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Algoworks Technologies

DevOps Consulting Company - 0 views

    Algoworks provides expert DevOps consulting services to businesses globally. Our experience with analysing systems and improving development and operations with business make us one of the prominent DevOps Consulting Partners.
Algoworks Technologies

Is DevOps Reshaping App Economy The Right Way? - 0 views

    Recently more and more companies are opting for DevOps and it is becoming the key driver of business growth. The explosion of smart devices and the apps along with it over the last half decade has changed the app world entirely. The new and evolving methodologies have changed consumer habits and expectations like never before.
Algoworks Technologies

Serverless Architecture & DevOps: How Do They Serve Each Other? - 0 views

    Serverless architectures are the applications that are dependent on third-party services, also known as Backend as a Service (BaaS), or on custom codes that are run in temporary containers, also known as Function as a Service (FaaS). Not to go with the literal meaning, the term "serverless" denotes that the person or business that possesses the system does not require renting or purchasing virtual machines or provision servers in order to run the back-end code.
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