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karen sipe

Lesson Plans - Fossils Rock! Tales from the Field - 2 views

    What is it like to work as a paleontologist? In Activity 1, students listen to or read an interview with paleontologist Paul Sereno, a National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence, to learn about his passion for science and his discovery of SuperCroc in sub-Saharan Africa. In Activity 2, students join a dig with paleontologist Mike Everhart to learn what happens when a scientist in the field suddenly discovers fossil remains. In the Closing Activity, students create a story or conduct an interview and present or record their work for an imaginary radio program.
karen sipe

Leveled Library » Register - 0 views

    "Anyone can use LeveledLibrary without registering for a free account. However, registered users have access to many features that are not availble to the unregistered users. Most notably, registered users can: Everyone Keep an inventories of the books you own and their levels Specify the leveling system in which you want the book levels displayed. Print labels for your leveled books in popular label sizes View book details, such as binding, dewey decimal number, suggested categories, and cover images Keep books in your shopping cart across multiple computers All Educators Search the inventories of colleagues at your school Vote on book levels for books in the system Manage Courses and Track Student Lending Access reports about your classroom library Administrators Purchase and unlock reports: See what books are in your school Analyze how well a teacher's library matches the students in the class Track student reading growth over time See how well your students are picking books on their reading level"
    I have often wondered if there was a tool to organize my own library of books and I think th is may be it.
Donald Burkins

bloomsapps - 4 views

    "Using Blooms Taxonomy in education is a highly effective way to scaffold learning for the students. With the recent popularity and pervasive nature of iOS devices in school districts it is essential for educators to understand how to implement Blooms in the classroom using the apps that are available. While this list is by no means fully comprehensive, it will assist educators in getting started when implementing iOS devices in the classroom. This site will change almost daily as it will be updated with new and exciting apps! "
    Don, I was really excited to see this. But, take a look at the apps in the Creating level. I think they prove my point that the ipad isn't a serious player, yet. If those are prime examples of what can be Created on the ipad, then I still say that it's not the answer to Education's persistant questions. It's a great personal device but not one for school.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Today is the day!: Essential Q's for Using Digital Tools in Your Classroom - 3 views

    "Thanks to the awesome CFF Coach Listserv from Pennsylvania for their collaboration on this list! These essential questions are to help to define what the 'good use' of technology looks like. They are meant to promote thinking about whether the use of technology is meaningful and relevant to the learning. Many of these questions could start with the word "Will" and be followed up with the question, "How?" I chose to start with how, since I think will is too easy to answer with a "Yes." The questions are phrased in a way that would be used in the Before of a Before-During-After coaching consultation or while designing a lesson. With some tweaking, the questions could also be used in the During phase - watching a lesson in action, or the After phase - for reflection."
Marge Runkle

Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine - 1 views

    The Internet Archive is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that was founded to build an Internet library. Its purposes include offering permanent access for researchers, historians, scholars, people with disabilities, and the general public to historical collections that exist in digital format. Founded in 1996 and located in San Francisco, the Archive has been receiving data donations from Alexa Internet and others. In late 1999, the organization started to grow to include more well-rounded collections. Now the Internet Archive includes texts, audio, moving images, and software as well as archived web pages in our collections, and provides specialized services for adaptive reading and information access for the blind and other persons with disabilities.
Lauri Brady

Instructional Technology - Grand Island Public Schools - 1 views

    "Grand Island Public Schools recognizes the critical role that technology plays in educating children for the future. In order to be productive citizens in society, students must possess the skills to be contributing members in an information-rich technology environment. In accordance with state and national instructional technology standards, Grand Island Public Schools learners will be provided the skills and implementation opportunities which will enable them to: 1. use a variety of information technologies and applications. 2. develop positive attitudes toward the social impact of technology and apply ethical and legal principles to the use of information technologies. 3. develop strategies to utilize information technologies to search for, locate, and access information. 4. use a variety of media to communicate, collaborate, publish, and interact with experts, peers, and other audiences. 5. organize, prepare and present ideas and information utilizing information technologies. 6. solve problems utilizing a variety of information technologies "
Marge Runkle

Leadership Views: Education in the 21st Century - 0 views

    As the use of computing and networking technologies in schools grows, educators increasingly incorporate online tools and resources into their curricula-some even replace traditional classroom interactions with "virtual" courses that take place entirely online. At the same time, administrators are concerned with helping students develop 21st century skills while bridging the digital divide between students and adults. To address emerging trends in education, Project Tomorrow, a national education nonprofit group and Blackboard have joined together to bring you Education in the 21st Century, a series of reports that include data from the SpeakUp Survey, which shed light on issues related to learning and leading in K-12 education.
Pat Kennedy

Inaugural Words 1789 - Present - 3 views

    Website - A look at the language of presidential inaugural addresses. The most-used words in each address appear in the interactive chart below, sized by number of uses. Words highlighted in yellow were used significantly more in this inaugural address than average.
    This website was shared at the Discovery Day. Make sure you click on a word. Above it will show that word used in other Presidents' speeches. Interesting.
Carol Mortensen

A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet: 30 Web Sites to Teach You About Technology ... - 1 views

  • t's the 21st century and I'm sure your school district has been embracing technology. With budget cuts, however, can your school keep up with the need for new and updated computers? I work in Bergen County (N.J.) where we have the highest property taxes in the nation, and yet this fall I'm not sure whether or not our media center will see more computers for our students. (Thank you, Governor Christie) I know of districts where every student has their own laptop. Not where I am. Still, I try to use what we have to prepare our students for when they graduate and go out into the world. No matter what they will do in their career, whether it's an auto mechanic or a lawyer, they will need these digital skills. If you are still wary about technology, it is time to jump into the water. We don't want you and your students left behind.
    t's the 21st century and I'm sure your school district has been embracing technology. With budget cuts, however, can your school keep up with the need for new and updated computers? I work in Bergen County (N.J.) where we have the highest property taxes in the nation, and yet this fall I'm not sure whether or not our media center will see more computers for our students. (Thank you, Governor Christie) I know of districts where every student has their own laptop. Not where I am. Still, I try to use what we have to prepare our students for when they graduate and go out into the world. No matter what they will do in their career, whether it's an auto mechanic or a lawyer, they will need these digital skills. If you are still wary about technology, it is time to jump into the water. We don't want you and your students left behind.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

L Houle's Wiki - NO Registration Necessary - 3 views

    "When we're working with our K-8 students it is always a concern that students privacy and anonymity be maintained. Most sites require users to register so they can sign in to use the resource. Many educators will create an account and log students in to use a web 2.0 resource in the library, lab or classroom as a variety of sites provide for education accounts. The extra steps necessary to set up such accounts might take time that any librarian or teacher finds hard to locate in their busy day. Surely too a majority of us are quite tired of remembering every username and password we create for ourselves let alone keeping track of those of our students. We also wonder how many footprints we are leaving on the web. Below are some sites that can be used without creating an identifying username, email or password. All sites were tested, Some have examples on the example pages."
Lauri Brady

All About Computers - 1 views

    "We live in a time of rapidly changing technology, increasing globalization, and serious environmental issues affecting the planet. We need a new generation of thinkers in our schools and in the workplace to help solve problems. New digital tools enable students to take charge of their learning. With their hands on a whiteboard or laptop keyboard, they are engaged in active learning rather than passive response mode. Explore solutions below."
Michelle Krill

Welcome to Youth Voices | Youth Voices - 5 views

    Connect - We invite you to join or log in to our social network for youth voices, where students and teachers work together (see Curriculum and Guides) to create student-to-student conversations and collaborations. We hope that you will make Youth Voices your destination for many different activities in school and out. Comment - Be heard. This is a place for you to engage in discussions. To find something that you may want to comment on: * search with keywords in the search box * choose one of the New/Current Discussions * consider the Popular Discussions, the ones with the most comments * browse by Topics * find posts by members of your school or community groups We encourage you to spend a lot of time writing thoughtful comments back and forth on other students' Discussions. Create - Be known. Show who you are through your creativity and scholarship. At Youth Voices you can post updates many times each day on the microblog, What's up? And you can use your cell phone to post audio. You can also create, revise, and polish three types of Discussions: * audio podcasts * text with embedded media * discussions that begin with videos and VoiceThreads
Lauri Brady

Copyright Kids!-Getting Permission - 0 views

    "To obtain permission to use a work protected by copyright, you must determine who is the copyright owner of the material you intend to use, contact the owner, and request the right to use the work in the territory and format you intend, and -- in some cases -- pay the owner a fee. Often the most difficult part of this process is finding the owner to ask permission to use the work. To make that a little easier, we have provided some information about researching copyright ownership for music, with addresses of record companies and music publishers, as well as film and television producers, publishers and other entities through which you might be able to clear rights. In addition, we have provided sample permission letters for you to use in drafting your letter to the copyright owners once you have identified them."
Marge Runkle

70 Free Useful Portable Applications You Should Know | Tools - 1 views

    Portable applications in general are software and programs you can run independently from a removable drives (like flash/pen drive) without going through the hassle of installing them. They are widely used and have been a favorite approach for professionals of different various industries. With portable applications, you can leave your laptop behind; plug in the thumb drive in any client machine, run the application without worrying about leaving anything behind. In this post, we attempt to show a collection of useful and free applications you can run independently from thumb drives, sorting by profession by general. You'll be surprise how many applications you can actually run without installation.
Donald Burkins

The Economics of Seinfeld - 1 views

    "It is the simplicity of Seinfeld that makes it so appropriate for use in economics courses. Using these clips (as well as clips from other television shows or movies) makes economic concepts come alive, making them more real for students. Ultimately, students will start seeing economics everywhere - in other TV shows, in popular music, and most importantly, in their own lives."
    Seinfeld clips tagged selected to illustrate concepts from Economics.
karen sipe

Voice Mark It! | GeoGraffiti - 0 views

    Geograffiti creats voice-marks - audio postings to specific map locations. For example, a history teacher assigns his students to create an audio tour about local history. The students go to various historical monuments and buildings in the community and then phone in historical summaries of the significance of these sites to Geograffiti, which places the oral recordings in the appropriate geographic locations on the map. This activity would enable students to research local history, pratice public speaking, and learn geography in one assignment.
Marge Runkle

100+ Useful Bookmarklets For Better Productivity | Ultimate List - 0 views

    bookmarklets are small little applications you can place as browser's bookmark bar and they each perform a specific function, depending on what they are coded for. Bookmarklets are usually written in Javascript and they are extremely easy to install/remove. Bookmarklets work in most common used browsers like Firefox, Opera and Safari but probably lesser support in Internet Explorer. Article shares some of the most useful bookmarklets for designers, developers or even if you are a net surfer, they might just come in handy. Installing a bookmarklet is simple - all you need to do is drag them to your bookmark toolbar, that's all. \n\n
Marge Runkle

50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom - 1 views

    Skype is a free and easy way for teachers to open up their classroom and their students to a world way beyond their campus. With Skype, students can learn from other students, connect with other cultures, and expand their knowledge in amazing ways. Teachers and parents can also benefit from Skype in the classroom. Read below to learn how you can take advantage of the power of Skype in your classroom.
Michelle Krill

MinyanLand - Fun Way for Kids To Learn About Money with Hoofy & Boo - 2 views

    "MinyanLand is a virtual community designed to engage kids and families in games and interaction that are entertaining and educational. The world was conceived by Minyanville, a leader in financial infotainment and home to the icons of Wall Street and finance, "Hoofy" the Bull and "Boo" the Bear. Joining the effort is the Council for Economic Education, the nation's leader in economic and financial literacy. We created MinyanLand as a platform to entertain and educate a young generation so they understand the concept of a market and the basics of economics and finance on a real world level. The economic system of MinyanLand mimics the real-life pricing of general goods and services. As players participate in the system, their actions will affect the overall MinyanLand economy. This is how they will learn. "
Michelle Krill

Welcome | Wordnik - 0 views

    Wordnik wants to be a place for all the words, and everything known about them. Traditional dictionaries make you wait until they've found what they consider to be "enough" information about a word before they will show it to you. Wordnik knows you don't want to wait-if you're interested in a word, we're interested too! Our goal is to show you as much information as possible, just as fast as we can find it, for every word in English, and to give you a place where you can make your own opinions about words known. By "information," we don't just mean traditional definitions (although we have plenty of those)! This information could be: * An example sentence-even if we've only found one sentence for a word, we'll show it to you. (And we'll show you where the sentence came from, too! * Related words: not just synonyms and antonyms, but words that are used in the same contexts. (For instance, cheeseburger, milkshake, and doughnut are not synonyms, but they show up in the same kinds of sentences.) * Images tagged by our friends at Flickr: want to know what a "pout" looks like? We'll show you. * Statistics: how rare is "tintinnabulation"? Well, we think you'll see it only about once a year. "Smile"? You might see that word many times, every day. * An audio pronunciation-and you can record your own!
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