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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Noemi Crespo

Noemi Crespo

Actividades para adultos - 1 views

    Catálogo de actividades de aprendizaje en educación de adultos
Noemi Crespo

Técnicas Andragógicas - 1 views

    Este Manual contiene Técnicas Andragógicas que motivaran a tus estudiantes adultos a alcanzar sus metas con entusiasmo y les provee de una guía detallada de lo que deben realizar para evitar confusiones.
Noemi Crespo

Crear trabajos - 3 views

dibujos sopas de palabras juegos etc.
started by Noemi Crespo on 14 Nov 16 no follow-up yet
Noemi Crespo

cuentos cortos para adultos - EnCuentos - 3 views

    En esta página encontrará cuentos, poesías, entre otros para niños y adultos.
Noemi Crespo

CVC. Lecturas paso a paso - 1 views

    ¡Bienvenido a la colección de lecturas para estudiantes de español del Centro Virtual Cervantes! Presentamos una selección de divertidos y atractivos textos para aprender y practicar tu español. Periódicamente irán apareciendo diferentes lecturas que hemos organizado en tres niveles -inicial, intermedio y avanzado- según la complejidad de los textos que incluyen; en cada una de ellas encontrarás, además, actividades que te facilitarán la comprensión de los textos y servirán para que practiques lo que has aprendido.
Noemi Crespo - ESL and Spanish Literacy, Reading, Spelling - 2 views

    "Welcome to! The exercises on this site are designed primarily for two audiences: Adult Spanish literacy students, i.e., speakers of Spanish who are learning to read and write in Spanish. Students of English as a second language, especially beginning students with limited literacy skills in their first language. The exercises may also be useful for people learning Spanish as a second language and for English speakers developing native-language literacy skills. Also, because the interface is designed to be as easy to use as possible, the exercises here are useful for anyone who needs a gentle introduction to the use of the mouse and to computers in general. There are also a few exercises here designed to develop literacy skills or vocabulary in the Yucatecan Maya and K'iche' languages. If you use these exercises and would appreciate more, please let me know. Last but not least, there are some teacher resources and presentation summaries here. You can find them listed on the sitemap. Best regards, Kurt Edward Robinson"
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