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Sherri Johnston

iPod, iListen, iRead | Edutopia - 0 views

    This blog from Edutopia highlights Kathy Shirley and her work with iPods in an ESL classroom. At a session I attended, she shared the amazing growth her students underwent when they could hear themselves and could redo their oral practice assignments over and over until they were satisfied with the results. Her teachers have since gone on to expand their use of iPods in the classroom. The iPods offers unlimited possibilities for all second language teachers. And one of the best parts, as Kathy said, is that minimal tech. expertise is required on the part of teachers.
Gramarye Gramarye

Learn English Verbs with an iPod - 2 views

    Here is a great way to learn English Verbs on your iPod. Apps are also now available.
Lauren Rosen

The World in Your Pocket - 9 views

    Melinda Larson's collection of Apps for education. Great resource when looking for apps for language teaching and learning.
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