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Soumya Ranjan Udgata

Apple iWatch Features, Price and Release Date - 0 views

Apple iWatch Features, Price and Release Date: The Most awaited Apple iWatch is now in the production process. The wearable technology is becoming more popular now days after the launch of Google g...

apple iwatch features price

started by Soumya Ranjan Udgata on 24 Jul 13 no follow-up yet
Pooja Runija

Apple iWatch Puts Entire SmartWatch Market in Standby Mode - 0 views

    The Apple Watch puts whole industry on standby mode. Maybe it's because they want to see if there are any tricks the other company release or how the market reacts to the way you interact with the watch. Apple understands that, they are making real smartwatches and if they had a killer features, it immediately would have the attention of the world's biggest tech press.
Pooja Runija

Apple Watch Is Ready For Your Wrist Now - 0 views

    Well, after the biggest success of the iMac, iPod, MacBook, iPad and iPhone, the date has finally arrived when Apple Watch (say iWatch) confirmed by filling in some of the blanks at its March 9 media event in San Francisco.
Alex Parker

Apple's 5 coolest gadgets yet to be released - 1 views

    What to expect with the iWatch, Beats and iOS8.
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