This is such a great website because it give ideas to the teacher about using intuitive tools to build plans and align them to standards, supportive resources and homework assignments. You can share your lesson plans.
Billed as "the solution to reading comprehension", ReadWorks is a free resource for schools and teachers with classroom-tested Common Core-specific lesson plans aimed at closing the achievement gap and dramatically improving literacy in grades K-6.
Hand Writing activities
This is a great list of a bunch of websites for lesson Planning. There are links where you can share your lesson, find other teacher's lessons, and there is a link where you can better your lesson. There is also a link where there are free k-12 lesson planning, course material and classroom activity resources.
This website is always good to refer back to. It includes all of your state's core state standards. There are many resources to look back on. There is a link that is "What's your Challenge?" that is very helpful!
This website has a variety of helpful technology resources. There are links to conferences that you can attend and online groups where teachers can help each other out and share information. Great site!
This news letter is great because it talks about technology in education and innovations that should be thought about. It mentions good apps like Reading Rainbow, and education apps that Google provides.
This is a blog that allows you to look at all of the current updates that are happening in the education field. There is a newsletter with current information, links to the best education apps, reviews of those apps and websites, new announcements and much more important information. Great website!
This is a great professional development website. Included are many (50 to be exact) ways to help teachers professionally and in their classroom. One thing included that I really liked was to find a colleague or teacher working in a similar situation and schedule weekly chats. Other suggestions were twitter chats, attending conferences, and suggestions on how to look at your classroom differently. All 50 suggestions lead to another page that offers more information.