Url that is mapped directly to the prod apache application tier. Useful for seeing WVUS iStore html pages (non-ssl pages, must have access to the WVUS FedWay insternal network)
Url that is mapped directly to the prod apache application tier. Useful for seeing WVUS iStore html pages (non-ssl pages, must have access to the WVUS FedWay insternal network)
Server names are clickable. use them to drill down and look at server performance based on alert received.
For UNIX server (Jehosh or Josiah) drill down to HPUX System -> System Overview.
For Windows server (dvWeb1, dvWeb4, Web1-5) drill down to NT System -> System overview.
1. Select measurements to review.
2. Choose Scatter plot for individual script hits. Time History for avg.
3. Choose a timeframe.
4. If using one measurment, choose steps to include. Defulat (all) averages the total time. Highlight all steps exclusing all to see time for each step.
iStore for customer traffic:
1. WTG = Ways to Give - root page, single page
2. CSP = Child Sponsorship - leaf page with child pics, sping page
3. GCD = Gift Catalog - 9 steps to select item and checkout
Notes for customer traffic:
1. WVUS Home = Current PROD homepage master.nsf
2. WVUS modHP = v7 hp with v8 wrapper on PROD home.nsf
iStore for ISG use:
WTG1 - route thru load balancer direct to dvWeb1 and Jehosh
WTG4 - route thru load balancer direct to dvWeb4 and Josiah
Notes for ISG use:
Web1 - route thru load balancer direct to Web1
Web2 - route thru load balancer direct to Web2
Web4 - route thru load balancer direct to Web4
Web5 - route thru load balancer direct to Web5
GUI showing avg performance at any given time for the last 24hrs.
- Ways to Give = iStore root page = WTG
- Child Sponsorship = iStore Sponsorship leaf page = CSP
- WVUS Home = THE Notes Worldvision.org homepage
Note the Y scale (time) will change based on range needed.
"URLs" show different measurements.