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Eric Swanstrom

Terremark's CloudSwitch Software Protects Your Applications and Data - 0 views

    Terremark's Enterprise Cloud with CloudSwitch software allows you to work with your applications in more cost effective ways, instead of the endless data center build out costs. It integrates your data center with Verizon's Terremark cloud computing services to deliver a gateway to the cloud.
Eric Swanstrom

Infographic on Why Move Your Services to the Cloud - 0 views

    Check out the Infographic on "Cloud Storage and its Growing Footprint". Cloud Storage and Disaster Recovery have become integral parts of businesses today. The use of off-site cloud storage has resulted in over 1 trillion items stored remotely in Amazon and its competing Cloud Services providers such as RapidScale, Terremark and CenturyLink. It is expected that the cloud will grow to be used by over 80% of all businesses in 2014. When looking to store in the Cloud, look no further than Fastblue Networks!
Eric Swanstrom

Adopt Proper Cloud Methodologies and Utilize Cloud Applications for your business - 0 views

    The #Cloud is increasingly becoming an emerging trend for the way processes are carried out at all levels of IT. The emergence of Cloud has encouraged rapid growth and scalibility. Cloud has changed the way these products are marketed. The Cloud has allowed CIO's to utilize technology to add a greater value to the businesses they are working for. This #WhitePaper helps you startegize on how to align your organizational needs to adopt the proper cloud methadologies. Vist and download it for free.
Eric Swanstrom

Cloud Connectivity Using High-Speed Fiber Internet Services - 0 views

    Cloud Connectivity solutions control the meetings of network and cloud, enabling them to access the cloud from anywhere around the globe via high performance private network connections. Businesses are utilizing Fiber Internet Connections to connect them to their private cloud and public cloud. It allows your information to travel at speeds in the gigabyte per second range. Get the free instant price quotes from our top service providers with many interesting customizable features.
Eric Swanstrom

Adopt Proper Cloud Methodologies and Utilize Cloud Applications for your Business - 0 views

    Cloud is no longer something that is an emerging trend; rather it has become a consideration that is evaluated at all levels of IT. It is also hard for companies to determine which products will truly increase their bottom line, and which will pass in time. The Cloud has allowed CIO's to utilize technology to add a greater value to the businesses they are working for. There are many different Cloud options. Read this white paper to select the right cloud methodologies and utilize cloud applications for your business.
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