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Contents contributed and discussions participated by ardenganse


Opinion | Everyone Knows Memory Fails as You Age. But Everyone Is Wrong. - The New York... - 0 views

  • This is widely understood to be a classic problem of aging. But as a neuroscientist, I know that the problem is not necessarily age-related.
  • But any distraction — a new thought, someone asking you a question, the telephone ringing — can disrupt short-term memory.
    • ardenganse
      I think this relates to our inability to multitask.
  • The relevant difference is not age but rather how we describe these events, the stories we tell ourselves about them. Twenty-year-olds don’t think, “Oh dear, this must be early-onset Alzheimer’s.” They think, “I’ve got a lot on my plate right now” or “I really need to get more than four hours of sleep.”
    • ardenganse
      I think this is very interesting reasoning to some of the stigmas surrounding age and memory loss.
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  • This is not to say that Alzheimer’s- and dementia-related memory impairments are fiction — they are very real — but every lapse of short-term memory doesn’t necessarily indicate a biological disorder.
  • Some aspects of memory actually get better as we age. For instance, our ability to extract patterns, regularities and to make accurate predictions improves over time because we’ve had more experience.
    • ardenganse
      Another interesting parallel to pattern recognition.
  • Second, older adults have to search through more memories than do younger adults to find the fact or piece of information they’re looking for. Your brain becomes crowded with memories and information.

Living With Aphantasia, the Inability to Make Mental Images - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Many educators believe visualization is key to reading comprehension since it allows readers to organize information in their minds, make inferences, and remember content more effectively.
  • Aphantasia is not a monolithic condition. People who believe they have aphantasia, known as aphants, debate in online groups about whether it should be deemed a disability. Some who are just finding out about their condition in their 50s or 60s say they never felt hindered, while others believe they failed courses in school because of it.
    • ardenganse
      It's interesting how people have different experiences with Aphantasia.
  • Not being able to visualize means never picturing the faces of family or close friends and remembering images as abstract information.
    • ardenganse
      We don't tend to realize how essential this is to our lives, whether or not our memories are actually reliable.
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  • It might be while reminiscing about the past and realizing they’re having a different experience with memory than their friends or family.
  • Ultimately, aphantasia is just one of the many ways that people’s brains and learning styles are different.
  • When I close my eyes, all I see is faint blue dots and darkness, and for 19 years, I assumed that’s what everyone else saw too.

Welcome to Our Museum of Smells - The New York Times - 0 views

  • “There is no sense more intimate, or more complex, which is why recalling your own personal smell memories can be so precise, vivid and even emotional. Your recollections might be one day, or several decades old, but that smell was once a part of you.”
    • ardenganse
      This is an interesting statement considering how unreliable memories can be. I have definitely experienced times where a certain scent reminds me of a specific moment in my life.

An Appreciation for Vaccines, and How Far They Have Come - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Still, the moral was that bacteriology, that new 19th-century science, had figured out how one of the deadly microscopic bacteria did its damage, with a poison that could choke off children’s airways, and had invented an antidote, and that was miracle enough.
    • ardenganse
      I think this is interesting how science develops over time. We can look back at what we consider to be old science and think that it is basic, however, at the time it may have been revolutionary.
  • I see this as a story that should help us appreciate the unending ingenuity of the science that finds ways to turn on our complicated immune responses without making us suffer through a disease that once choked the life out of countless babies.

Do Language Apps Like Duolingo Work? - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • Words and phrases swam through my mind, but they didn’t add up to anything useful. Laurie switched to a restaurant scenario: “Do you have a table for four?” “I’d like two glasses of red wine.” I knew I had seen all the pieces in Duolingo’s sentences. But I was utterly unable to recall them and pull them together.
  • The app had made me a master of multiple-choice Italian. Given a bunch of words to choose from, I could correctly assemble impressive communiqués. But without a prompt, I was as speechless in even the most basic situations as any boorish American tourist.
    • ardenganse
      Illustrates the issue with digital language apps. Relates to the idea that in order to truly understand a language, you must know every word and how it has been used by people historically.
  • learning English, in particular, can be a ticket out of poverty.
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  • Duolingo has been rolling out new features—including podcasts, social interaction among users, and character-driven narratives—that aim to raise its language pragmatics as well as its addictiveness.
    • ardenganse
      An attempt to close the gap between virtual and real world language learning.
  • Where most apps really fall short, he said, is in language “pragmatics.” “That’s the learning that’s based on real-world settings—you’re in a restaurant, in an interview, waiting for a bus,” he explained. “It’s usually lost in apps.”
    • ardenganse
      You can't truly learn a language without experiencing the world through that language.
  • “In the U.S., about half of our users aren’t even really motivated to learn a language; they just want to pass the time on something besides Candy Crush,” he said.
  • “There are all kinds of contextual factors in language learning,” he said. “It would be hard for an app to take them all into account.”

William urges public to follow queen's example and get jab - ABC News - 0 views

  • LONDON -- Prince William is encouraging everyone in Britain to follow the example of Queen Elizabeth II, his grandmother, in being inoculated against COVID-19 as authorities battle unsubstantiated fears about vaccine safety.
    • ardenganse
      Relates to the logical fallacy of argument from authority. In this case, an authority figure is being used to convince people to do something, which they are hesitant to do.
  • The medics told William some members of the public are reluctant to get any of the coronavirus vaccines authorized by regulators.
  • The disclosure was meant to end speculation about the matter and to boost confidence in the shots

A Late Burst of Climate Denial Extends the Era of Trump Disinformation - The New York T... - 0 views

  • Dr. Legates, a climate denialist installed last year by the Trump administration
    • ardenganse
      People tend to surround themselves with people who agree with them. This could relate somewhat to confirmation bias.
  • Peter Gleick, a climate scientist and member of the National Academy of Sciences who noticed the posts and drew attention to them on Twitter, called them “ridiculous” and a ham-handed effort to grant a veneer of government respectability to junk science before President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. assumes office Jan. 20.
  • “To climate science itself these pose very little danger because they are pseudoscience, because they are ridiculous, and because nobody serious in the scientific community will pay any attention to them.”
    • ardenganse
      Relates to the scientific method and shared knowledge. Any claim has to be widely accepted before it can be deemed accurate.

Go Ahead. Fantasize. - The New York Times - 0 views

  • It won’t erase the pain of last year, which was compounded for Mr. Johnson by the loss of his job, but the dance floor fantasy is soothing — something to look forward to.
    • ardenganse
      I thought that this related to human's need for life to have a purpose. With the pandemic, many have seemingly lost their purpose, and this shows someone using the idea of a purpose as hope.
  • but experts say that fantasizing, forward thinking and using one’s imagination are powerful tools for getting people through difficult times.
    • ardenganse
      Again, thinking of life having a purpose gives people hope, as they are uncomfortable without purpose.
  • “Imagining the future — we call this skill prospection — and prospection is subserved by a set of brain circuits that juxtapose time and space and get you imagining things well and beyond the here and now,”
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  • “To always think of imagination as a good thing is a danger. A lot of people can’t imagine good, joyful hopeful things because they are not able to or their lives have had so much difficulty that it feels foolhardy to.”
    • ardenganse
      Interesting point about how we as humans believe what we want to. This may relate to our discussions about arguments and how it can be difficult to get someone to change their views.
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