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Aelicia Doore

The Almost Shatter Proof Display of the iPhone 5 - 0 views

    There are lots of rumors on the display of iPhone 5. The present iPhone display is manufactured using "gorilla glass" and LCD display. Though it is shatter resistant to a certain extent, the new iPhone is going to have a much more shatter resistant outer material in the display. This material is going to be almost shatter proof.
Aelicia Doore

4G Connectivity � One instance where iPhone is Unable to match its Competitors - 0 views

    New trend of 4G connectivity is available with carriers Sprint, Verizon and AT&T. In order to use the facility iPhone 5 need to have 4G connectivity. Both Motorola and Samsung smart phones have this facility. There is all the possibility for iPhone to have this facility of getting the technology on board.
Aelicia Doore

Apples Plan to Manufacture 25 Million pieces of iPhone 5 - 0 views

    According to Wall Street Journal Apple is going to produce 25 million sets of iPhone 5. They have ordered batteries and cameras necessary for such a huge volume, they are also pressing the manufacturers of the set to step up production. However it is not easy to do that as it is a complicated phone to manufacture also.
Aelicia Doore

Speculation on the Release Date of the iPhone 5 - 0 views

    Talking about the release of new iPhone 5 many believed it will be yet another new release they come up with every summer but it was not to be. Finally, when Steve Jobs resigned on August 24, most people believed the event will be announced on August 29 in order to cover up the adverse effect that could affect Apple.
Aelicia Doore

Legal Battles against iPhone by Samsung Waged in Korea - 0 views

    With all the hype on the new iPhone 5 it is not plain sailing for them everywhere. Apple took legal action against Samsung's 10.1 Galaxy Tab in Germany and banned the product from selling there, alleging that Samsung device has copied the look, functionality and the shape of iPad. Also they have taken similar action in Australia.
Aelicia Doore

How Apple is going to call their Latest iPhone - 0 views

    Rumors on iPhone 5 are many but they are always based on some foundation. There is one rumor about the name of the next iPhone. After the 4th generation of iPhone 4, Apple released the iPhone 4S which is the 5th generation iPhone. Therefore, there is no room to call the next iPhone with a digit 5 as the fifth generation phone is already in the market.
Aelicia Doore


    It is widely believed that iPhone 5 will have 3D capability. Many rumors spread the information that the new iPhone has two cameras with which it is able to produce 3D video. It is interesting to find how these rumors start and on what they are based.
Aelicia Doore

Is IPhone 5 Waiting for the Smaller LTE Chip to Appear ? - 0 views

    There are numerous rumors on iPhone 5. One of the latest says that the smart phone is already designed except for its LTE chip. The company is unable to complete the assembly as the chips already available are not small enough to go inside the new phone.
Aelicia Doore

Near Field Communication Technology - Where iPhone 5 needs to Improve - 0 views

    One thing that all iPhone models to have been unveiled so far lacks is the Near Field Communication. Samsung Galaxy S2 has it incorporated with its NFC chip. It allows data exchange, connection with a touch and simplified transactions. As these facilities are not there with iPhone, Apple has to consider incorporating it in their iPhone 5.

Guest Post Online - 0 views

    Article Writing & Guestpost You Can Join this Site for Your Article & guest post, Just Easy way to join this site & total free Article site. This site article post to totally free Way. Guest Post & Article Post live to Life time only for Current & this time new User.
Aelicia Doore


    One of the old rumors that are still doing its rounds about iPhone 5 is about its back. It is widely believed that the new smart phone will have aluminum back like in the iPad 2. One of the reasons of the popularity of iPad 2 is its aluminum back.
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