Contents contributed and discussions participated by Peter Beens
Writing Short Films - YouTube - 0 views
Animation - NFB - 1 views
Introduction to Web Design Course: Curriculum, Lesson Plans - 3 views
The Best Photoshop Alternatives That Are Totally Free - 1 views
The Basic Filmmaker - 2 views
A Short History of the Highrise - 1 views
Adobe Kuler - 0 views
Is Your Browser Color Managed? - 0 views
Tutorials - Flash Kit - 1 views
Is Photoshop Remixing the World? | Off Book | PBS - YouTube - 0 views
"Photoshop has completely revolutionized our visual culture. Artists now use Photoshop to create complex imagery that would have been impossible 20 years ago. It has also profoundly changed the art of photo retouching, turning a labor intensive process into an artful and often controversial digital workflow."