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Contents contributed and discussions participated by rianmckenlly12


Cathford Group Credit Inc.: Prioritizing their Clients' Needs is their Business - 1 views

The Cathford Group Credit Inc Tokyo Loan Review Tips Cathford Group Credit Inc Prioritizing their Clients Needs is their Business
started by rianmckenlly12 on 16 Feb 15 no follow-up yet
  • rianmckenlly12
    Cathford Group Credit Inc. prides itself of its successful run in the lending industry based on its efficient delivery of their clients' actual needs and surpassing their expectations. Prioritizing the needs of their clients and delivering what they hope to attain from the company as well as in their investments is the goal of Cathford Group Credit Group Inc. For this reason, the company has chosen the heart of downtown Chicago as its base of operations in order to foster productive relationships, facilitate efficient solutions and allow open communications.

    Cathford believes "the business of lending goes beyond providing loans" and shows it in their corporate culture. The company also relies on the truth of the maxim: "Knowledge is power". The company, therefore, offers a wealth of tools and guidelines on how to establish credit, repay debts and retire with confidence and contentment.

    Consider what some of their clients say about their company and service:

    "Guys, you are wonderful. I love you! You are prompt, efficient and thorough and, most of all, fast! I salute you for being there for me when I needed you and for showing the true color of professionalism!

    "I and my wife reside in a rundown country house with a leaking roof; so we had to raise money to repair it. So overjoyed that you helped us out. Thanks a lot."

    Many loan seekers indeed worry about their less-than-perfect credit standing. Cathford Group Credit Inc., however, looks at the bigger picture of an individual's financial status - not only the credit score - in evaluating a loan application. This is for the purpose of making the loan application process convenient and more efficient.

    The Cathford Group Credit Inc. provides easy and quick loan access through online application. The steps involved to qualify are as follows:

    - Submit your application after which Cathford provides a prompt decision on your eligibility and how much you are qualified to borrow.

    - Cathford asks you (applicant) to verify the amount of loan and to accept the loan agreement conditions.

    - Upon approval of application, Cathford deposits the money right in your bank account usually by the following business day. In some cases, additional vital info via phone or email will be required prior to final approval of your application.

    - You repay the loan consistently in small amortizations. Cathford also allows convenient automatic repayment arrangements to keep you up-to-date on your dues.

    Sounds easy and convenient? It is! Not many people are aware that there are companies that provide such facilities, particularly in acquiring personal loans. Considering the common perception of most people with regards to banks and other lending institutions which require tons of documents, time and effort to approve a loan, Cathford's system is a refreshing alternative.

    This is what happens in any enterprise where the priority is the clients' needs and not those of the company. Everyone wins!

    Follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook Page.

The Cathford Group Credit Inc Loan Review Tips.pdf - 0 views

    The Cathford Group Credit Inc Loan Review Tips: Survey Roundup: Home Is Where the Loan Fraud Is Fraud Sweet Fraud: Seventy-four percent of loans reported in 2013 involved some kind of fraud or misrepresentation on the loan application, up from 69% in 2012, according to the annual mortgage fraud report by LexisNexis. Florida remained the top state with the most cases of mortgage fraud, followed by Nevada and New Jersey. Strict credit conditions and requirements are making it hard for home buyers to qualify for loans, with 15% of real estate agents saying they've had customers that failed to close a pending sale due to the inability to qualify for financing. "It is not difficult to recognize the connection between tight credit approval guidelines, industry professionals looking to make a profit and mortgage application fraud, the most common type of reported mortgage fraud by far in 2013," the report said.

The Cathford Group Credit Inc: Valg priser på barnas bankkonti - 1 views

Valg priser barnas bankkonti The Cathford Group Credit Inc
started by rianmckenlly12 on 11 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
  • rianmckenlly12

    Det er mange overraskelse lærdom å lære i personlig økonomi og, hvis barnas bankkonto tilbud er noe å gå etter, bankene gjør at kundene lære dem unge.

    Konsument valg analysert 26 barnas bankkontoer som store banker og Kredittforeninger og ble sjokkert av det $25 minimum månedlig innskuddet som kreves av en, $20 gebyret for-gren uttak av en annen og brutale rentekutt av en rekke andre.

    "Fra online overføring avgifter, eier-ATM avgifter, grenen tilbaketrekking avgifter og spesielt mener mynten teller gebyr, mange institusjoner synes veldig gjerne raid barnets grisen banker," sa talsmann Tom Godfrey.

    Når unge ANZ, Commonwealth og Westpac kontoinnehavere nådd sine sparepenger mål og gjort uttak, de store bankene falt renten til så lavt som 0,01 prosent for denne måneden, sa han.

    "Så det er bonus kultur, med bonus interesse bare betalt til de heldige barn som har råd til å gjøre et innskudd hver måned, sier Mr Godfrey, Suncorp og Bankwest som håndheves minimum månedlig innskudd $20 og $25 henholdsvis.

    Valg som Bankwest's Kids' Bonus sparer og Credit Union av Australias ungdom eSaver verst av tilbudene.

    Mens Bankwest tilbudt den mest sjenerøse renten på 5,75%, etter et år ble pengene, bortsett fra $1, blåst i en annen konto med en "ydmyk" 1 prosent rente for beløp opp til $2999. Hver måned barnet måtte sette inn minst $25.

    En Bankwest talsmann sa at pengene ble flyttet til en annen konto var klart foran.

    "Det er blitt eksplisitt designet som en sparekonto oppmuntrende god besparelser vaner," sa han.

    "Denne pakken av barnas produkter er en av de mest sjenerøse på tvers av bransjen... og har blitt tildelt penger magazine's beste barnas sparekonto i åtte år på rad.''

    Valg også kritisert CUA'S Youth eSaver for et gebyr på kontoinnehavere som gjorde et uttak på en gren.

    CUA'S general bestyrer av produkter og markedsføring Jason Murray sa gebyret reflektert online natur kontoen. Han sa også banken vil ikke lenger tillate i-gren uttak fra September, og derfor tørk gebyret.

    "Det ser ut [valg] fokuserer på $20 gebyret... De ignorerer de andre fantastiske funksjonene i produktet, inkludert den konkurranseutsatte renten,"sa han.

    Valget sa Commonwealth's Youth sparer kontoen var det beste alternativet som det var knyttet til en pedagogisk program, belønningen er avhengig av antall innskudd i stedet for beløpet, det ikke var noen avgifter og ingen minimum månedlig betaling kreves.

    Men grunnlegger av The Money Mentor måte Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon sa forbrukerne bør være skeptisk til de store bankene interesse i gjre den mest konkurransedyktige tilbudet.

    "Levetid lojalitet til en stor bank koster den gjennomsnittlige australske en ekstra $ 85 000, basert på gjennomsnittlig boliglån, personlig lån og kredittkort gjeld," sa hun. "Store bankene ganske mye aldri tilbyr de beste prisene på produkter når du ikke lenger et barn og håper kundene vant over tidlig vil holde rundt uansett."

    TIPS FOR foreldre (Kilde: Choice)

    -Ikke få sugd inn av den beste renten

    -Kontroller at vilkårene passer deg og barnet

    -Se etter en bank tilbyr ansikt til ansikt bank

    -Se for en konto med ingen avgifter og ingen månedlige minimum innskudd for bonus interesse

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