A small community in the Kumaon Himalayas enjoys a sustainable lifestyle on rainwater for seven months of the year. Check out this true story and leave us your views…
Foxshot Portable Stickable Camera. You can stick it to Glass, Marble and Wood, It is Oreo's size, easy to hold. Manage it with an interactive application
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity planning are processes that help organizations to prepare for disruptive events such as: hard drive failure, fire or water damage, or even theft. The key to a successful Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plan is already having a plan in action, which ensures easy accessibility to, and availability of operations and data before any disasters strike. Fastblue believes in an evolving solution set that enables organizations to reach at maximum growth. Discuss your requirements with us, we form a customized BC/DR solution with each client, working closely with strategic partners.