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Ruth Nation

U6 11G Public Information Campaign Lesson Plan March - 0 views

    Students will know . . . - The history and methods of public information campaigns in America. - How to identify the most effective form of sharing information with the public. Students will be able to . . . * Write an "abstract" describing their plan and model for their campaign * Evaluate a person's attempt to change something for both its motivation and effect * Select and create the medium most effective for conveying their message.
Ruth Nation

Learning Materials in a Problem Based Course * Guides for Lecturers * UK Centre for Materials Education - 0 views

    rials in a Problem Based Course * Database of Resources * Important Themes * Guides for Lecturers * Events and Workshops * Teaching Development Projects * Materials Awareness Projects * About the Centre * Contact Us * News * Features * Articles and Publications * Cymraeg * Search * Home by James Busfield and Ton Peijs Why This Guide? In 2000 the Department of Materials at Queen Mary University of London introduced Problem Based Learning (PBL) into their first year undergraduate program - being the first Materials Department in the UK to do so. A year later PBL was further expanded into their second year undergraduate program. To make space in the curriculum, the teaching load was reduced by 20% and most of the traditional practical classes were removed. Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a concept used to enhance multidisciplinary skills using planned problem scenarios. It is an active way of learning that teaches students problem solving skills, while at the same time allowing them to acquire basic knowledge. PBL was first introduced in the late 1960s at McMaster University in North America, and has since spread around the world mainly in medical education. The principal aims of implementing PBL are: * To integrate knowledge and skills from a range of multidisciplinary modules * To acquire knowledge through self-study * To teach students how to work in groups and manage group projects * To improve and develop transferable skills of students * To develop problem solving skills of students * To encourage self-motivation, curiosity and thinking * And finally, to make learning fun! A PBL Guide This guide is based on what Queen Mary University of London does and its context. It can be used as a guide to developing a PBL system that works in your context. At Queen Mary University of London, for first year students, the PBL program consists of 6 case studies (3 per semester) and s
Ruth Nation - 0 views

shared by Ruth Nation on 22 Sep 08 - Cached
    free sound effects
Ruth Nation

flauntR- Free online photo editor with thousands of one click effects - 0 views

    Kathy Schrock recommends this site.
Ruth Nation

ReadWriteThink: Lesson Plan: Exploring Cause and Effect Using Expository Texts About Natural Disasters - 0 views

    I love Read, Write, Think.
Sarah Murdock

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens - 1 views

    7 Habits for Teens - Maybe can be made into PowerPoint presentation.
Ruth Nation

PicMonkey - Photo Editing Made of Win - 1 views

    upload a photo and add text or effects
Ruth Nation

AAMP - Butterfly Effect - 4 views

    seeking to guide teachers toward powerful Common Core State Standard teaching resources. Also, this site is a place for curious teachers who want to expand on their teaching repertoires, and choose to explore this website to learn at least one new idea they can implement to enhance their teaching.
Ruth Nation

Cause and Effect Graphic Organizers - 0 views

    These are in pdf format for downloading and printing.
Ruth Nation

FindSounds - Sound Types - 0 views

    right click on the sound; select save link as (or save target as); save into C:\Program files\Cool Timer\;

    Open Cool Timer; click on Options; under Alarm Sound click select.

    Make sure your file is pretty small - under 20k and mono

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