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Contents contributed and discussions participated by edencottone


Ron DeSantis' Florida boast rings hollow (opinion) - CNN - 0 views

  • New cases of Covid-19 in the United States have fallen in the last two months to about 55,000 a day.
  • These numbers are promising, but the ups and downs and ups tell an important lesson about keeping perspective in a pandemic. Today's promising numbers would have been horrific at this time last year and are hardly as good as they need to be.
  • No one knows this more than the country's governors. Since the Trump White House dumped the job of handling the pandemic almost entirely into their laps, they have had to respond on the fly.
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  • We are already seeing the first wave of "who won and who lost" sorts of stories pitting various governors' responses against each other in horse-race fashion, as if these were early polls for the 2024 presidential election.
  • Then reality stepped in. A surge of summer cases forced the imposition of some restrictions on Floridians, like local mask mandates imposed by mayors in some cities in South Florida.
  • Now DeSantis is claiming again to be a master of pandemic control, as Florida's beach-tourism-restaurant industry is said to be doing well. Never mind that the state's seven-day infection rate of 143.9 per 100,000 population places it 12th highest of the 50 states.
  • For example, as of March 22, over the last seven days, Florida has had the most Covid-19 cases in the country, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the 12th highest per capita case-rate, the fourth highest number of deaths, and the 17th highest death rate.
  • Once celebrated for his pandemic management, he is now getting poor marks on managing. He has not strutted or had roundtables of fan-doctors to sing his praise. But the fact is California's recent numbers are much better than those of Florida, coming in at about 47th in the country with a case-rate 46.8 per 100,000, according to the CDC's data, and fewer deaths as well.
  • Florida is ignoring the death toll and instead pushing the upbeat metrics the governor would like America to pay attention to: jobs are up! and schools are open! DeSantis stood up to the Covid-19 threat like John Wayne would have done!
  • Rather than wallow in reality, she chose to celebrate an active economy and the joys of hunting season (note: the South Dakota new-infection rate is climbing the charts once again and sits at 105 per 100,000 South Dakotans ).
  • These rate-the-governors perspectives ignore a basic fact: it is no time for trophies.
  • Worse, this obeisance to economic and social factors as measure of success creates a series of disturbing false equivalencies as they compare deaths against the economy.
  • Measuring Covid-19 management on anything other than the number of human lives lost is not only disgraceful, it will also almost certainly lead us to make all the wrong decisions once again and usher in yet another Covid-19 resurgence in the US.

Joe Biden to highlight gains and face tough scrutiny in first formal news conference - ... - 0 views

  • President Joe Biden's first two months in power went remarkably smoothly considering he took office amid a once-in-a-century pandemic, a consequent economic crisis and his predecessor's refusal to recognize his victory.
  • The doubling of the pace of vaccinations in the last two months represents tangible progress on the one issue on which Biden's first year will likely be mostly judged -- the quest to revive a semblance of normal life.
  • "Now is not the time to let down our guard. If we all do our part, after a long, dark year, we can show once again that we are the United States of America. ... We're going to beat this pandemic," Biden said in Ohio on Tuesday, striking the balance between caution and hope that has marked his management of the pandemic, which polls show wins the approval of a majority of Americans.
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  • A surge in border crossings by migrant children appeared to catch a White House focused on the pandemic off guard and offered Republicans an opening as they seek to slow his momentum -- and build their 2022 attack lines against Biden's narrow Democratic congressional majority.
  • And with its customary sense of timing, North Korea is testing the new commander-in-chief with missile launches that are ratcheting up tensions in a showdown that no president in the last 70 years has managed to solve.
  • The President has maintained approval ratings above 50% in his early months in office because he arrived with a mandate to tackle the pandemic head on and executed his agenda with a steady approach that was the antithesis of the erratic
  • Unlike the coronavirus crisis that has killed more than half-a-million Americans, the issues that are now at the top of the nightly newscasts have defied bipartisan consensus for decades -- and will provide a severe test of the President's calls for national unity and cooperation between Democrats and Republicans.
  • Two years ago, Democrats excoriated Trump administration officials for its handling of the crisis at the border. Now the problem is squarely within Biden's domain and government resources are once again strained to the brink as more than 600 unaccompanied children cross the Mexico border each day.
  • "We're not seeing any action. Our experience has taught us that now is the time to act. We need Congress to get on board. We need a recognition of the fact that there's a crisis on the Southwest border," Roy Villareal, who served as chief patrol agent in the Tucson sector from 2018 to 2020, told CNN's Priscilla Alvarez.
  • "This is just the first step in a process of providing greater access to the media," Psaki said during a news briefing.
  • "It's a huge problem. I'm not going to pretend that it's not. It's a huge problem," Harris said in remarks that appeared to be somewhat of a do-over of the administration's initial downplaying of the situation.
  • "I asked her, the VP today, because she's the most qualified person to do it, to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle, and the countries that can help, need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border," Biden said on Wednesday.

White House staff no longer tested for Covid-19 daily - CNNPolitics - 0 views

  • White House staff working in-person are no longer tested for Covid-19 every day as those on campus have been increasingly vaccinated, a recent change to testing protocol, according to an administration official familiar with the process.
  • "Our testing protocol is informed by a range of factors, including an employee's vaccination status, and is only one of a host of measures in place to mitigate risk in the workplace," Munoz said.
  • Masks were mandated, Covid-19 testing was expanded and room capacity measures were put in place. Zeke Miller, the president of the White House Correspondents' Association, said in January that "things are different" at the White House now that Biden has taken charge, adding that "all of those things make that workplace a little bit safer."
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  • The administration is investing billions of dollars to boost coronavirus preparedness, accelerating the pace of vaccinations and working to prepare the public and governors for the prospect of another surge.

Opinion | I Want Trump to Face Justice. But the House Shouldn't Impeach Him. - The New ... - 0 views

  • events of Jan. 6. Our democratic institutions were assaulted.
  • All responsible parties, including President Trump, must face justice.
  • make the wrong decision in how to hold him accountable, it could damage the integrity of our system of justice, further fan the flames of division, and disillusion millions of Americans ─ all while failing to accomplish anything.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • tools that lie before Congress, it is clear that pursuing impeachment only days before President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated is not the answer.
  • inadequate time to reasonably investigate, present and debate articles of impeachment.
  • new administration
  • These aren’t minor concerns. A hasty impeachment could raise a host of consequences that could have a striking impact on the long-term stability of our country.
  • an impeachment on the grounds that they do will inevitably erode the norms around what may be considered constitutionally protected speech.
  • a snap impeachment will undoubtedly fuel the divisions between our citizens at a time when the wounds of Jan. 6 are still raw.
  • We cannot rush to judgment simply because we want retribution or, worse, because we want to achieve a particular political outcome.
  • new Congress
  • opportunity to build bridges and unite the American people around our shared values.
  • Failing to do so will undermine our efforts to bring people together.
  • Congress long after Mr. Trump has left office, inhibiting Congress’s ability to tackle the Covid-19 crisis, reignite our economy and other pressing issues.
  • a too-quick impeachment will not suddenly change the minds of millions of Americans who still do not recognize the election of President-elect Biden as legitimate.
  • rushed proceedings will be seen as validating the view that impeachment is part of a multiyear campaign to delegitimize Mr. Trump’s 2016 election.
  • detriment of the Constitution.
  • I implore our congressional leaders and Mr. Biden to take a moment to consider what is at stake.
  • options include censure, criminal proceedings and actions under the 14th Amendment, after a complete and thorough investigation into the events leading up to the assault on the Capitol.
  • I acknowledged Joe Biden as president-elect on Nov. 7.
  • But make no mistake, our Constitution is the bedrock of our great nation.
  • We cannot and should not support a rushed, divisive action simply because the emotions of the moment demand it. That is not the American way.

What to Know About the World's Top Covid-19 Vaccines - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Novavax
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Russia’s Sputnik V
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  • Oxford-AstraZeneca
  • Pfizer-BioNTech
  • Chinese Vaccines
  • Moderna
  • Scientists have developed dozens of Covid-19 vaccines at record speed.
  • Efficacy: Unknown
  • pledged to be the primary vaccine provider for the developing world.
  • claims that its vaccine has a 79 percent efficacy rate, though it has not provided data.
  • expected to release results from its late-stage clinical trial this month
  • is estimated to have an efficacy rate between 63 and 78 percent
  • made waves in August when early data showed that its Covid vaccine prompted a surprisingly robust immune response in people and monkeys.
  • first Covid-19 vaccine to get emergency authorization in the United States
  • offers terrific protection against Covid-19 and sometimes comes with mild side effects.
  • in Britain, India and several other countries
  • Sputnik V vaccine has an efficacy rate of 91.4 percent.
  • could have a big impact on the pace of vaccinations in the U.S. because it is given in one dose instead of two.
  • cheap and easily stored
  • though data from late-stage trials has not yet been shared publicly.
  • Many scientists were puzzled, however, by data showing that its efficacy may depend on the strength of the initial dose or the gap between doses.
  • Moderna’s does not need to be stored at ultracold temperatures, making it better suited for smaller clinics and remote areas.
  • No serious health problems have been linked to the shot, though some people get fatigue, fever and muscle aches.
  • run into big delays
  • being distributed in Argentina, Belarus and other countries.
  • final stage of testing in the U.S. in late December.

Trump's disastrous end to his shocking presidency - CNNPolitics - 0 views

  • President Donald Trump is leaving America in a vortex of violence, sickness and death and more internally estranged than it has been for 150 years.
  • Hospitals are swamped and medical workers are shattered amid a faltering rollout of the vaccine supposed to end the crisis.
  • It took 200 years for the country to rack up its first two presidential impeachments.
    • edencottone
      made history but in a bad way. This president is deserving of the 2 impeachments
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  • Trump's malfeasance has led the country down that awful, divisive path twice in just more than a year.
    • edencottone
      though this line is opinionated I agree
  • The city Trump has called home for four years is being turned into an armed camp incongruous with the mood of joy and renewal that pulsates through most inaugurations.
  • In a symbol of a democracy under siege, the people's buildings -- the White House and the US Capitol -- are caged behind ugly iron and cement barriers.
    • edencottone
      a threat to our democracy
  • eight days
  • unintended irony, Biden's team has picked "America United"
  • It is becoming ever more obvious that the horrific scenes on Capitol Hill on Wednesday were not a one-off.
  • In a chilling new warning, the FBI revealed the possible next stage in this now nationwide wave of radicalization, saying armed protests were planned at state Capitols in all 50 states between January 16 and Inauguration Day, January 20.
  • Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was shocked by the magnitude of the bureau's intelligence on possible new violence.
  • "I don't think in the entire scope of my career working counter terrorism issues for many, many years, I don't think I ever saw a bulletin go out that concerned armed protest activity in 50 states in a three- or four-day period,"
    • edencottone
      we are in uncharted territory
  • he was not afraid of taking the oath of office outside next week
  • So far, after a massive domestic terror attack on the citadel of US democracy, there has been no major public briefing by any major federal law enforcement agency or the White House, an omission that fosters a sense of an absent government
  • By contrast, senior officials from the outgoing Bush administration and the incoming Obama administration worked closely together in the Situation Room on January 20, 2009, when there was concern about the authenticity of terror threat to the inauguration.
  • current atmosphere of fear and wild political insurrection
  • Momentum towards impeachment is now all but unstoppable
  • hinted at the insincerity of the Republican approach.
  • With a few exceptions, Republicans -- who indulged and in many cases supported Trump's blatantly false claims of electoral fraud for weeks -- have responded to the uproar over last week's Capitol attack by complaining that by pushing impeachment, Democrats are fracturing national unity.
    • edencottone
      good that they now acknowledge however should have been done much earlier
  • His comment eerily recalled the rationalizations of Republicans who declined to convict Trump in his first impeachment trial after he tried to get Ukraine to interfere in the election to damage Biden.
  • "Face the Nation."
  • has emerged from many dark periods since the Civil War
    • edencottone
      we can do it again
  • Trump has not appeared in public for days.
  • The virus is meanwhile running rampant. Eleven states and Washington, DC, just recorded their highest 7-day average of new cases of Covid-19 since the pandemic began. For the first time, the country is averaging over 3,000 deaths from the pandemic per day.
  • hopes that the nation could soon turn a corner are being tempered by the glitches in the vaccine roll out.
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