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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Megan Flanagan

Megan Flanagan

Fearing Drugs' Rare Side Effects, Millions Take Their Chances With Osteoporosis - The N... - 0 views

  • terrified of exceedingly rare side effects from drugs that can help them.
  • thighbones to snap in two have shaken many osteoporosis patients so much that they say they would rather take their chances with the disease.
  • “Ninety percent of patients, when you talk to them about starting one of these drugs, won’t go on,”
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  • “Ninety percent who are on the drugs want to come off. The fear factor is huge.”
  • A 50-year-old woman has a 50 percent chance of having an osteoporotic fracture in her remaining years. The drugs, meant to be started when bone density falls very low and the chance of a fracture soars, can reduce that risk by half, studies show.
  • “You only need to treat 50 people to prevent a fracture, but you need to treat 40,000 to see an atypical fracture,”
  • hopes were dashed when Amgen announced the same problems in a clinical trial of a drug called romosozumab: a sudden shattering of a thigh bone in one patient and an area of jawbone that inexplicably rotted in two.
  • She worries about another spine fracture or, even worse, a fractured hip. But she resists taking osteoporosis drugs, she said, because she tends to have side effects with almost any drug
  • Many patients with osteoporosis have multiple fractures of their spines.
  • the drugs off patent, there is no longer an aggressive advertising push to make people aware of them.
  • “I hobble around on a cane,” she said. “I am a cripple.” She called the drug she took for osteoporosis “that wretched, dreadful stuff.”
Megan Flanagan

Hidden Side of the College Dream: Mediocre Graduation Rates - The New York Times - 0 views

  • “go to college” is such a proven prescription
  • college graduates have lower unemployment rates, earn higher wages and even have longer-lasting marriages
  • 7.2 million students who need federal loans to attend college
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  • Of the 1,027 private colleges studied, 761 have graduation rates of less than 67 percent.
  • the rate is even lower, 46 percent
  • high schools in which more than a third of students do not graduate on time are labeled to receive special attention by federal standards.
  • a college can have a graduation rate as low as 2 percent and still preserve its accreditation
  • “We act as if they’re all the same right now. In K-12 we differentiate.”
  • “Graduation rates are primarily two factors: what the student brings and what the college brings to the experience,”
  • Colleges with lower graduation rates tend to admit a higher percentage of students with Pell grants, which usually go to lower-income students.
  • money is a huge roadblock to graduation.
  • “That is the No. 1 reason our students give when they drop out,”
  • any setback or poor grade can make them question whether they should be in college in the first place
  • colleges are not fulfilling their promise of upward mobility to students, particularly those who are trying to become the first in their families to earn a degree
  • “It’s not that the low-income students are destined to fail,” Mr. Shireman said. “It’s just that they have more challenges, so it takes a lot more resources to ensure that they succeed.”
Megan Flanagan

The Big Search to Find Out Where Dogs Come From - The New York Times - 0 views

  • scientists are still debating exactly when and where the ancient bond originated
  • agree that they evolved from ancient wolves
  • he essence of the idea is that people actively bred wolves to become dogs just the way they now breed dogs to be tiny or large, or to herd sheep.
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  • Wolves are hard to tame, even as puppies, and many researchers find it much more plausible that dogs, in effect, invented themselves.
  • gradually evolved to become tamer and tamer, producing lots of offspring because of the relatively easy pickings
  • researchers question whether dogs experience feelings like love and loyalty, or whether their winning ways are just a matter of instincts that evolved because being a hanger-on is an easier way to make a living than running down elk.
  • dogs and wolves interbreed easily and some scientists are not convinced that the two are even different species
  • generally agree that there is good evidence that dogs were domesticated around 15,000 years ago
  • “Maybe dog domestication on some level kicks off this whole change in the way that humans are involved and responding to and interacting with their environment,
  • most dog breeds were invented in the 19th century during a period of dog obsession that he called “the giant whirlwind blender of the European crazy Victorian dog-breeding frenzy.
  • “There’s hardly a person working in canine genetics that’s not working on that project
  • Almost every group has a different origination hypothesis
  • jaws and occasionally nearly complete skulls from old and recent dogs, wolves and canids that could fall into either category.
  • will be able to determine whether the domestication process occurred closer to 15,000 or 30,000 years ago,
  • major achievement in the world of canine science, and a landmark in the analysis of ancient DNA to show evolution, migrations and descent,
  • based on DNA evidence and the shape of ancient skulls, that dog domestication occurred well over 30,000 years ago.
  • he became fed up with the lack of ancient DNA evidence in papers about the origin of dogs.
  • identified a skull about 32,000 years old from a Belgian cave in Goyet as an early dog.
  • arguing that the evidence just wasn’t there to call the Goyet skull a dog,
  • claims are controversial and is willing, like the rest of the world of canine science, to risk damage to the fossils themselves to get more information on not just the mitochondrial DNA but also the nuclear DNA.
  • geneticists try to establish is how different the DNA of one animal is from another. Adding ancient DNA gives many more points of reference over a long time span.
  • will be able to identify changes in the skulls or jaws of those wolves that show shifts to more doglike shapes, helping to narrow the origins of domestication
  • the project will publish a flagship paper from all of the participants describing their general findings
  • a group in China was forming with the goal of sequencing 10,000 dog genomes
  • growing increasingly confident that they will find what they want, and come close to settling the thorny question of when and where the tearing power of a wolf jaw first gave way to the persuasive force of a nudge from a dog’s cold nose.
Megan Flanagan

'Affluenza' teen's mom, Tonya Couch, has bond lowered - - 0 views

  • has posted bail after her bond was lowered from $1 million to $75,000.
  • after she's fitted with an electronic ankle monitor
  • Tonya Couch of helping her son leave the country to avoid a probation hearing that might have led to jail time for him
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  • after a Los Angeles judge approved her extradition more than a week after Mexican authorities detained mother and son in a Pacific resort town
  • undergo a mental exam after the court found "reasonable cause" to believe that she suffers from "a mental illness or is a person with a mental retardation,"
  • mental examination will determine whether there is clinical evidence to support the argument that Tonya Couch may be incompetent to stand trial.
  • withdrew $30,000 from her account and told her husband that he would not see them again,
  • on probation for killing four people in a drunken driving accident in 2013, when he was 16.
  • lawyers cited the now notorious "affluenza" defense, suggesting he was too rich and spoiled to understand the consequences of his actions.
  • Mexican judge granted the teen a temporary stay, halting deportation proceedings.
  • Mothers Against Drunk Driving started a petition
  • ask for Ethan Couch to be moved from the juvenile justice system to the adult criminal system
Megan Flanagan

Steven Avery of 'Making a Murderer' files appeal - - 0 views

  • wants to be released from prison while the Wisconsin Court of Appeals considers his latest challenge to his 2007 murder conviction
  • alleging violations of due process rights in his prosecution for the 2005 rape and murder
  • declined because the President cannot pardon someone convicted of a state criminal offense
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  • 18 years in prison he was exonerated based on DNA evidence connecting the attack to another man.
  • Tissue and bone fragments that matched Halbach's DNA profile were found outside Avery's mobile home
  • Brendan Dassey, confessed to authorities that he had assisted his uncle in raping and killing her
  • second motion claims a juror pressured others into voting guilty.
  • allowing him to continue to file pleadings with the court on his own - that's what lawyers are hired to do,
Megan Flanagan

Blind football player defies odds - - 0 views

  • he can't see the fans or the football field like his teammates
  • he long snapper for the University of Southern California is blind
  • fter losing his eyesight, he never dreamed that one day he would be walking on the field as a player.
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  • I realize the significance of it
  • diagnosed with a rare form of eye cancer called retinoblastoma
  • "I didn't feel completely hopeless, but there was this sense of 'I don't know how I'm gonna do anything anymore.' "
  • a life without sight, it was difficult
  • Everything about it was just amazing and something that I will always be grateful for."
  • I didn't think I could participate in a way where I would really be benefiting the team
  • It kind of clicked in my mind that it is a consistent position in that you're snapping the same distance for every snap,
  • OK, this kid is for real ... this kid could actually be a valuable asset to us.'
  • Going through adversity or challenges in life, it really does make you stronger," he said. "Life's unfair, football's unfair, things are unfair. But at the same time, it's up to you how far you want to take yourself. ... It's taught me not to give up. It's taught me to keep fighting.
Megan Flanagan

Football's dangers, illustrated by one man's brain - - 0 views

  • Michael Keck has added more fuel to the fire about whether young children should play football.
  • diagnosed with chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the Alzheimer's-like disease
  • telltale sign of the disease is tangles of the protein tau, which takes over parts of the brain. They result from repeated hits to the head
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  • I have never seen this (brain) pathology in someone under the age of 30"
  • he had more than 10 concussions
  • He lost consciousness, suffered headaches, neck pain, insomnia and anxiety. He couldn't remember things or concentrate.
  • ventually saw a neurologist, who prescribed him a muscle relaxant and anti-seizure medication, but they did little and the symptoms continued
  • he stopped playing football because the symptoms were so strong
  • he had great opportunities, and he had to turn these opportunities down because of something that was taking over his brain
  • teach proper technique
  • Keck believed he suffered from CTE, but it cannot be diagnosed in living people.
  • Keck died from cardiac arrest in 2013, and it does appear his life was lost to CTE.
  • Usually there's a latent period. He seemed to develop it while he was playing. Even after he quit playing, it seemed to get worse."
  • factors such as environment and genetics may have a role.
  • I think its becoming more and more clear that the developing brain is more susceptible to concussion; it has a delayed recovery from concussion,"
  • "We really need to limit the amount of head contact that young children and adolescents are experiencing
  • became increasingly depressed and suicidal
  • We are taking out unnecessary head contact out of the sport, out of practice. We're enforcing rule changes
Megan Flanagan

Biden says Obama offered financial help amid son's illness - - 0 views

  • Joe Biden received an offer that floored him: financial support from his boss, President Barack Obama.
  • Biden recalled how concerned Obama had been
  • Biden said he told the President he was worried about caring for Beau's family without his son's salary
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  • 'But -- Jill and I will sell the house and be in good shape.'"
  • pushed back vehemently on the thought of Biden and his wife selling their home in Wilmington, Delaware
  • Don't sell that house. Promise me you won't sell the house,
  • I'll give you the money. Whatever you need, I'll give you the money
  • we're focusing on the inspiration of Beau, rather than loss of Beau."
  • "It's personal," Biden said. "It's family."
Megan Flanagan

Paris ringleader directed killers in Bataclan theater - - 0 views

  • ringleader of the Paris attacks last month appears to have directed the three terrorists inside the Bataclan theater by phone from a few blocks away,
  • Abdelhamid Abaaoud standing in a doorway yelling into his phone for about an hour.
  • Abaaoud's head was shaved and he was wearing layers of loose clothing, but when photographs were later published in the media the witness immediately recognized him and alerted the authorities.
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  • "the presence of Abaaoud in the immediate vicinity of the attacks provides an indication of his degree of implication in the supervision and control of the plot, and suggests he was giving direct orders and instructions to his team inside the Bataclan."
  • right until the moment the three suicide bombers at the Stade de France started blowing themselves up.
  • Abaaoud's phone was geo-located in the vicinity of the attacks between 10:28pm and 12:28am that night, inlcuding in proximity to the Bataclan before the attack was over.
  • Abaaoud had previously appeared in videos produced by ISIS
  • He was killed five days later when police raided an apartment in the Paris district of St. Denis
  • Salah Abdeslam, who drove three of the suicide bombers to the Stade de France, is still being sought.
  • Abdeslam and Abaaoud are believed to have planned and co-ordinated the attacks. Abdeslam had made several trips between the French and Belgian capitals in September and October, and he had also traveled to Italy, Hungary and Austria.
  • Paris attacks have focused attention on the substantial French contingent within ISIS
  • Fabien Clain -- who is now thought to be a senior figure within ISIS according to Brisard.
  • "More than 2,000 French citizens and residents are involved in Syrian and Iraqi jihadi networks. Among them, 600 are believed to be fighting alongside terrorist organizations abroad and 250 are believed to have returned," he says.
  • Abaaoud had been in contact with that group by cell phone from Greece, according to investigators.
  • rench foreign fighter told investigators he had attended a training camp for a week in Raqqa, ISIS' headquarters in Syria, before being told by Abaaoud to launch an attack
  • "Abaaoud had provided him a USB stick containing encryption software and 2,000 euros,"
  • Paris attacks "demonstrated major failures in European border control policy and the exchange of information between European Union member states.
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