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Mike Chelen

XenFaq - Xen Wiki - 0 views

  • 4.1. A large warning message is displayed when I boot Linux, saying something about '/lib/tls'. What should I do? Do as the message advises! Some modern distributions ship with a 'TLS' version of glibc that is not fully compatible with Xen. To use Xen reliably and with maximum performance you must disable the incompatible glibc. You can easily do this by moving the /lib/tls directory (e.g., mv /lib/tls /lib/tls.disabled). Alternatively, install a Xen-specific GLIBC, see XenSpecificGlibc.
Mike Chelen

Mozilla Labs Forum - weave on your own server - newbie question - 0 views

  • 1. In Firefox - Tools/Weave/Preferences/Account make sure you are sign off. This prevents a lot of error messages you may get later. 2. Create new account at - for example: mydiskrocks 3. Login to using the account and password from step 2 4. Once you are inside make a folder called weave (folder creation make take some time as reported by other users). 5. In Firefox - Tools/Weave/Preferences/Advanced for server location put (last slash is important) 6. In Firefox - Tools/Weave/SignIn - for username put mydiskrocks (mydisk account name) - for password put xxxxxxxxxxx (mydisk password) - for excryption passphrase put whatever you want (cannot be the same as the password) - click SignIn (takes some time since weave will have to create the sync folder structure at 7. Enjoy 8. If any error messages shows up try to close and reopen the Firefox.
Mike Chelen

Vertov » Getting Started - 0 views

  • QuickTime-compatible audio or video file in your browser
Mike Chelen

Pimp your Ubuntu desktop in 7 easy steps! :: The Tux Geek - 0 views

Mike Chelen

Mibbit client widget creator - 0 views

  • The Settings ID can be found in your account in the [prefs] tab.
    • Mike Chelen
      used to customize many more options
Mike Chelen

Message List - Tribler - 0 views

  • A workaround is to edit: /usr/share/tribler/Tribler/Main/ and change the line: app = ABCApp(0, params, single_instance_checker, installdir) to: app = ABCApp(1, params, single_instance_checker, installdir)
Mike Chelen

VirtualBox Port Forwarding with Linux Host : Seth Keiper - 0 views

  • VBoxManage setextradata "name of vm" "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/HostPort" 2222 VBoxManage setextradata "name of vm" "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/GuestPort" 22 VBoxManage setextradata "name of vm" "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/Protocol" TCP
  • ssh -l user_name -p 2222 localhost
  • Only use this command if you want to clear the settings for this! ): VBoxManage setextradata "name of vm" "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/HostPort" VBoxManage setextradata "name of vm" "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/GuestPort" VBoxManage setextradata "name of vm" "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/Protocol"
Mike Chelen

How to Hide Blogger Navbar in New Blogger Beta - Digital Inspiration - 0 views

  • #navbar-iframe { height:0px; visibility:hidden; display:none; }
Mike Chelen

Zoho App Selection Explodes With Platform - But Are These Apps for Real? - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • In its announcement Zoho says that more than 100,000 apps have been created with its Zoho Creator database program, but it appears that only about 300 of those are included in the marketplace at launch.
    • Mike Chelen
      The reason so many apps have been created is that the platform has been used for some time to host custom user programs. Any user of of Creator might have made their own program and it is not unusual that only 300 of those would be released publicly.
  • Google Apps
    • Mike Chelen
      Google App Engine is closer to what Zoho Creator accomplishes, because they are both designed to allow custom programs to run, and use database-like storage system, in a hosted environment.
  • infrequently updated.
    • Mike Chelen
      This is one problem with Google Apps, because when there are new features in Google Gmail, Docs, etc., one would expect them to be integrated in Google Apps before too long.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • It's hard to know how to find the best apps
    • Mike Chelen
      Helping users find and share information about the best applications is the most important goal for Zoho now, besides keeping their servers running. The user community will address this as well, so Zoho should look for ways to facilitate that.
Mike Chelen

MediaWikiLite - OrganicDesign Wiki - 0 views

  • Check your phpinfo() to see if pdo_sqlite is listed, if not, try adding into the dynamic extensions section of your php.ini
    • Mike Chelen
      phpinfo() was accurate in showing whether sqlite was supported, however the php.ini change did not fix my problem
  • To install SQLite3 on a Debian based system, use apt-get install php5-sqlite3
Mike Chelen

Failed Update - AzureusWiki - 0 views

  • Linux/Unix notes If you installed Azureus or higher, you can also try a manual update. Make sure Azureus is not running Open up a shell Change to the azureus program dir Run "./updateAzureus" (If this is your first time using the script, you may have to "chmod +x ./updateAzureus"). If you don't have this script, you can create one: sudo java -cp ./plugins/azupdater/Updater.jar org.gudy.azureus2.update.Updater updateonly `pwd` ~/.azureus Assuming you have a ./plugins/azupdater/Updater.jar, this will elevate your rights and apply any updates that couldn't be done with your normal user's rights.
Mike Chelen

Uri parameters - Mibbit - 0 views

Mike Chelen

Kevin Kelly -- The Technium - 0 views

  • The fastest growing entity today is information. Information is expanding ten times faster than the growth of any other manufactured or natural product on this planet. According to a calculation Hal Varian, an economist at Google, and I made, world-wide information has been increasing at the rate of 66% per year for many decades. Compare that explosion to the rate of increase in even the most prolific manufactured stuff – like concrete, or paper -- which averages only 7% annually over decades.
    • Mike Chelen
      What Mr. Kelly should say is that the amount of information which is measured is growing quickly. It is not possible to know all of the information available, however it is still important that the amount which we successfully record, store, and access is increasing.
    • Mike Chelen
      Surely the number of web pages is increasing, but how well does the number of web pages measure information? Perhaps actual network bandwidth usage, or total filesizes, would be a better measure?
  • The number of scientific articles published each year has been increasing in a steady rise for more than 50 years. Over the last 150 years the number of patent applications has increased. By this rough metric, knowledge is growing exponentially.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • We see the expansion of information everywhere. Less visible, harder to track, but exploding the same is the expanision of knowledge. The number of scientific articles published each year has been increasing in a steady rise for more than 50 years. Over the last 150 years the number of patent applications has increased. By this rough metric, knowledge is growing exponentially.
    • Mike Chelen
      Journal articles may represent an accurate measure of research progress, but both the publishing process and the patent system have many influences besides sheer volume of content.
  • Yet the paradox of science is that every answer breeds at least two new questions. More answers, more questions. Telescopes and microscopes expanded not only what we knew, but what we didn’t know. They allowed us to spy into our ignorance. New and better tools permit us new and better questions. All our knowledge about subatomic particles derived from the new questions generated after we invented an atom smasher.
    • Mike Chelen
      This is accurate, just as each question is answered, new questions appear. Here is not the downfall of the pursuit of knowledge, but its glory.
    The fastest growing entity today is information. Information is expanding ten times faster than the growth of any other manufactured or natural product on this planet. According to a calculation Hal Varian, an economist at Google, and I made, world-wide information has been increasing at the rate of 66% per year for many decades. Compare that explosion to the rate of increase in even the most prolific manufactured stuff - like concrete, or paper -- which averages only 7% annually over decades.
Mike Chelen

Skype security flub leads to discovery of Chinese monitoring - Topic Powered by eve com... - 0 views

  • SRTP usually, ZRTP less often, and VOIP over VPN least often. As long as both sides of the connection support SRTP or ZRTP and are configured to kick it in as needed, usually all I do is check for the lock icon.
  • Any clients which support OTR should be encrypted easily. Adium is pretty standard on OS X; Pidgin or Miranda work fine on the Windows end. And if the other person doesn't support OTR, the system falls back to unencrypted.
Mike Chelen

SSH On Same IP - Different Machines? - Ubuntu Forums - 0 views

  • ~/.ssh/config
  • host computeraliasname hostname your.external.ip.number Port 12345 UserKnownHostsFile ~/.ssh/uniqefilename
Mike Chelen

#955 (importing magnet links) - The libTorrent and rTorrent Project - Trac - 0 views

  • 08/31/08 12:55:48 changed by josef ¶ I've written a patch to support magnet links now. You need to check out svn rev 1065 of libtorrent/rtorrent, and get and then in the directory that has the libtorrent and rtorrent subdirs you've checked out, do patch -p0 < dht-pex-static_map.diff patch -p0 < magnet-uri.diff and recompile both. It uses the official magnet protocol from Bittorrent BEP-0009 which is incompatible with Azureus and so far only supported by uTorrent 1.8+, so it'll only work if there are recent uTorrents in the swarm. It supports magnet links in both the old style base32 encoded hashes as well as the recommended URL-encoded hashes. Note that if there is one or more tracker URLs to use for the download, it must be present as "tr=..." argument in the magnet URI, because there is currently no way of adding trackers in rtorrent afterwards, so without that it'll use DHT and nothing else. After opening a magnet URI, it will add a meta download to download the actual torrent info. When that is complete, it is replaced by the real torrent. The meta data is saved in your standard torrent download directory, you can delete that after the real torrent has appeared, or you can keep it in case you need to open the same magnet URI again.
    Importing magnet links would be great, because some sites only have magnet links. Mayby something like this:
Mike Chelen

Digg - KTorrent : uTorrent Clone For Linux - 0 views

  • Transmission
    • Mike Chelen
      "Deluge" is good as well
  • Azureus
  • Azureus FTL. System resource hog, it's dependant on Java, and personally, I've encountered more bugs with Azureus than any other BT client out there.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • azureus has more features than any other client, and for a lot of people, that's what matters the most.
  • Azureus has a better UI than KTorrent.
  • deluge is another good linux torrent client
  • for Qt/Qt4.2 junkies.
  • What I meant was that qbittorrent is based on the same libtorrent that deluge is written, but deluge is written in pygtk, and qbittorrent is written using C++ with Qt4.2.
  • The only thing stopping me using KTorrent is the way it seems to handle uploads. Whenever I had it running, my wife was unable to surf on her laptop (on the wireless network) even though I had the upload speed set to 15 kB/s.
    • Mike Chelen
      you have to consider limiting active connections, not just just upload bandwidth
  • Using Azureus and the Auto Speed plugin, there was barely any difference, even when I was uploading in excess of 30 kB/s.
    • Mike Chelen
      probably a good option for anyone that doesn't know how to configure detailed connection settings
  • linux bittorrent client that is command line based
  • Too bad that none of the client based torrent programs i have found and used, supports DHT (Besides from the normal Bit-Torrent program in CLI, which turns it on when the normal tracker is dead).
Mike Chelen

SwarmPlayer on Linux - 0 views

  • Repositories
  • deb hardy main
  • deb hardy main
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Alternatively, you can directly download the package, and install it using sudo dpkg -i swarmplayer_1.0.1-1ubuntu1_all.deb
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