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Margaret Koyal

The Koyal Group Journals, Milk fraud: Proteins uncover adulteration with cheaper milk - 1 views

    Mixing milk Food adulteration is an unsavoury fact of modern life. Many foodstuffs are targeted by criminal gangs because of their high value, so mixing them with cheaper alternatives while selling at the price of the pure material leads to higher profits. Pursue this tactic at the national or international scale and there is good money to be made. One of the more surprising foods that have been targeted is milk. Not the common cows' milk that we drink in the Western world, but milk from more exotic species likes the yak, buffalo or camel. These types have been mixed with milk from the cow or goat, and goat milk itself has been adulterated with cheaper cow milk. It is difficult to see or taste the difference when milk has been adulterated but scientific methods are available.
kettinne ali

The Koyal Group Journals, New species of terrifying looking 'skeleton shrimp' discovered - 1 views

    It's a truism that the ocean depths will remain Earth's last great wilderness, and judging by the recent find of a new species of 'skeleton shrimp' there's still a lot of eye-popping discoveries yet to be made. Named Liropus minusculus due to their small size, these tiny crustaceans (above) were identified by a research team from the University of Seville and were found living in a reef cave offshore from California's Catalina Island. The female of the species is on the left and the male on the right, with their descriptions first published 8 October in the journal Zootaxa.
Danna Reid

The Koyal Group Journals: Darwin in the Dock - 1 views

    Darwin in the Dock: C.S. Lewis's Limited Acceptance of Common Descent Common descent is the claim that all organisms currently living have descended from one or a few original ancestors through a process Darwin called "descent with modification." According to this idea, not only humans and apes share an ancestor, but so do humans, clams, and fungi. Common descent is a hallowed dogma among today's evolution proponents, held with quasi-religious fervor. C.S. Lewis clearly believed that Christians can accept evolution as common descent without doing violence to their faith. This is what Lewis was getting at when he wrote to evolution critic Bernard Acworth, "I believe that Christianity can still be believed, even if evolution is true."18 In Lewis's view, whether God used common descent to create the first human beings was irrelevant to the truth of Christianity. As he wrote to one correspondent late in his life, "I don't mind whether God made man out of earth or whether 'earth' merely means 'previous millennia of ancestral organisms.' If the fossils make it probable that man's physical ancestors 'evolved,' no matter."19 In The Problem of Pain (1940), Lewis even offers a possible evolutionary account of the development of human beings, although he makes clear he is offering speculation, not history: "[I]f it is legitimate to guess," he writes, "I offer the following picture -- a 'myth' in the Socratic sense," which he defines as "a not unlikely tale," or "an account of what may have been the historical fact" (emphasis in the original). Lewis then suggests that "[f]or long centuries God perfected the animal form which was to become the vehicle of humanity and the image of himself... The creature may have existed for ages... before it became man."20 Elsewhere, Lewis seemed smitten by the idea of embryonic recapitulation, the discredited evolutionary idea that human beings replay the history of their evolution from lower animals in their womb. And in a letter to his f
Atília Aio

The Koyal Group InfoMag: Step Away from the Christmas Lights! - 1 views

Are you trimming the tree with a potential hazard to your child's health? It's my daughter's first Christmas season, and last weekend, as we were decorating our tree, she naturally wanted to play ...

Koyal Group InfoMag Step Away from the Christmas Lights

started by Atília Aio on 18 Dec 13 no follow-up yet
Jadeinn Bachmeier

Nobel winners for discoveries on cellular vesicle transport, The Koyal Group InfoMag - 1 views

NEW ORLEANS, LA-DECEMBER 12, 2013-They are coming to New Orleans to talk science with their fellow members of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) on Monday, December 16, but the ASCB winne...

Nobel winners for discoveries on cellular vesicle transport speak out at ASCB in New Orleans The Koyal Group InfoMag

started by Jadeinn Bachmeier on 21 Dec 13 no follow-up yet
Margaret Koyal

Koyal Features SR Group: Om oss - 0 views

    SR Group AS er et vel etablert transport- og logistikkonsern med hovedkontor i Risavika, Tananger. SR Group AS har i snart 40 år levert transport- og logistikktjenester til næringslivet, spesielt rettet mot olje- og gassindustrien. SR Group AS består av selskapene Alta Logistics AS, Halling Frakt AS, GeSi Shipping AS, SR Transport AS, Total Transport AS og Waage Transport AS. SR Group har 180 ansatte og omsatte i 2012 for ca. nok. 500 mill. Det første selskapet (Waage Transport i Kristiansund) ble etablert allerede i 1974. I 1983 ble SR Transport etablert i Stavanger. Disse 2 selskapene danner grunnstammen i det SR Group AS. SR Group AS ble etablert sommeren 2010 som morselskap for flere veletablerte selskap innenfor transport & logistikk. Konsernet fremstår i dag som meget veldrevet, og er totalleverandør for flere store aktører innenfor olje- og offshore bransjen. Gjennom sine datterselskap og samarbeidspartnere dekkes hele landet, i tillegg til at vi også leverer i stort sett verden over. Gjennom vårt nære og lange samarbeid med olje- og offshore kunder har vi sammen etablert et stort fokus på KHMS. SR Group har egen ansatt sikkerhetsrådgiver, og setter de samme strenge krav til opplæring og kvalifikasjoner både til egne ansatte og innleide. Selskapet er godkjent i Achilles og har OLF og ISPS godkjente terminaler. Konsernet disponerer over 100 kjøretøyer i alle størrelser, kontraherer båter og fly og har over 25 personer utleid til kunder for å drive deres logistikk virksomhet. Med andre ord, - your partner in logistics!
Chris Blake

Info Mag Koyal Group Spirit and Opportunity Top 10 Decade 1 Discoveries Top Rover Scien... - 0 views

    Info Mag Koyal Group Spirit and Opportunity Top 10 Decade 1 Discoveries Top Rover Scientist Tells Universe Today A Top 10 Decade 1 Discovery by NASA's Twin Mars Exploration Rovers Carbonate-Containing Martian Rocks discovered by Spirit Mars Rover Spirit collected data in late 2005 which confirmed that the Comanche outcrop contains magnesium iron carbonate, a mineral indicating the past environment was wet and non-acidic, possibly favorable to life. This view was captured during Sol 689 on Mars (Dec. 11, 2005). The find at Comanche is the first unambiguous evidence from either Spirit or Opportunity for a past Martian environment that may have been more favorable to life than the wet but acidic conditions indicated by the rovers' earlier finds. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell University January 2014 marks the 10th anniversary since the nail biting and history making safe landings of NASA's renowned Mars Explorations Rovers - Spirit and Opportunity - on the Red Planet barely three weeks apart during January 2004. Due to their completely unforeseen longevity, a decade of spectacular and groundbreaking scientific discoveries continuously flowed from the robot sisters that have graced many articles, magazine covers, books, documentaries and refereed scientific papers. What are the Top 10 Decade 1 discoveries from Spirit and Opportunity? Find out below what a top Mars rover team scientist told Universe Today! Ray Arvidson, the rovers Deputy Principal Investigator and professor at Washington University in St. Louis, has kindly shared with me his personal list of the Top 10 discoveries from Spirit and Opportunity for the benefit of readers of Universe Today. The Top 10 list below are Ray's personal choices and does not necessarily reflect the consensus of the Mars Explorations Rover (MER) team. First some background. The dynamic duo were launched on their interplanetary voyages from Cape Canaveral Florida atop Delta II rockets during the summer of 2003. The now
Jhudeza Muhammad

Koyal Group Research Information Magazine: Two New Space Discoveries - 1 views

    Two New Space Discoveries Have Rocked the Science World - Each Will Be a Game Changer The news: Two hot discoveries are rocking the way astronomers, physicists, and space scientists view the universe - and they're truly something. The first is intense: Scientist John Bradley from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California took a microscopic look at the interplanetary dust particles lurking at the edge of Earth's stratosphere. He found minuscule bits of water hidden in the <25 micrometre flakes of dust, which are already half the width of a single human hair. New Scientist explains: And in another stunning discovery: cosmologists from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg might have just viewed dark matter for the first time, as pictured above. For more info:
Atília Aio

A new look at the Big Bang, moments later - 3 views

Scientists hailed the finding as a transformative event that will provide deep and complicated questions for physicists to explore as well as transfix the imagination of the broader public, because...

Science Discoveries Koyal Group Info Mag A new look at the Big Bang moments later

started by Atília Aio on 27 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
zoey meer and Lewis Sean liked it
oceane erb

Koyal Group Science Discoveries - A new look at the Big Bang - 3 views

In the slightest fraction of a second, the universe - a speck one-billionth the size of a proton - doubled in size 100 times over, a dramatic expansion called inflation. Scientists call it the "ban...

Science Discoveries Koyal Group Info Mag A new look at the Big Bang moments later

started by oceane erb on 28 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
zoey meer and Colton Blake liked it
Annie Ruiz

Koyal Group Info Mag - Scientists honour biggest name in evolutionary biology since Darwin - 3 views

William Donald Hamilton's name may not be as widely recognized as Charles Darwin's, but Hamilton's work in evolutionary biology has managed to explain nature's oddities in a way that Darwin couldn'...

Science Discoveries Koyal Group Info Mag Scientists honour 'altruistic' theories of the biggest name in evolutionary biology since Darwin

started by Annie Ruiz on 29 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
zoey meer and Colton Blake liked it
Beatriz Gutcha

Koyal Wholesale One-Stop-Shop-Gruppe - 3 views

Multi-Tasking hat sich eine gemeinsame Sache heute. Ja, es ist schon seit Jahrhunderten wir müssen zugeben gewesen, aber die Ebene, auf der es in unserer heutigen technologischen Zeitalter getan wi...

Koyal Wholesale One-Stop Group Shop

started by Beatriz Gutcha on 01 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
zoey meer and Colton Blake liked it
Lewis Sean

The Koyal Group InfoMag Tokyo News: 'STAPgate' viser grundlæggende videnskab - 4 views

'STAPgate' shows Japan must get back to basics in science Misconduct and covering it up, common in the nation's labs: experts that Jan 30 som NHK kicked off its evening news program with upbeat ...

The Koyal Group InfoMag Tokyo News 'STAPgate' shows Japan must get back to basics in science

started by Lewis Sean on 21 Apr 14 no follow-up yet

The Koyal Group InfoMag: Fra Taiwan, kampen mod Alzheimers - 7 views

Fra Taiwan, en længe håbet For gennembruddet i kampen mod Alzheimers Oplysning: Jeg ejer lager i AstraZeneca, et af de selskaber, der nævnes i denne kommentar. Seks Taiwan-baserede forske...

The Koyal Group InfoMag Tokyo News From Taiwan A Long Hoped-For Breakthrough In Fight Against Alzheimer's

started by drietchesmith on 22 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
Rissele Paige

The Koyal Group InfoMag Tokyo News: Kun 1 i 7 japanske forskere er kvinder - studere - 4 views

Kun en syvendedel af forskere i Japan er kvindelige, regeringen tallene--den laveste sats for en udviklet nation, på trods af at et rekordhøjt niveau for landet, AFP rapporter. Undersøgelsen komme...

The Koyal Group InfoMag Tokyo News Only 1 in 7 Japanese scientists are women: study

started by Rissele Paige on 23 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
Margaret Koyal

The Koyal Group InfoMag Tokyo News: Åben forskning går under lup - 4 views

Deler deres arbejde er at hjælpe de rivaliserende pharma giganter oprette nye lægemidler Mene Pangalos er manden til opgave med intet mindre end fyres op opdagelse motor af Storbritanniens næststø...

Koyal Group InfoMag Tokyo News Open research goes under the microscope

started by Margaret Koyal on 24 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
Margaret Koyal

The Koyal Group InfoMag Tokyo News: Jord-størrelse planet discovery - 4 views

Jord-størrelse planet discovery: 5 ting at vide NASA'S Kepler rumteleskopet opdaget en anden jord-størrelse planet, der er i den "beboelige zone," en planet afstand fra sin stjerne hvor forholdene...

The Koyal Group InfoMag Tokyo News Earth-size planet discovery: 5 things to know

started by Margaret Koyal on 25 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
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