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Casey Wedge

CenturyLink Private Line Offers Variety of Line Speeds to Meet your Business Needs - 0 views

    CenturyLink Private Line offers a variety of line speeds to meet your business needs and provide exceptional reliability and accessibility. As your company delivers more electronic information over greater distances, CenturyLink Private Line uses advanced synchronization technologies so all of your private line traffic is delivered via high-speed connections. By selecting CenturyLink Private Line for multi-gigabit and voice services, you can focus on the business of your virtual enterprise.
    CenturyLink Private Line offers a variety of line speeds to meet your business needs and provide exceptional reliability and accessibility. As your company delivers more electronic information over greater distances, CenturyLink Private Line uses advanced synchronization technologies so all of your private line traffic is delivered via high-speed connections. By selecting CenturyLink Private Line for multi-gigabit and voice services, you can focus on the business of your virtual enterprise.
Casey Wedge

CenturyLink Internet Service Provides a Complete Range of Networking Services for Business - 0 views

    CenturyLink Data Networking Internet Port is a reliable and dedicated Internet access service over the advanced CenturyLink OC-192 Internet protocol (IP) network, one of the most sophisticated networks available. It offers an exceptional service level agreement (SLA) and some of the highest customer access speeds in the industry today.
Casey Wedge

CenturyLink MPLS Service Combines Voice & Data Applications onto Signle Network - 0 views

    CenturyLink iQTM Data Networking Private Port is a flexible, scalable and reliable private IP-based VPN service that allows you to combine your voice and data applications onto a single network to increase reliability and reduce your total cost of ownership. It is one of the most advanced networks available, with best-in-class service level agreements (SLAs) and some of the highest customer access speeds in the industry today.
Casey Wedge

Bandwidth on Demand Allows Businesses to Meet Ever-Increasing Data Requirements in Cost... - 0 views

    Bandwidth on demand allows you to dynamically increase or decrease the amount of bandwidth you pay for according to your current needs. Ethernet, in particular, provides flexible bandwidth capability that lets businesses manage their information technology costs with the best possible effectiveness while reaching the ever-increasing data requirements. This is because bandwidth on demand provides customers with the ability to pay only for what they really use while meeting their bandwidth needs as they rise and fall. CenturyLink and Verizon are the top provider for this service.
Casey Wedge

CenturyLink's Integrated Access Ensures Effective Business Communications - 0 views

    Centurylink's OneFlex Integrated Access uses VoIP technology to provide dynamically allocated bandwidth between voice and data in real time and is designed to meet the single and multi-location businesses. It offers an IP-based solution that integrates local and long-distance voice with Internet access on the same circuit.
Casey Wedge

Dynamic Bandwidth on Demand Service allow Businesses to Meet Ever-Increaing Data Requir... - 0 views

Providing you the complete flexibility "Bandwidth on Demand" service enables you to dynamically increase or decrease the amount of bandwidth you pay for according to your current needs. Ethernet, i...

ethernet bandwidth on demand service ethernet internet verizon centurylink gigabit ethernet private lines

started by Casey Wedge on 25 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
Casey Wedge

Dynamic Bandwidth on Demand Service allow Businesses to Meet Ever-Increaing Data Requir... - 0 views

Providing you the complete flexibility "Bandwidth on Demand" service enables you to dynamically increase or decrease the amount of bandwidth you pay for according to your current needs. Ethernet, i...

ethernet bandwidth on demand service ethernet internet verizon centurylink gigabit ethernet private lines

started by Casey Wedge on 25 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
Eric Swanstrom

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Solution from Fastblue - 0 views

    Plan customized business continuity and disaster recovery solution for your business with Fastblue. We work closely with strategic partners such as Savvis/CenturyLink, RapidScale, Navisite and more to help businesses in creating a powerful BC/DR solution. We believe in an evolving solution set that enables organizations to reach near zero RFO and RTO for their business services.
Casey Wedge

Get Dedicated T1 Service to Fulfill your Internet Needs at - 0 views

    T1Everywhere offer Dedicated T1 services almost anywhere in Irvine. We have served our customers with Bonded Dedicated T1 solutions, Integrated T1 Solutions, and Dedicated Voice T1 Services. A dedicated T1 will provide a highly consistent service that can support multiple VoIP users, and the ensuing packets that are sent over the Internet. We also works with other Dedicated T1 carriers such as, Level 3, XO, CenturyLink, TW Telecom, and ACC.
Casey Wedge

Bandwidth on Demand Service is the Best Way to Meet your Business's Growing Needs - 0 views

    Bandwidth on Demand (BoD) is a new service where customers is able to upgrade their speeds whenever they feel a need for higher speeds utilizing the most cost effective manner possible with XO Communications and Verizon service providers. Visit to fill up the simple form and we will provide you with the most appropriate solution available for your business in your area.
Eric Swanstrom

Infographic on Why Move Your Services to the Cloud - 0 views

    Check out the Infographic on "Cloud Storage and its Growing Footprint". Cloud Storage and Disaster Recovery have become integral parts of businesses today. The use of off-site cloud storage has resulted in over 1 trillion items stored remotely in Amazon and its competing Cloud Services providers such as RapidScale, Terremark and CenturyLink. It is expected that the cloud will grow to be used by over 80% of all businesses in 2014. When looking to store in the Cloud, look no further than Fastblue Networks!
Eric Swanstrom

Disaster Recovery as a Service and Business Continuity - 0 views

    Disaster Recovery as a Service, or DRaaS, provides businesses with an effective approach to replicating and recovering information from your organizations servers. Fastblue utilizes RapidScale, XO Communications, Earthlink, and CenturyLink/Savvis to supply fully managed servers for your data. Additionally, disaster recovery will provide you with multiple storage locations and resources off-site.
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