Koyal Group Research Information Magazine: a focus on discovery - 1 views
Raoul Boisvert on 12 Feb 14A decadal survey for human scientific exploration of space: a focus on discovery The role of science in the nation's human spaceflight program has been controversial since the inception of the Apollo program. That controversy continues to this day. It is the root cause of NASA's failure to achieve national consensus on defining the first deep space mission objective for human spaceflight, and is an aspect that has most limited the nation's progress on planning for human exploration of deep space. Despite nearly 50 years of advocacy that the focus of NASA's human spaceflight program should be to enable scientific discovery, this program remains adrift as a result of a national space policy that fails to head this long-standing advice. For more info: http://koyalgroupinfomag.com/ http://koyalgroup1.tumblr.com/ https://foursquare.com/p/the-koyal-group-info-mag/62282215 http://www.pinterest.com/margakoyal1/the-koyal-group-info-mag/