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Contents contributed and discussions participated by cvanderloo


Colleges confront their links to slavery and wrestle with how to atone for past sins - 0 views

  • . Back in 2006, Brown University published a report showing that the university – from its construction to its endowment – participated in and benefited from the slave trade and slavery.
  • The revelation sparked an effort to track down descendants of the people and to atone by offering preferential admission – but not scholarships – for them to study at Georgetown.
  • Many universities benefited from slavery, and there has been a growing discussion about what, if anything, universities owe to the descendants of the people they enslaved and what they can do to atone.
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  • Even after slavery, these schools continued to oppress Black people by not allowing them to enroll as students.
  • Even though the nation’s 100 or so HBCUs represent less than 3% of the nation’s 4,360 colleges and universities, they graduated 13% of Black undergraduate college students nationally in the 2017-2018 school year.
  • The disparities transcend higher education. White families, on average, tend to have 10 times the wealth of Black families.
  • Yet scholars and economists studying racial economic inequality, such as William A. Darity Jr., point to the need for federal action. This action could range from economic reparations and endowment-building at HBCUs to debt forgiveness for Black students.

Black students have far less trust in their colleges than other students do - 0 views

  • Black undergraduates consistently said they trusted the people who run the colleges they attend – and society overall – substantially less than their white peers did. We have termed this difference the racial trust gap, and it was not a trivial difference.
  • We came to these conclusions based on our analyses of data collected from 8,351 college students enrolled at 29 U.S. colleges and universities across the country this spring.
    • cvanderloo
      shows importance of sample size
  • we can surmise that the lasting effects of historical racism and current issues around race may play a contributing role in the trust dispositions of Black college students.
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  • We’ve yet to fully understand how trust might affect whether or not students finish school.
  • First, how does trust influence important college outcomes like degree completion and learning? Second, what strategies can colleges and universities use to improve trust among their constituents, particularly college students? Third, is there a productive role that higher education institutions can play in encouraging long-term societal trust among students?

Broken New Year's Resolutions? Time To Reframe Your Health Goals : Shots - Health News ... - 0 views

  • This year, it's OK to give ourselves a break, says Dr. Rachelle Scott, director of psychiatry at Eden Health, a concierge-style health care start-up with offices in New York, Chicago, and Washington, D.C.
  • "There are days we're just getting up and showering and, you know, just doing basic activities of daily living. And that's OK,"
  • A Kaiser Family Foundation tracking poll conducted in mid-July 2020 found 53% of adults in the U.S. reported that their mental health has been negatively impacted due to stress over COVID-19. That's up from 32% in March.
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  • And then there's the added stress of recent racial unrest and political riots at the U.S. Capitol. "You've got the chronic COVID-19 [stress] response and then you've got the acute layer on top of that,"
  • a lot of Millennials who define themselves by their productivity and their ability to hustle. Because of the pandemic, many of them are now isolated from family members, out of work, or juggling small children who are learning from home.
  • Science suggests that small acts of kindness — like actually listening to someone else — can make them feel loved and supported.
  • Try practicing gratitude, which improves our relationships and is good for our hearts.
  • If you've got a big goal, consider breaking it down into smaller parts. "Break it down into 12 steps so that the beginning of each month is an opportunity to continue to work on that goal,"
  • Choose something specific, short-term and positive, agrees Randi Kofsky
  • "Goals are not a program we follow," Kofsky adds "They are not a task master. They are a destination. When we map out the path to take one step at a time, goals become our guide in the process."
  • With all the stress we're carrying right now, "just meeting ourselves where we're at is important,"

Biden's German Shepherd, A Rescue Dog, To Get 'Indoguration' : NPR - 0 views

  • President-elect Joe Biden is set to restore a bipartisan norm upon moving into the White House: presidential dogs.
  • Joe Biden showed up."He just dropped in on Easter Sunday of all days," Carroll said, "and wanted to meet the puppies."
  • Biden returned to the shelter with a grown Major to officially adopt him in November 2018.
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  • Sunday's "indoguration," co-hosted by Pumpkin Pet Insurance, touts Jill Martin of NBC's Today show along with "notable rescue dogs and their parents." Proceeds support the Delaware Humane Association.
  • Though Major is digging up new ground as the first shelter pup in the White House,
  • President Trump is the first president in more than a century not to have a dog. William McKinley had only cats and birds, including a parrot named Washington Post.
  • Biden even targeted dog lovers with a campaign message shortly before Election Day.
  • "If you need pet food because you're struggling, or you need low cost vaccinations to keep your pet healthy, all the things people need, they should see their shelter as a resource."

'All Hands On Deck': National Mall Is Closed As Agencies Fortify D.C. : NPR - 0 views

  • The National Mall, where millions of people have gathered to mark historic events in Washington, D.C., was closed to the public late Friday morning, as officials announced a string of security measures meant to foil any attempts to derail next week's inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden.
  • They urged people to enjoy the inauguration from home and to follow it online rather than in person.
  • With the National Mall closure, the public will be barred from entering an area some 2 miles in length from the Capitol complex to the Potomac River;
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  • Many streets are also being closed off, including the Memorial Bridge that runs from the Lincoln Memorial in D.C. across the Potomac River to Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.
  • The National Park Service began a "temporary public closure" of the National Mall
  • Once a security perimeter is fully in place, any vehicle that enters will have to do so through a checkpoint, where it will be "searched for explosives, weapons and other prohibited items,"
  • Bowser acknowledged that while she agrees that the security measures, including a new fence around the Capitol complex, are necessary and prudent, she isn't happy that large chunks of her city now look like militarized zones.
  • The National Guard did not have a representative at the briefing. When asked what Guard members' rules of engagement will be, Miller of the Secret Service said the National Guard is "printing rules of engagement cards for each of its soldiers deployed on this exercise."

Damaged roads, lack of gear hinder Indonesia quake rescue - ABC News - 0 views

  • Damaged roads and bridges, power blackouts and lack of heavy equipment on Saturday hampered rescuers after a strong earthquake left at least 49 people dead and hundreds injured on Indonesia's Sulawesi island.
  • ollowing the magnitude 6.2 quake that struck early Friday,
  • Mamuju late Saturday, raising the death toll to 49. A total of 40 people were killed in Mamuju, while nine bodies were retrieved in neighboring Majene district.
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  • He said more than 200 people were receiving treatment at the Bhayangkara police hospital and several others in Mamuju alone. Another 630 were injured in Majene.
  • The quake set off landslides in three locations and blocked a main road connecting Mamuju to Majene. Power and phone lines were down in many areas.
  • A governor office building was almost flattened by the quake and a shopping mall was reduced to a crumpled hulk.
  • Two ships headed to the devastated areas from the nearby cities of Makassar and Balikpapan with rescuers and equipment, including excavators.
  • The pope was praying for “the repose of the deceased, the healing of the injured and the consolation of all who grieve.” Francis also offered encouragement to those continuing search and rescue effects, and he invoked “the divine blessings of strength and hope.”
  • Indonesia, home to more than 260 million people, is frequently hit by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis because of its location on the “Ring of Fire,” an arc of volcanoes and fault lines in the Pacific Basin.

Amazon Warehouse Workers To Decide Whether To Form Company's 1st U.S. Union : NPR - 0 views

  • Some 6,000 workers at Amazon's warehouse in Bessemer, Ala., will begin voting next month on a groundbreaking possibility: the first union in the company's U.S. history.
  • Both parties agreed that hundreds of seasonal workers should be eligible to cast ballots.
  • "The biggest thing is Amazon is one of the biggest employers in the United States, and they're heavily, heavily anti-union,"
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  • Unions are a prominent presence at Amazon in Europe, but for years, the company successfully fought off labor organizing efforts in the United States.
  • "The onsite voting proposal, which is in the best interest of all parties — associate convenience, vote fidelity, and timeliness of vote count — was not accepted," Knox said. "We will continue to insist on measures for a fair election, and we want everyone to vote, so our focus is ensuring that's possible."
    • cvanderloo
      Sounds similar to the US election controversy
  • The workers' union-backed website calls for changes to procedures in disciplining, dismissals and safety.

U.S. Executes Dustin Higgs In 13th And Final Execution Under Trump Administration : NPR - 0 views

  • The U.S. government has executed Dustin Higgs, the last prisoner to be executed during the Trump administration, and the 13th in the span of six months.
  • The Supreme Court declined to stop the execution, although some justices dissented, noting that before the first of the 13, it had been 17 years since a federal execution had been carried out.
  • the Government should have proceeded with some measure of restraint to ensure it did so lawfully."
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  • In a statement following the execution, Shawn Nolan, an attorney for Higgs, called him "a fine man, a terrific father, brother, and nephew" who "spent decades on death row in solitary confinement helping others around him, while working tirelessly to fight his unjust convictions."
  • "There was no reason to kill him, particularly during the pandemic and when he, himself, was sick with COVID that he contracted because of these irresponsible, superspreader executions,"
  • Higgs was one of three people executed by the federal government this week.
  • The executions come days before the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, who has opposed the federal death penalty.
  • On Monday, Senate Democrats unveiled legislation that would abolish it.

North Korea's Kim Talks Of New Weapons, But Leaves Door Open For Biden : NPR - 0 views

  • North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is calling for beefing up his country's nuclear and military capabilities, but appears to be leaving open the possibility for negotiation with the U.S., just days before President-elect Joe Biden takes office.
  • he also affirmed previous agreements with the Trump administration, which suggests that they could serve as the basis for future negotiations
  • That declaration called for denuclearization and a peace regime on the Korean peninsula, and a new, presumably less hostile, relationship between Pyongyang and Washington.
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  • Kim's remarks are "not exactly an olive branch, but it's not slamming the door, by any stretch of the imagination, either
  • Kim kicked off the congress by bluntly admitting that his plans for the past five years had fallen flat.
  • "Most consumer goods are now produced within the country, whereas in the past, they depended a lot on Chinese-made goods,
  • Kim conceded that, in addition to external factors, such as the pandemic, international sanctions and natural disasters, the party had committed "serious mistakes" that contributed to the country's dire economic situation.
  • "Instead of accusing the North Korean people or laborers, he blames bureaucrats, including himself."

Israel To Start Vaccinating Palestinian Prisoners Next Week : Coronavirus Updates : NPR - 0 views

  • Israel's health minister announced Thursday the country would vaccinate Palestinian prisoners against COVID-19, after Israel's president said withholding vaccines was against Israel's Jewish and democratic values.
  • About 4,700 Palestinian detainees and prisoners are held in Israeli facilities, accused or convicted of crimes ranging from entering Israel illegally to attacking and killing Israelis.
  • "In this case, you're talking about terrorists, but also other criminals,"
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  • Ohana reportedly objected to vaccinating Palestinian prisoners convicted of attacks on Israelis. He instructed only prison staff to be vaccinated for the time being, excluding all Israeli and Palestinian prisoners, Herbst says.
  • "Preventing life-saving medical treatment from people in prison — whether due to a sentence imposed on them by the court or due to detention before reaching a verdict — is inconsistent with our values, the values of the Jewish and democratic state,"
  • "The normal policy of every country is to vaccinate its own citizens. That's what they pay taxes for," Edelstein said.
  • Vaccines are expected to arrive in the Palestinian territories in the coming months.

Uganda Election: President Yoweri Museveni Declared Winner As Bobi Wine Alleges Fraud :... - 1 views

  • But Wine is alleging that the vote was rigged, as election officials face questions over how results were tallied amid an Internet blackout, according to the AP.
  • In an interview with NPR, Wine said security forces were not allowing anyone in or out of his home, and he urged Ugandans to reject the results.
  • Wine became a pop star with music that blends Afrobeat with sounds borrowed from reggae and dancehall.
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  • He then turned toward politics, winning a seat in parliament.
  • Museveni recently told NPR that he views pro-Wine demonstrators as "agents of foreign schemes."
  • This week, as ballots were being counted and the outcome of the 2021 vote hung in the balance, there were worries about what a transition of leaders might look like in the former British colony.

Trump to hold departure ceremony on morning of Biden inauguration - 0 views

  • Trump will hold a farewell ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, the usual jumping off point for Air Force One located in Maryland just outside of Washington, D.C., before his final departure from the capital city, the sources said.
  • Details of that ceremony are still under consideration, according to sources, but may include a color guard and 21-gun salute.
  • Trump had already announced he would skip Biden’s inauguration, breaking with more than a century of tradition.
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  • Vice President Mike Pence is set to attend the inauguration.
  • Biden dismissed Trump’s decision not to attend the inauguration, telling reporters last week it was "one of the few things he and I ever agreed on."
    • cvanderloo
  • Trump and Pence's relationship has soured in recent days after the vice president defied the president by fulfilling his constitutional role in counting the electoral votes that showed Biden won.
  • Trump will be the first president to skip the inauguration of his successor since 1869, when impeached President Andrew Johnson avoided the ceremony for Ulysses S. Grant.

NASA fires SLS moon rocket in major test, but engines shut down early - 0 views

  • the test in Mississippi was cut short after a malfunction caused an automatic abort.
  • "We did get an MCF on engine four," a control room member said less than a minute into the test fire, using an initialism that stands for "major component malfunction."
  • The test was meant to last eight minutes – the full duration needed for the booster during its Artemis program liftoff – but only ran less than two minutes.
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  • An exact plan moving forward, which could mean a second test and delay before transport to Florida, had not yet been released by Saturday evening.
  • NASA said the RS-25 engines have been upgraded and refurbished since their last missions and the agency has placed an order with Aerojet Rocketdyne, recently acquired by Northrop Grumman, for 24 brand new versions.

David Legates: Controversial UD climate professor reassigned from White House role - 0 views

  • A University of Delaware professor and climate change skeptic was reassigned this week by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy after he and another man published controversial papers without White House approval, the Washington Post reported.
  • According to his university profile, Legates works in the department of geography and spatial sciences, the Physical Ocean Science and Engineering Program and the department of applied economics and statistics.
  • "The University has no comment on his actions,"
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  • This is not the first time Legates has been involved in a climate controversy. In 2015, Legates was included in a congressman's request for details on grants and support provided to those who have testified in Congress on the issue of human-caused global warming.
  • Before that, Legates was directed by then-Gov. Ruth Ann Minner in 2007 to stop using his state climatologist title in statements challenging climate change science after he co-wrote a legal brief opposing federal regulation of greenhouse gases after Delaware joined in a multistate lawsuit pressing for federal action.
  • “Your views, as I understand them, are not aligned with those of my administration,” Minner said.
  • He stepped down as state climatologist in 2011.

Why 1.2 billion people in China share the same 100 surnames - CNN - 0 views

  • five most common surnames in China -- shared by more than 433 million people, or 30% of the population
  • With 1.37 billion citizens, China has the world's largest population, but has one of the smallest surname pools. Only about 6,000 surnames are in use, according to the Ministry of Public Security. And the vast majority of the population -- almost 86% -- share just 100 of those surnames.
  • To put that in perspective, the United States -- with less than a quarter of China's population -- reported 6.3 million surnames in its 2010 census
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  • It also has to do with language; you can't just add a random stroke to a Chinese character and create a new surname, the way you can add a letter to an English name.
    • cvanderloo
  • people with rare characters in their names, which aren't compatible with existing computer systems, can get left behind -- pushing many to change their names for the sake of convenience, even if it means abandoning centuries of heritage and language.
  • China's history, full of migration, political turmoil and warfare, meant people's names were often in flux -- which is partly why many have since vanished.
  • People sometimes changed their names for convenience, too -- for instance, simplifying complex characters by adopting similar-sounding ones with fewer strokes. Other times they did it out of superstition, abandoning a name believed to bring ill fortune, said Chen, the associate professor.
  • surnames are lost or die out over time with each new generation as women take on their husbands' surnames.
  • With China roaring into the digital age, nearly everything -- from making appointments to buying train tickets -- has moved online. That meant a world of trouble if you happened to have a rare character in your name, that might not be in the database.
  • China's digitized ID cards made the problem even more pressing. The first generation of these cards allowed people to hand-write their names on -- but the second-generation cards, launched in 2004 and dubbed "smart cards" for their digital features, exclusively used computer-printed text.
    • cvanderloo
      Reminds me of requiring people in Guatemala to fill out a form in Spanish even though half of the population doesn't speak spanish.
  • Another factor exacerbating the increasing commonness of Chinese names is the government's efforts to standardize and regulate the language.
  • Various dialects of Mandarin are spoken between the provinces, with some so different that speakers are unintelligible to each other.
    • cvanderloo
      Dialects vs languages and the bariors they form
  • To try to address this, experts have increased the database from 32,000 characters to 70,000 characters, according to the government. They're still working to expand it to include more than 90,000 character
  • This struggle, and the cost of adapting to the modern age, was exemplified in a village in the eastern Shandong province in the late 2000s. Many villagers shared the ancestral name "Shan" -- but when they began applying for the digitized ID cards, local officials advised them to change their surnames to "Xian," a similar-sounding but more common character, according to state-owned news service CNTV.
  • In the end, more than 200 villagers were forced to change their surnames, a source of sorrow for many.

Britain, dubbed 'plague island', wants tourists to return | CNN Travel - 0 views

  • Boris Johnson plunged the country into harsh new restrictions, blaming a new variant of the disease that had been spreading in London and the southeast of England since September.
  • Country after country closed their borders to flights from the UK, in a bid to keep the new variant confined to "plague island,"
  • UK travelers are still banned from much of the world -- including EU countries -- because of the homegrown variant.
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  • In the end, 2020 saw a 76% decline in visitors and an 80% drop.
  • "A lot of our multi-country trips including England used to fly round-trip to London, and now we're looking to see if from a traveler's perspective that will be the most convenient."
  • DaSilva said that potential Brexit complications were on the radar of travelers' concerns last year, but, with a no-deal averted and the pandemic taking center stage, it's no longer an issue for her guests. In fact, three of the top five most searched trips on their website involve Great Britain.
  • "Early on in the pandemic, people were searching for places that had more open green spaces, like New Zealand and Ireland," she says. "But as news of the vaccine came out and people became more confident about trips for this year, England popped back up to the top."
  • And there's one big bonus for those traveling to the UK this year --- the tanking pound.
  • The UK made a great play that it was an international and welcoming destination over the 2012 Olympics, but that message was withdrawn with Brexit. The posturing of the government -- especially the threat to put gunboats in the Channel -- didn't play well with a lot of origin markets," he says.
  • "There may be differences with the import of goods and transmission of services that means London isn't as prosperous as it was."
  • "Suddenly, using the UK as gateway to Europe becomes enormously less attractive. Travelers will have to think about whether it's sensible to come to the UK as part of a European destination. They may wish to look at the UK as a single destination, but that isn't nearly as attractive as the UK being part of a European vacation."
  • "The UK won't be ignored, but it's unlikely to recover as strongly as Europe.
  • About 20% of the Intercontinental's staff left the UK before Brexit, says Ouseph; but while in normal times that would be a crisis, he thinks that Covid-induced job losses will mean hotels can fill these positions for now -- at least, the customer-facing ones. Instead, it's the less visible, but crucial roles, where they'll struggle.
  • Not everyone thinks Brexit will make a big difference to the inbound UK travel industry.
  • Maine -- who hasn't run tours since October -- says that he thinks the vaccine "will get us out of it -- it's a matter of when, not if." And he predicts that "when" could be as early as Easter.
  • "Rolling out the vaccine is the acid test of being a coherent holiday destination, and the UK looks like it's doing a reasonably good job in comparison to everyone else."

Where Does The American Far Right Go From Here? | HuffPost - 0 views

  • After pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol building in an attempt to overthrow the country’s democratic elections last Wednesday, many researchers, activists and journalists covering the American far right were disturbed but not necessarily surprised. 
  • The question is what far-right extremists will do next ― and what the country will do to stop them.
  • You’ve been tracking the far right for decades and recently wrote about how Wednesday’s riot was a culmination of where this movement had been heading for a while.
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  • The thing that I’ve been most assiduously tracking for the last 20 years is the sort of crossover and mainstreaming of the radical right within the mainstream conservative movement. We saw it during the Bush years, but it really started taking off after Obama was elected.
  • During the Trump years, he just basically took the lid off Pandora’s box and all the demons came out. Right now, we’re hoping at least to try to get the lid back on, but we’re going to be dealing with all those demons that came flying out for many years afterwards.
    • cvanderloo
      Really good analogy.
  • There’s now a sizable section of America that might not be violent extremists or adhere to violent extremist ideology but has been radicalized to this point that they believe in conspiracies and openly support anti-democratic action.
  • I don’t see removing Fox News from the air, but I think that the organization itself really needs a come-to-Jesus moment to recognize that it’s inflicted tremendous harm on the country and really work to repair that damage.
    • cvanderloo
      Shows how harmful bipartisan news sources can be because people trust them and automatically believe what they say.
  • But after so many years, a lot of these radicalizing elements have become so embedded in politics and in the media. It seems like that is a very difficult thing to disentangle.
  • The plan on Gretchen Whitmer is particularly striking. If I had to guess, what we’re going to be seeing in the next four years is a combination of lone wolf action, as well as organized paramilitary bands engaging in domestic terrorism.
  • He was part of the group that managed to get on the grounds last week during a protest, and there is this video of him talking to this news reporter from one of the local TV stations and telling her “we’re gonna start killing you, rest in peace, better start looking over your shoulder because we’re gonna start killing all of you.”
  • I believe, there was a lot of talk about “we need to start targeting the media.” 
  • . I think that journalists would be wise, especially if they’re doing any reporting on this stuff, to take measures to increase their personal security, and I think news organizations need to be providing bodyguards and security assistance for reporters who are out there in the field.

For Black Americans, The White Terror In D.C. Looks Familiar | HuffPost - 0 views

  • This was the case for pro-Trump rioters in 2021. It was also the case for white supremacists in Wilmington, North Carolina, in 1898, in America’s first and only successful coup d’etat.
  • His refusal to accept the results of a fair and free election, as well as his spread of lies and conspiracy theories about election fraud, emboldened his base to besiege the U.S. Capitol building, riot on its steps, fire bullets in its halls and terrorize elected officials.
  • Nooses, unambiguous symbols of mob mentality and racial terror against Black Americans, were strung up on the Capitol grounds to remind everyone exactly what the rioters stood for — and who they stood against.
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  • Many saw this coming. The rioters had been planning in plain sight. But perhaps Black Americans were the least surprised by the day’s events. The precedent had been set, time and again. We don’t have to look back that far for reminders: Whether in 1900, or 1925, or 1939, or 1965, or 2020, white terror has been deeply embedded in American culture, especially in the face of Black progress and the quest for freedom and equality.
  • For more than a century, Black Americans have documented and warned us of similar moments where racial terror and white supremacy were the status quo.
  • Less than a year later, at the height of the KKK’s popularity, 30,000 members descended upon Washington, and were welcomed by the city.
  • The whites, once again, had free rein to terrorize.
  • Civil rights activists, including the late John Lewis, set off to peacefully march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge to advocate for equal voting rights. Lewis, then 25, was beaten by Alabama state troopers and his skull was fractured. Activist Amelia Boynton Robinson was knocked unconscious. They were tear-gassed. 
  • And then there are too many instances to list from the last six years of the Black Lives Matter movement. At protest after protest against police brutality, Black activists were met with state-sanctioned violence at the hands of police.
  • “I guarantee you if that was a Black Lives Matter protest in D.C., there would already be people shackled, arrested or dead,
  • “No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently from the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol,” he said. “We all know that’s true, and it is unacceptable.” 

WHO Team Arrives In Wuhan To Investigate Coronavirus Pandemic Origins | HuffPost - 0 views

  • Scientists suspect the virus that has killed more than 1.9 million people since late 2019 jumped to humans from bats or other animals, most likely in China’s southwest.
  • Fifteen team members were to arrive in Wuhan on Thursday, but two tested positive for coronavirus antibodies before leaving Singapore
  • The team includes virus and other experts from the United States, Australia, Germany, Japan, Britain, Russia, the Netherlands, Qatar and Vietnam.
    • cvanderloo
      They all will have different perspectives which is crucial.
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  • China rejected demands for an international investigation after the Trump administration blamed Beijing for the virus’s spread, which plunged the global economy into its deepest slump since the 1930s.
  • The coronavirus’s exact origin may never be traced because viruses change quickly, Woolhouse said
  • pinning down an outbreak’s animal reservoir is typically an exhaustive endeavor that takes years of research including taking animal samples, genetic analysis and epidemiological studies.
  • he incident “raises the question if the Chinese authorities were trying to interfere,”
  • Beijing retaliated by blocking imports of Australian beef, wine and other goods.
    • cvanderloo
      This feels very petty to me.
  • A year after the virus was first detected in Wuhan, the city is now bustling, with few signs that it was once the epicenter of the outbreak in China. But some residents say they’re still eager to learn about its origin.
  • covering closely related viruses might help explain how the disease first jumped from animals and clarify what preventive measures are needed to avoid future epidemics.
  • “Now is not the time to blame anyone,” Shih said. “We shouldn’t say, it’s your fault

Joe Biden's Stimulus Plan Emphasizes School Reopenings | HuffPost - 0 views

  • President-elect Joe Biden has said he would like to see most K-8 schools open in person within 100 days of taking office, and now he is asking Congress for hundreds of billions of dollars to help him achieve this goal.
  • $1.9 trillion to help rebuild the nation’s economy, manage the coronavirus and support struggling communities
  • The plan asks for $50 billion to invest in an enormous expansion of the COVID-19 testing infrastructure. It is also asking for $170 billion to help schools safely reopen, helping them fund measures like improving classroom air ventilation and buying personal protective equipment.
    • cvanderloo
      Allocation of this money
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  • The package passed in December provided $82 billion for education, a far cry from what the future Biden administration is now proposing.
  • “Educators are encouraged not only by President-elect Biden’s leadership, but also in knowing that there is finally a true partner in the White House who will listen, value the ideas, and act in the best interest of students, educators, and families.”
    • cvanderloo
      Over generalization in my opinion
  • over 30% of school districts were now fully online, a number that has grown since the beginning of the school year
  • Overall, the plan also focuses on offering child care assistance for families and providers, and on lifting children out of poverty. It is only the first part of Biden’s recovery plan, called the American Rescue Plan. Next month, he plans to unveil the second part of his plan, Build Back Better Recovery Plan, he said.
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