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Aelicia Doore

Supplier of Camera for iPhone 5 Runs into Problems - 0 views

    Among the many problems Apple is facing with its iPhone 5 there is one regarding its camera also. OmniVision is the company that was to supply the mega-pixel camera for the new smart phone but they have run into technical problems with it. Their problem with the CMOS sensor of the camera could lose them the contract to supply the camera.
Aelicia Doore

Why Release Date of the New iPhone 5 Gets Delayed - 0 views

    As more and more details of the lost prototype of the iPhone 5 are surfacing, there is stronger evidence to believe the rumors on delay in the announcement of release date of the new phone. It seems many agree that Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple, was vehemently opposing the idea of the bigger screen for the new smart phone.
Aelicia Doore

Apple Investors a Happy Lot as iPhone 5 Release Date gets Postponed - 0 views

    There is a lot good iPhone 5 is doing to the share holders of Apple Inc. Shares of the company were trading at $195 in 2009 but it has gone up to almost $420 and the only reason for such a good demand for Apple shares and the resultant price hike is the hope that the company has a beautiful product with it to be released soon.
Aelicia Doore

Longer battery life is something any phone user will appreciate a lot. When your phone ... - 0 views

    Longer battery life is something any phone user will appreciate a lot. When your phone switches off due to battery going weak you go really helpless. Since every later edition of iPhone improved on battery life over the previous model, iPhone 5 also needs to improve over iPhone 4S on battery life.
Aelicia Doore

Why Apple Delays the Release of iPhone 5 - Is it the Good Sales of iPhone 4S - 0 views

    Most of those who are waiting for Apple to release iPhone 5, think that it is the good sales of iPhone 4S that is delaying the unveiling of the new phone. There is evidence to support this argument. A recent statement from Apple has stated that 80% of their merchants are faced with inventory issues with the 4S.
Aelicia Doore

Leaks on iPhone 5 and the Speculation by its Enthusiasts - 0 views

    Everyone was waiting for September to come in the hope of knowing the release date for the iPhone 5 but there was no iPhone shown leaving the iPhone enthusiasts in the dark. Now there is speculation about the new phone coming with Apple A5 dual core processor with 1GHtz CPU.
Aelicia Doore

Why Instead of iPhone 5 the previous Release was called the iPhone 4S - 0 views

    Among the hundreds of (if not thousands) rumors there is one to say that iPhone 5 is now ready but Apple is unable to release it for they couldn't get the LTE chip they wanted yet. As soon as they get the chip they could start assembling the new iPhone. Without the LTE chip the new smart phone is not able to get its full potential. However, there are millions who buy the iPhone that is not equipped with the LTE chip. Both iPhone 4S and the antique iPhone 3GS do not have LTE chips.
Aelicia Doore

Download speeds of iPhone 5 and its Bigger Screen - 0 views

    There are rumors that the new iPhone 5 will come with a bigger screen than the present iPhone 4 screen of 3.5 inches. Also it will come with a faster data transfer rate. It is said that the new smart Phone is going to have HSPA+ support. Phones with this standard could download at a speed of 21 Mbps instead of the 7.2 Mbps attained by those use HSDPA technology.
Aelicia Doore

Reasons for the Delay of IPhone 5 to Arrive � Is it Due to Innovations Taking... - 0 views

    Speculations about iPhone 5 have made some believe that Apple is afraid of releasing the next generation phone for two reasons. One is that they are not capable of creating the innovations that they anticipate. The other is that if they innovate and make an up-market product, probably they will alienate the mainstream customers who have faith in their products.
Aelicia Doore

The new Processor of iPhone and the Management of Battery Drain - 0 views

    It has become imperative for Apple to come out with a better processor as Samsung Galaxy SII is equipped with a dual core processor. The likeliest one to be used in iPhone 5 is the processor being used in the iPad 2 at the moment. It has a speed of 1.2to 1.5GHz.
Aelicia Doore


    If you are one of those iPhone enthusiasts waiting for the release of iPhone 5, you may be taken by surprise to hear that your latest smart phone will be released only in 2013 and not in 2012 as most enthusiasts of the brand are expecting. This is the latest iPhone rumor.
Aelicia Doore

What iPhone 5 Enthusiasts Expect from their New Smart Phone - 0 views

    While Apple keeps the iPhone enthusiasts guessing for their iPhone 5 release date, most of those who are awaiting for the release of the phone think there will be improvements in the new phone to come in relation to the last release of iPhone 4S. The most important improvement they believe will be on the battery life. Though the iPhone 4S has 8 hours of talk time, most people believe that it will be improved. The present day 4S has Apple's A4 processor which is fast but users want a still faster A6 processor in order to achieve speedy browsing.
Aelicia Doore

What to Expect from the New Generation Smart Phone of IPhone 5 - 0 views

    With such a lot of rumors being there the experts expect the new iPhone 5 to be an entirely different phone. They believe it will be similar to the jump iPhone had from iPhone 3 to iPhone 4. Apple always made big changes with its updated versions of iPhone until the 4S which was very much similar to iPhone 4, arrived.
Aelicia Doore

Hardware Updates expected to be integrated into iPhone 5 - 0 views

    Faster processing speed is something that every smart phone lover wants. Competitors of iPhone 5 have already started manufacturing their phones with dual core processors. Samsung, Motorola and LG are among the main competitors for the iPhone that is to be released soon. In order to stay clear of the competition, Apple needs a hardware upgrade with its new phone.
Aelicia Doore

Proximity Light Sensor of iPhone 5 Already Available though the Phone is not there yet - 0 views

    Once it was reported that cases for iPhone 5 are in the market already though no one has seen the phone yet. Also there was an occasion that a spare part for the same is being available. It is an important component of the phone. Called the proximity light sensor cable, it is the part that is responsible for sending the screen dark as you bring the phone close to your face to talk.
Aelicia Doore

Display � One of the Components iPhone 5 need to Improve on - 0 views

    With all the rumors we hear, iPhone 5 is going to have a 4 inch retina display. Some expect it to have a curved glass display which is better on preserving privacy. However, it has to incorporate better technology as its competitor Samsung has already done it with its AMOLED plus display.
Aelicia Doore

Enhanced Memory Capacity � A Must for iPhone 5 to Harness the Resources of th... - 0 views

    Memory is going to be an important aspect for smart phones these days, especially with iPhone. With so much to store and so many software programs to run, it is a must to have good disk space. You get 16 and 32 GB versions in iPhone 4. It is believed that iPhone 5 will have 16GB, 32 GB and 64GB versions.
Aelicia Doore


    Display of iPhone 5 is one of the most debated subjects depending on rumors. Some people believe that the new phone will have a 4 inch screen and it will be flexible. There are others who believe that Apple will stick to the old school of 3.5 inch screen. There are still others who believe that it will be a compromising 3.7 inches diagonally.
Aelicia Doore

Bendable display expected from new iPhone by Gaming Websites - 0 views

    Gaming websites have become the latest speculators on iPhone 5 these days. They are of the opinion that the flexible display is going to be useful for playing games. In case Apple is going to use their iOS5 or 6 in the new phone, it will become the ideal phone for the gamers.
Aelicia Doore

Speculation about the screen Size of iPhone 5 - 0 views

    As year 2012 approaches, more and more iPhone rumors appear in both print and digital media. One that has appeared recently is about the screen size of the new iPhone 5 that is going to be released in 2012. Up to its latest released version of iPhone 4S iPhone never changed their screen size though other phone manufacturers opted for bigger screens.
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