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karen sipe - 1 views

    A new public television show designed to teach children basic financial literacy. It covers personal finance topics, such as credit, saving, budgeting, investing, and charity. Free lesson plans are available online for each show. The program will air on public television stations around the United States.
    Looks interesting and a possible way to teach personal finance literacy to all ages.
Marge Runkle - 3 views

    * Home * Parents * Teachers * Text Version * About * Help * Glossary * Ad Library Spread the Word Live the Adventure - AdMongo Welcome to Admongo where advertising is all around you. Online. Outside. On television. Who makes ads? How do they work? What do they want you to do? Here, you will explore, discover, and learn. Can you make it to the top?
karen sipe - Remember and Understand - 2 views

  • is a new learning website that allows users to create their own study guides and then share them on the web. The free site assembles user-generated content in three formats -- flash cards, multiple choice, and visual learning diagrams. The topics range from traditional school subjects, such as history, languages, and geography, to less academic categories, such as food, billiards, and television. Users can follow other users and their pages and edit other users' pages to craete their own unique page.
    Free and can be used in a variety of content areas.
Lauri Brady

Copyright Kids!-Getting Permission - 0 views

    "To obtain permission to use a work protected by copyright, you must determine who is the copyright owner of the material you intend to use, contact the owner, and request the right to use the work in the territory and format you intend, and -- in some cases -- pay the owner a fee. Often the most difficult part of this process is finding the owner to ask permission to use the work. To make that a little easier, we have provided some information about researching copyright ownership for music, with addresses of record companies and music publishers, as well as film and television producers, publishers and other entities through which you might be able to clear rights. In addition, we have provided sample permission letters for you to use in drafting your letter to the copyright owners once you have identified them."
Donald Burkins

The Economics of Seinfeld - 1 views

    "It is the simplicity of Seinfeld that makes it so appropriate for use in economics courses. Using these clips (as well as clips from other television shows or movies) makes economic concepts come alive, making them more real for students. Ultimately, students will start seeing economics everywhere - in other TV shows, in popular music, and most importantly, in their own lives."
    Seinfeld clips tagged selected to illustrate concepts from Economics.
Michelle Krill - History, documentary and television on the web - 3 views

  • is a free-to-use, video-rich history resource. Scroll the timeline below to find a story that interests you, and let your journey begin. When you're done watching a module, you can move automatically to the next module on the timeline, or move between timelines to explore parallel events. All the videos are viewable full screen, and you'll find loads of other helpful secondary resources along the way. It's a history resource like no other on the web. So go on, enjoy!
Marge Runkle

Teachers TV | Free education videos and resources for professional development - 0 views

    Get a TV experience on your computer. Watch themed videos selected to match your interests, including great lesson ideas and inspiring documentaries.
Marge Runkle

Alan November: The Emerging Culture of Teaching and Learning » Video » Iowa P... - 1 views

    There are pieces of this video that were shared at the IU Mentor meeting on March 1 at the Dallastown Intermediate School. You may get the gist of his message of Professional Learning Communities and Global Education
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