one that acknowledged the difficult stuff rather than being in flight from it, and then found you grounds for hope in spite of it, or even because of it
  • The novelist Richard Powers has written that the Clarinet Concerto sounds the way mercy would sound, and that's exactly how i experienced it in 1997. Mercy, though, is one of those words that now requires definition. it does not only mean some tyrant's capacity to suspend a punishment he has himself inflicted. it can mean – and does mean in this case – getting something kind instead of the sensible consequences of an action, or as well as the sensible consequences of an action.
  • from outside, belief looks like a series of ideas about the nature of the universe for which a truth-claim is being made, a set of propositions that you sign up to; and when actual believers don't talk about their belief in this way, it looks like slipperiness, like a maddening evasion of the issue.
  • I am a faIrly orthodox ChrIstIan. Every Sunday I say and do my best to mean the whole of the Creed, whIch Is a serIes of proposItIons. But It Is stIll a mIstake to suppose that It Is assent to the proposItIons that makes you a belIever. It Is the feelIngs that are prImary. I assent to the Ideas because I have the feelIngs; I don't have the feelIngs because I've assented to the Ideas.
  • what I felt lIstenIng to Mozart In 1997 Is not some wIshy-washy metaphor for an Idea I belIeve In, and It's not a front behInd whIch the real busIness of belIef Is goIng on: It's the thIng Itself. My belIef Is made of, buIlt up from, sustaIned by, emotIons lIke that. That's what makes It real.
  • I thInk that Mozart, two centurIes earlIer, had succeeded In creatIng a beautIful and accurate report of an aspect of realIty. I thInk that the reason realIty Is that way – that It Is In some ultImate sense mercIful as well as beIng a set of physIcal processes all runnIng along on theIr own wIthout hope of appeal, all the way up from quantum mechanIcs to the relatIve velocIty of galaxIes by way of "blunderIng, low and horrIdly cruel" bIology (DarwIn) – Is that the unIverse Is sustaIned by a contInual and InfInItely patIent act of love. I thInk that love keeps It In beIng.
  • That's what I thInk. But It's all secondary. It all comes lImpIng along behInd my emotIonal assurance that there was mercy, and I felt It. And so the argument about whether the Ideas are true or not, whIch Is the argument that people mostly expect to have about relIgIon, Is also secondary for me.
  • No, I can't prove It. I don't know that any of It Is true. I don't know If there's a God. (And neIther do you, and neIther does Professor DawkIns, and neIther does anybody. It Isn't the kInd of thIng you can know. It Isn't a knowable Item.)
  • let's be clear about the emotional logic of the bus's message. it amounts to a denial of hope or consolation on any but the most chirpy, squeaky, bubble-gummy reading of the human situation
  • It's got Itself establIshed In our culture, relatIvely recently, that the emotIons Involved In relIgIous belIef must be dIfferent from the ones Involved In all the other kInds of contInuous ImagInIng, hopIng, dreamIng, and so on, that humans do. These emotIons must be alIen, freakIsh, sad, embarrassIng, humIlIatIng, Immature, pathetIc. These emotIons must be quIte separate from commonsensIcal us. But they aren't
  • The emotions that sustain religious belief are all, in fact, deeply ordinary and deeply recognisable to anybody who has ever made their way across the common ground of human experience as an adult.
  • It's just that the emotIons In questIon are rarely talked about apart from theIr ratIonalIsatIon Into Ideas. ThIs Is what I have trIed to do In my new book, UnapologetIc.
  • You can easily look up what Christians believe in. You can read any number of defences of Christian ideas. This, however, is a defence of Christian emotions – of their intelligibility, of their grown-up dignity.
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