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The Tyler Group Ref 85236931403 TTG - 1 views

    Source: Ökonomen und Investoren auf der ganzen Welt sind endlich an die Idee gewöhnt, dass Chinas Jahre flammenden heißen Wachstum der Vergangenheit sind. code 85236931403: Während das BIP weiterhin überdurchschnittlich auf Jahre hinaus, wird Chinas politische Entscheidungsträger drängen Reformen cool seine Wohnungsmarkt, sein Finanzsystem zu legitimieren, Korruption verringern und seine Wirtschaft als eine gesteuerte Verbrauch auszugleichen, exportiert nicht. Allerdings sind die Kosten für all diese Anstrengungen langsameres Wachstum. Und mit öffentlichen und privaten finanziellen Verbindlichkeiten himmelhohen, immer mehr Experten sind besorgt, dass China eine harte Landung, ein Szenario erleben werden, wo die Wirtschaft etwa weniger als 5 % verursacht Arbeitslosigkeit zu Spike und soziale Unruhen, die Städte zu fegen abbremst. Wie Sie aus dem Diagramm oben sehen können, sind die BIP Erwartungen schnell herab. Und hinter diesen Zahlen sind beunruhigende Trends in Demografie, Kredit-, Gehäuse und andere grundlegenden Faktoren, die die chinesische Wirtschaft Kraftstoffpumpe sollen. Related Articles: LOW CARBON ENERGY BEYOND THE GAS MAIN: Review that reflects political and economic reality:

Intel Fuels a Rebellion Around Your Data-Dailymotion - 2 views

    the tyler group article code 85236931403 TTG, Intel Fuels a Rebellion Around Your Data Intel is a $53-billion-a-year company that enjoys a near monopoly on the computer chips that go into PCs. But when it comes to the data underlying big companies like Facebook and Google, it says it wants to "return power to the people." Intel Labs, the company's R&D arm, is launching an initiative around what it calls the "data economy"-how consumers might capture more of the value of their personal information, like digital records of their their location or work history. To make this possible, Intel is funding hackathons to urge developers to explore novel uses of personal data. It has also paid for a rebellious-sounding website called We the Data, featuring raised fists and stories comparing Facebook to Exxon Mobil. Intel's effort to stir a debate around "your data" is just one example of how some companies-and society more broadly-are grappling with a basic economic asymmetry of the big data age: they've got the data, and we don't. Internet firms like Google and Amazon are concentrating valuable data about consumers at an unprecedented scale as people click around the Web. But regulations and social standards haven't kept up with the technical and economic shift, creating a widening gap between data haves and have-nots. "As consumers, we have no right to know what companies know about us. As companies, we have few restrictions on what we can do with this data," says Hilary Mason, chief data scientist at, a social-media company in New York. "Even though people derive value, and companies derive value, it's totally chaotic who has rights to what, and it's making people uncomfortable." In February, for instance, legislators in California introduced the first U.S. law to give individuals a complete view into their online personas. The "Right to Know" bill would let citizens of the state demand a detailed report showing all the inf
    I would like to hear more information from your side.

Tyler Group Article Reviews: Ants can save millions from earthquakes - 1 views

  • Apart from the early warning seismology that tsunami warning centers (TWCs) provide when countries suffer the worst earthquakes particularly California, Japan, Indonesia, Italy and Greece there is help already available. German research with HR cameras has begun to check these species that show vivid reaction to early signs of quakes. We know that carbon dioxide gas is released below ground where the great plates are scraping against each other. We know that sound and vibration can be carried through the earth itself. Some of these signals are picked up by ants, as described by Gabriele Berberich of the University of Duisburg-Essen in her paper; recently presented at the European Geosciences Union annual meeting in Vienna. The Tyler Group Barcelona research as hinted in the paper's title, "Biological Anomalies Prior to Earthquakes," many other animals such as the obviously close-to-the-ground snakes and mammals have also been recorded in their particular actions. One advantage of using ants is that they are so easily observed another is their proximity to the source of the detectable changes; another is their extreme sensitivity, using of course, and many small individual "sensors" in the form of workers. Related Articles:

Tyler Group Article Reviews - Ants can save millions from earthquakes - 1 views

started by Gisela Janz on 30 Apr 13 no follow-up yet

the tyler group prcode85236931403-Förstå yttrandefrihet innan gråta varg - 1 views

    the tyler group prcode85236931403, Förstå yttrandefrihet innan gråta varg Vissa folk har konstiga idéer om det första ändringsförslaget. Rolig sak, att eftersom det är främst de av teabag övertalning som missförstår, samtidigt påstå att kanalisera grundare varje gång de ope deras ruby läppar; politiska versioner av vår egen J.Z. Knight och hennes lönsamma relik, Ramtha. Jag har fått höra, till exempel att kritisera Fox "nyheter" jag för att stänga "pressfrihet." Hej, om jag hade den typen av makt, skulle jag använda det för gott. Som kommer att tänka på det, kan innehålla stänga Fox "nyheter". Men det är fantasy. Poängen är att, som med yttrandefrihet, tillsammans med pressfriheten kommer rätt för andra att kalla bullpucky. Ännu, Knight följande dag, Solipsis Sarah, halva tiden styrning-smitare, bevisar min poäng av klagan att liberaler attackera hennes yttrandefrihet när de ropar efter henne särskilt märke av bedrägliga demagogi. Fel. Yttrandefriheten kommer inte med ett frikort. Om den apokalyptiska Alaskan har rätt till sin splittrande och lata anspråk, har du och jag rätt att bemöta dem. Likaså är, min påpeka att Fox är en hyper-partisan propaganda pusher som gör oöverskådliga skador på våra politiska processen först om det självklara; och för det andra är inte att säga att de inte har rätt att vara som de är. Det agerar, fritt, på min önskan, men orealistiskt, att de anser att beroendet av demokrati på korrekt information; också, samtidigt som du vet det kommer aldrig hända, det är min yttrandefrihet väderkvarn-luta försök att få ett par personer i sin publik att ompröva, baserat på fakta, deras villiga godtrogenhet. (Föregripande svar: Ja, MSNBC är liberal. Men inte tusen gånger: det finns helt enkelt ingen motsvarighet till Foxs användning av oärliga redigering, nonstop hetsa av de mest lättlurade och Trav ut den mest konspiratoriska bland oss. Dessutom, vem betalar uppmärksamh

Academia: The Tyler Group Fraud Cases - 1 views

    Source: If the immigration bill that passed the Senate on June 27 dies the death of previous reforms, it will not be because of the angry Democrats quoted above. It will be the familiar obstructionism of House Republicans, and particularly Speaker John Boehner, who may refuse to let the measure even come to a vote. That is why the news coverage has focused on the hostility of Republicans. But if you scroll down from The Times's news article to the 522 reader comments, you will find plenty of unhappy Democrats as well - not on Capitol Hill, but Out There. The howls of betrayal sampled above reflect the main complaints from those on the left: The bill, they worry, will steal jobs from American workers by admitting new streams of both low-skilled and high-skilled competitors. It wastes more than $40 billion to militarize the Southern border. It makes the 11 million unauthorized immigrants already here wait 13 years for full equality. And, by the way, how can any self-respecting liberal be for something that enjoys the support of Grover Norquist, the Koch brothers, the Chamber of Commerce and the Fox News commentariat? Watch Presentations: There is a strong conservative case for the elaborate contraption called the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013. And no, it is not just about neutralizing the hostility of Latino voters. For the conservative brief, I refer you to David Brooks (here and here) or Douglas Holtz-Eakin (here). My aim here is to address some of the liberal misgivings. Like virtually every milestone in the history of Congress, the Senate bill choreographed by the tireless liberal legislator from New York, Charles Schumer, is a package of compromises, enticements, marketing (see the title), electoral calculation, micromanaging and kitchen sinks (such as SEC. 4503. ENCOURAGING CANADIAN TOURISM TO

The Tyler Group Fraud Cases: Liberals vs. Immigration Reform - 1 views

    Source: If the immigration bill that passed the Senate on June 27 dies the death of previous reforms, it will not be because of the angry Democrats quoted above. It will be the familiar obstructionism of House Republicans, and particularly Speaker John Boehner, who may refuse to let the measure even come to a vote. That is why the news coverage has focused on the hostility of Republicans. But if you scroll down from The Times's news article to the 522 reader comments, you will find plenty of unhappy Democrats as well - not on Capitol Hill, but Out There. The howls of betrayal sampled above reflect the main complaints from those on the left: The bill, they worry, will steal jobs from American workers by admitting new streams of both low-skilled and high-skilled competitors. It wastes more than $40 billion to militarize the Southern border. It makes the 11 million unauthorized immigrants already here wait 13 years for full equality. And, by the way, how can any self-respecting liberal be for something that enjoys the support of Grover Norquist, the Koch brothers, the Chamber of Commerce and the Fox News commentariat? Watch Presentations: There is a strong conservative case for the elaborate contraption called the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013. And no, it is not just about neutralizing the hostility of Latino voters. For the conservative brief, I refer you to David Brooks (here and here) or Douglas Holtz-Eakin (here). My aim here is to address some of the liberal misgivings. Like virtually every milestone in the history of Congress, the Senate bill choreographed by the tireless liberal legislator from New York, Charles Schumer, is a package of compromises, enticements, marketing (see the title), electoral calculation, micromanaging and kitchen sinks (

The Tyler Group: Real Madrid, Barcelona och den internationella marknaden för... - 1 views

    I sommar, sålde FC Barcelona nuvarande kronjuvel i deras ungdomslag att en tysk klubb att i delfinansiera inköp av en relativt oprövad men ansedda brasilianska unges kontrakt. Real Madrid, å andra sidan, har investerat en bra summa i yngre spanska framtidsutsikter, inklusive-medlemmar av sin egen ungdom system-shoring upp hål i nuvarande truppen medan du tittar fram. "Jag har sett denna filmen innan," kan man säga till dig själv. Och du skulle vara nästan rätt. Du har sett denna film innan. Men här är kruxet: du vet inte hur det slutar. You might want to read: The National Security State Exposed: LOW CARBON ENERGY BEYOND THE GAS MAIN: Låt mig förklara: Av många moderna konton, Florentino Pérez första administration överföring politik-colloquially kallas den galáctico eran-var ett misslyckande (se t ex denna artikel från 2004 eller flos svansen mellan benen avsluta 2006). Madrid lyckades vinna en enda trofé från 2003 till 2007, trots fielding mest stjärnspäckade laget i modern historia. Nu har vi sett en ökning av den Barcelona gudabild, bygger nästan helt på hemmagjord spanska spelare. Real Madrid är andra (andra!) i alla undersökningar av spanska fans favorit lag- och Madrid är den mest hatade sida i landet. Varför? Galácticos! Pérez! Mourinho! Åtminstone är detta är den berättelse som vi har tyst acceptera för de senaste åren. Men det är fel. Eller, mer kritiskt, det är djupt felaktig. Denna berättelse är baserad, åtminstone delvis, på ett par år av mycket graverande uppgifter (se ovan): 2013, rankad 41 procent av spanjorerna Barcelona som sitt favoritlag, jämfört med 34% som föll till Real Madrid. 55% av de tillfrågade sade att Madrid var deras "minst favorit" (eller "mest hatade") team. Vilken skam! Men här är kruxet: detta är inte chockerande. Eller, det är inte chockerande av skäl som du tror det är cho
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