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in title, tags, annotations or urlHow Do Your Learning Spaces Measure Up? -- Campus Technology - 0 views
The Power of Real-World Gender Roles in Second Life - Pixels and Policy - 0 views
"The Power of Real-World Gender Roles in Second Life Pixels and Policy recently tackled the issue of how racial bias crept across the real-virtual divide and found a home in the virtual world. Dozens of our readers responded with their own stories of virtual prejudice as well as their critiques of our research. As we researched the role of race is Second Life, more and more female residents asked us to take a look at how female avatars reflect real-world gender expectations. The topic is too important to pass up. Over the course of three weeks, Pixels and Policy conducted interviews with over 40 residents of Second Life to see just what gender in the Metaverse meant to them."
Free Technology for Teachers: Twitter: Keeping Up With It All - 0 views
Scaling Up the Virtual Computing Lab -- Campus Technology - 0 views
Penn State Ramps Up Clickers after Pilot -- Campus Technology - 0 views
Second Life Blogs: COMMUNITY EVENTS: Burn it Up, Burn it Down: Burning Life 2009 - 0 views
Will the Real Digital Native Please Stand Up? -- Campus Technology - 0 views
Avoiding the Trap of the Info Dump for Online Course Announcements - 0 views
"...this is a time-management strategy for overwhelmed faculty. "I'm swamped for time so let me just blast this all out at once. Phew. I've done my part; now the rest is up to them." In struggling to help manage our own information overload, we pass the overload along to our students. I don't believe it's our intention to pass the buck, but you know what they say about good intentions.