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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Maria Cornish

Maria Cornish

The Reflective Teacher: Taking a Long Look | Edutopia - 0 views

    Reflection is critical to your continued growth as a teacher, whether you seek student feedback, leave yourself sticky notes, or blog your thoughts for colleagues.
Maria Cornish

Are You Tech-Ready for the Common Core? - 1 views

    Article: School districts are raising concerns about their ability to be technologically ready to give Common Core State Standards assessments to students online in two years. Administrators say they remain uncertain about the types of devices to buy, the bandwidth they need, and the funding available for technology improvements.
Maria Cornish

Tiki-Toki - 6 views

    Create beautiful web-based timelines. Include images and videos. Tiki-Toki provides integration with YouTube and Vimeo for videos (premium accounts only). Free.
Maria Cornish

You Are Your Words - AHD - 1 views

    Create a self-portrait using your words. Link to places like Facebook or Twitter for words you've already written or write something new specifically for your portrait. Either way, you'll create a unique image that can be shared and saved and will remind everyone that You Are Your Words.
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