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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ellys J. Ramírez



    ABSTRACT A bibliometric revision of the researches based on Clinical Psychology evidences published on six psychological journals between 1990-2002 and 2005: Terapia Psicológica, Revista Chilena de Psicología, Psykhe (Chileans), and Interdisciplinaria, Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica and Investigaciones en Psicología (argentines) was investigated. The results were evaluated based on the frequency of the articles, orientation and efficiency criteria for treatments with empiric support established by Chambles & Hollond (1998) and by Seligman (1995). Scarce publications were found about empiric researches on clinical psychology in both countries. Also, most of them agree with the international tendency related with the predominance of the cognitive- behavioral approach, although none of them reunites all the requirements of efficiency established by Chambles & Hollond (1998) and by Seligman (1995). Some incipient data seem to indicate that these results will be modified in the future. Key words: Empirically Supported Treatments in Psychology, bibliometric investigation, Chilean and Argentinian psychology journals.

Papeles del Psicólogo - 0 views

    GUÍAS DE TRATAMIENTO Y GUÍAS PARA LA PRÁCTICA CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA: UNA VISIÓN DESDE LA CLÍNICA Elisardo Becoña Iglesias1, Mª José Vázquez Domínguez1, Mª Carmen Míguez Varela1, Lorena Casete Fernández2, Manuel Lloves Moratinos3, Luis Nogueiras Fernández4, Niceto González Valerio5, Manuel Lage Muiño5, Santiago Suárez Pita6, Mª Mercedes Gutiérrez-Moyano Zimmerman7, Mª Carmen Lorenzo Pontevedra7 y Mª Gloria Baamonde Rodríguez7 1.

La psicología basada en la evidencia y el diseño y evaluación de tratamientos... - 0 views

    La psicología basada en la evidencia y el diseño y evaluación de tratamientos psicológicos eficaces

Antecedentes afectivos de la autoeficiencia docente: un modelo de relaciones estructura... - 0 views

    Información del artículo Antecedentes afectivos de la autoeficiencia docente: un modelo de relaciones estructurales

Inteligencia emocional y su relación con los niveles de burnout, engagement y... - 0 views

    Información del artículo Inteligencia emocional y su relación con los niveles de burnout, engagement y estrés en estudiantes universitarios

¿Se perciben con inteligencia emocional los docentes?: posibles consecuencias... - 2 views

    Información del artículo ¿Se perciben con inteligencia emocional los docentes?: posibles consecuencias sobre la calidad educativa

Inteligencia emocional y burnout en profesores - 0 views

    ... Introducción al sindrome "burnout''en profesores y maestros y su abordaje terapéutico. Psicologia Edu- cativa. !. ... Revista de Psicología del Trabaja y de las Orga- nizaciones. ! 7, 45-62. ... Boletín de Psicología, 70, 79-95 Fernández-Berrocal. P., Ramos, N.. y Orozco, F. (1999). ...

Evidencias de la investigación sobre el impacto de las tecnologías de informa... - 1 views

    Evidencias de la investigación sobre el impacto de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en la enseñanza de la lecto-escritura

Impacto de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la elección... - 2 views

    Impacto de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la elección de universidad: el caso de Internet y las redes sociales

Revista mexicana de investigación educativa - Tecnología educativa en el saló... - 2 views

    Investigación Tecnología educativa en el salón de clase: estudio retrospectivo de su impacto en el desempeño académico de estudiantes universitarios del área de Informática Román Martínez Martínez* y Yolanda Heredia Escorza** Artículo recibido: 13 de marzo de 2009 Dictaminado: 30 de junio de 2009 Segunda versión: 20 de julio de 2009 Aceptado: 29 de julio de 2009 Este trabajo comparte la experiencia del uso de la tecnología educativa en un curso universitario del área de Informática, analizando retrospectivamente cómo ha influido en el desempeño académico de los estudiantes.

The prevention of depression using the Internet. - 1 views

    Efficacy trials suggest that depression is preventable in children and adults. However, current depression prevention interventions are not deliverable to the community en masse. The Internet offers an opportunity to deliver tailored prevention interventions such as those based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to a large audience, cost-effectively, while preserving intervention fidelity and anonymity. The Internet offers distinct advantages for data collection, which can be used to help refine intervention programs. There are no published randomised controlled trials of the effectiveness of the Internet in delivering depression prevention programs. The feasibility and potential effectiveness of the Internet is indicated by research demonstrating the successful delivery of CBT by computer, the use of the Internet in the delivery of CBT treatment, and the effective prevention of obesity and the promotion of exercise using Internet technologies. Possible limitations to public health interventions using the Internet include selective access, the inability to promote the sites to potential users and the issue of uptake once users access the sites. Randomised controlled trials of CBT delivered by the Internet are required.

Using the Internet to provide cognitive behaviour therapy - 1 views

    Abstract A new treatment form has emerged that merges cognitive behaviour therapy with the Internet. By delivering treatment components, mainly in the form of texts presented via web pages, and provide ongoing support using e-mail promising outcomes can be achieved. The literature on this novel form of treatment has grown rapidly over recent years with several controlled trials in the field of anxiety disorders, mood disorders and behavioural medicine. For some of the conditions for which Internet-delivered CBT has been tested, independent replications have shown large effect sizes, for example in the treatment of social anxiety disorder. In some studies, Internet-delivered treatment can achieve similar outcomes as in face-to-face CBT, but the literature thus far is restricted mainly to efficacy trials. This article provides a brief summary of the evidence, comments on the role of the therapist and for which patient and therapist this is suitable. Areas of future research and exploration are identified. Keywords Guided Internet-delivered treatment; Anxiety disorders; Mood disorders; Therapist input

Treating Childhood Depression over Videoconferencing - 1 views

    Abstract Technology-based self-help and minimal contact therapies have been proposed as effective and low-cost interventions for anxiety and mood disorders. The present article reviews the literature published before 2010 on these treatments for anxiety and depression using self-help and decreased therapist-contact interventions. Treatment studies are examined by disorder as well as amount of therapist contact, ranging from self-administered therapy and predominantly self-help interventions to minimal contact therapy where the therapist is actively involved in treatment but to a lesser degree than traditional therapy and predominantly therapist-administered treatments involving regular contact with a therapist for a typical number of sessions. In the treatment of anxiety disorders, it is concluded that self-administered and predominantly self-help interventions are most effective for motivated clients. Conversely, minimal-contact therapies have demonstrated efficacy for the greatest variety of anxiety diagnoses when accounting for both attrition and compliance. Additionally, predominantly self-help computer-based cognitive and behavioral interventions are efficacious in the treatment of subthreshold mood disorders. However, therapist-assisted treatments remain optimal in the treatment of clinical levels of depression. Although the most efficacious amount of therapist contact varies by disorder, computerized treatments have been shown to be a less-intensive, cost-effective way to deliver empirically validated treatments for a variety of psychological problems. Research Highlights ►Review of research on different technological applications to psychotherapy for anxiety and mood disorders. ► A critical evaluation of the methodological strengths and limitations of technology assisted therapy studies. ► Use of extant research to reach conclusions regarding the degree of therapist contact that is advisable in the application of technology-based treatments fo

Alliance, technology, and outcome in the treatment of anxious youth - 1 views

    A strong therapeutic alliance is intuitively important in a cognitive-behavioral treatment of anxious youth where the child must confront feared stimuli in numerous exposure tasks. Research examining alliance-outcome relationships and the specific role of the alliance is currently limited. Is the alliance supportive in nature, does it enhance client motivation, or is it an active mediator through which change occurs?

A review of technology-assisted self-help and minimal contact therapies for anxiety and... - 1 views

    Technology-based self-help and minimal contact therapies have been proposed as effective and low-cost interventions for anxiety and mood disorders. The present article reviews the literature published before 2010 on these treatments for anxiety and depression using self-help and decreased therapist-contact interventions.

Psicología de la educación y prácticas educativas mediadas por las tecnología... - 2 views

    En todo el mundo, las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones están generando una nueva revolución industrial que ya puede considerarse tan importante y profunda como sus predecesoras. Es una revolución basada en la información, la cual es en sí misma expresión del conocimiento humano. Hoy en día, el progreso tecnológico nos permite procesar, almacenar, recuperar y comunicar información en cualquiera de sus formas (oral, escrita o visual), con independencia de la distancia, el tiempo y el volumen. Esta revolución dota a la inteligencia humana de nuevas e ingentes capacidades, y constituye un recurso que altera el modo en que trabajamos y convivimos. Europa y la sociedad global de la información: recomendaciones al Consejo Europeo. Accesible en: 24/01/01

Una psicoterapia llamada ciencia - 2 views

    Aunque parezca sorprendente, no todos los enfoques psicoterapéuticos son científicos. Muchos, tal vez la mayoría, de los sistemas psicoterapéuticos no se encuadran dentro del método científico. En algunos casos, esto es algo incluso expresamente reconocido por los terapeutas que adhieren a tales prácticas, quienes ven en esta ausencia de cientificidad una ventaja para el trabajo.

La relevancia y actualidad de las técnicas conductuales - 2 views

    La discusión acerca de cuáles técnicas poseen mayor importancia en los tratamientos psicológicos, si las cognitivas o las conductuales, hoy se halla casi perimida. Quienes trabajamos en Terapia Cognitivo Conductual defendemos la relevancia de ambos tipos a pesar del fuerte hincapié que se ha puesto en los últimos años en los aspectos "cognitivos puros".
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