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Laidy Zabala-Jordan

The Future of Reading - Literacy Debate - Online, R U Really Reading? - Series - NYTime... - 1 views

    Tyler's Link

How The Internet Saved Literacy - Forbes - 1 views

  • The Internet has become so pervasive that to be truly literate in 2006 demands some degree of technological fluency or at least familiarity. According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 73% of American adults had used the Internet or e-mail as of March 2006. For the first time, the National Association of Adult Literacy—the most wide-ranging U.S. study of literacy—will test computer literacy in its 2008 survey that measures overall literacy. With such a large proportion of reading and writing taking place on the Internet, literacy has changed from a solitary pursuit into a collective one. “You aren’t just a consumer of text anymore,” says Margaret Mackey, a professor at the University of Alberta’s Library and Information Studies Department. Reading now demands an almost instantaneous response, whether through commenting on a blog or writing a review on Amazon . The Internet has shortened the feedback loop on writing and has made readers more active participants, says Matt Kirschenbaum, an assistant professor of English at the University of Maryland. “Reading is more intimately associated with writing,” he says.

The Future of Reading - Literacy Debate - Online, R U Really Reading? - Series - NYTime... - 1 views

  • On the Internet, readers skate through cyberspace at will and, in effect, compose their own beginnings, middles and ends.Young people “aren’t as troubled as some of us older folks are by reading that doesn’t go in a line,” said Rand J. Spiro, a professor of educational psychology at Michigan State University who is studying reading practices on the Internet. “That’s a good thing because the world doesn’t go in a line, and the world isn’t organized into separate compartments or chapters.”
Laidy Zabala-Jordan - 0 views

    Brian Used this page/ literature in the slide
Lucifina (Megan) Svedlund

Using Technology as a Learning Tool, Not Just the Cool New Thing | - 0 views

  • Distance education—through Internet and video courses—helps those who have to work a job and go to school at the same time better schedule their learning opportunities.
  • the Net Generation should learn better through Internet courses because they have been surrounded by computers all their lives and know how to use the technology already.
    Technology as a learning tool, not just as the latest and greatest shiny new toy.
Laidy Zabala-Jordan

Effective Literacy Programmes › M - 0 views

  • Mobile-Based Post Literacy Programme
  • The main objective of the project is to develop a mobile-based literacy programme where the newly literates receive literacy materials as messages on a mobile phone, which they read and then respond to. This programme is designed not only to provide appropriate reading materials to learners in order to maintain and develop their literacy skills through a medium which has become an indispensable means of communication among youths today, but also to promote knowledge concerning many aspects of life and to teach learners about and familiarise them with technological advancements.
  • A baseline survey is conducted in order to identify the areas where at least 25 female adults are either illiterate or have only basic literacy skills. Community leaders, families and female members of the community are sensitised through meetings which provide information about the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones and the content of the messages learners would receive on a mobile phone. Village Education Committees are formed and they select the site for the establishment of the literacy centres and identify facilitators in their communities. Village Education Committees are also in charge of management of the literacy centres. Facilitators are then trained in pedagogical methodologies.
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  • The duration of the programme is six months. The programme is divided into two stages: The first stage lasts two months. During this stage, learners attend a basic literacy course at a community literacy centre which meets two to three hours per day and six days a week. They learn to write the alphabet and to read with emphasis on phonics. Recently, computers and the Internet were introduced in the basic literacy course, and learners also use UNESCO’s interactive DVD Becoming literate. For the second stage, following the two-month basic literacy course, the mobile-based literacy programme begins. Learners are provided with free mobile phones. Originally over 600 messages were
  • developed on 17 different topics for the mobile-based programme. The topics include Islamic teaching, numeracy, health, general knowledge, local government, beauty tips, food recipes, jokes and riddles. Then additional 200 messages were created on topics such as disaster risk management, the economy, the right to free compulsory education, cultural diversity, the culture of Pakistan, the culture of peace, human rights, rights of persons with disabilities, freedom of expression, and the voting process. The BUNYAD head office initially sent simple religious messages and then moved on to messages which address other topics. Learners receive short message service (SMS) on their mobile phones 6–8 times a day. They are instructed to read them, practise writing them in their workbooks, and answer questions. Simple maths is also taught using the calculator function on the mobile phones. Recently, Nokia Pakistan equipped mobile phones with uploaded contents of UNESCO’s interactive DVD through a software application called «e-Taleem App» (e-Education App). The mobile phone, therefore, has also become also a direct medium
  • for literacy learning.
  • Overall execution, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the programme; assessment of each learner’s progress; providing textbooks, mobile phones and computers; providing facilitators’ salaries
  • Provision of needs assessments, mobilisation of the community and families, provision of basic literacy courses and facilitator training, SMS message delivery, learner support after the completion of programme
  • Ten literacy centres were established in three districts of the Punjab province and 250 learners completed the programme. Remarkable results were found regarding learners’ achievements during the mobile-based programme. For example, at one of the districts, Sialkot, the test results from the first month of the mobile-based programme showed that 90% of the learners were in the 0–50% range and none made it to the 70–100% range; however, results from the last month of the programme indicated only 14% of the learners fell into the 0–50% range and 39% of the learners reached the 70–100% range, showing a clear benefit of the mobile phone programme. The complete results on learners’ achievement in the district of Sialkot are found below:
Laidy Zabala-Jordan

K's Space: Selfe, C and 21th Century Technological Literacy - 0 views

  • There are always synonyms or near-synonyms in our languages, including English. For this course that teaching digital literacy, Selfe's technological literacy is a synonyms to digital literacy.
  •  Here, Selfe gives a definition about technological literacy: "Technological literacy---meaning computer skills and the ability to use computers and other technology to improve learning , productivity, and performance." 
  •  In additional to this definition, Selfe states that "technological literacy has become as fundamental to person's ability to navigate through society as traditional skills like reading, writing, and arithmetic..."
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  • . The ability to adapt and better use the new technology coming  around us is as important as those traditional abilities such as reading, writing, and thinking that originally leading  us know who we are and what we are doing.
  •  In terms of literacy, Selfe holds a opinion that "literacy's changing agenda". In this point of view, Selfe consider technology combines with literacy is what we are going to deal with in order to complete our daily work nowadays.
  •   Based on this theory, Selfe expended it into the literacy education area, Which is what we are actually doing in the university today---using technology to writing, listening, watching, and communicating with each other. 
Laidy Zabala-Jordan - 0 views

    Here is what I will be doing for my group: Submitting our presentation.
Laidy Zabala-Jordan

figure1_strategicarch.gif (600×638) - 0 views

Laidy Zabala-Jordan

NYSED::OCE:Educational Television & Public Broadcasting:Continuing Education - 1 views

  • New York State’s Public Broadcasting stations are committed to lifelong learning.  Adult Education programming provided by the stations offers adults the opportunity to earn a high school equivalency diploma, develop literacy skills, focus on career skills, or learn English as a second language. Follow these links to find out about adult education series, as well as tele-tutoring and outreach from your public television station.
Laidy Zabala-Jordan

Teenagers' Internet Socializing Not a Bad Thing - - 0 views

  • Good news for worried parents: All those hours their teenagers spend socializing on the Internet are not a bad thing, according to a new study by the MacArthur Foundation.
  • “It may look as though kids are wasting a lot of time hanging out with new media, whether it’s on MySpace or sending instant messages,” said Mizuko Ito, lead researcher on the study, “Living and Learning With New Media.” “But their participation is giving them the technological skills and literacy they need to succeed in the contemporary world. They’re learning how to get along with others, how to manage a public identity, how to create a home page.”
  • “It certainly rings true that new media are inextricably woven into young people’s lives,” said Vicki Rideout, vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation and director of its program for the study of media and health. “Ethnographic studies like this are good at describing how young people fit social media into their lives. What they can’t do is document effects. This highlights the need for larger, nationally representative studies.”
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  • The study, part of a $50 million project on digital and media learning, used several teams of researchers to interview more than 800 young people and their parents and to observe teenagers online for more than 5,000 hours. Because of the adult sense that socializing on the Internet is a waste of time, the study said, teenagers reported many rules and restrictions on their electronic hanging out, but most found ways to work around such barriers that let them stay in touch with their friends steadily throughout the day.
  • Teenagers also use new media to explore new romantic relationships, through interactions casual enough to ensure no loss of face if the other party is not interested.
  • While online socializing is ubiquitous, many young people move on to a period of tinkering and exploration, as they look for information online, customize games or experiment with digital media production, the study found.
  • What the study calls “geeking out” is the most intense Internet use, in which young people delve deeply into a particular area of interest, often through a connection to an online interest group.
  • “New media allow for a degree of freedom and autonomy for youth that is less apparent in a classroom setting,” the study said. “Youth respect one another’s authority online, and they are often more motivated to learn from peers than from adults.”
Laidy Zabala-Jordan

Teenagers and social networking - it might actually be good for them | Life and style |... - 1 views

  • Teenagers and social networking – it might actually be good for them Is too much online socialising among teenagers really creating a generation who can't relate face to face? Not according to the evidence, says Clive Thompson
  • Indeed, social scientists who study young people have found that their digital use can be inventive and even beneficial. This is true not just in terms of their social lives, but their education too. So if you use a ton of social media, do you become unable, or unwilling, to engage in face-to-face contact? The evidence suggests not. Research by Amanda Lenhart of the Pew Research Centre, a US thinktank, found that the most avid texters are also the kids most likely to spend time with friends in person. One form of socialising doesn't replace the other. It augments it.
  • "Kids still spend time face to face," Lenhart says. Indeed, as they get older and are given more freedom, they often ease up on social networking. Early on, the web is their "third space", but by the late teens, it's replaced in reaction to greater autonomy.
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  • They have to be on Facebook, to know what's going on among friends and family, but they are ambivalent about it, says Rebecca Eynon, a research fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, who has interviewed about 200 British teenagers over three years. As they gain experience with living online, they begin to adjust their behaviour, wrestling with new communication skills, as they do in the real world.
    social networking and technology 
Laidy Zabala-Jordan

Using Technology To Increase Literacy Skills - 0 views

  • There is increasing evidence that the use of computer technology can positively effect the acquisiti
  • on of literacy skills in students of all abilities and ages. Using technology to enhance reading and writing instruction can make learning activities more fun and help to create a lifelong love of reading. Through the use of special software programs, children with special needs can be exposed to literacy without being directly taught through task-oriented lessons. Computer-aided reading and writing activities can help students to develop a broad appreciation for and understanding of literacy.
  • Computer reading software programs give the student the opportunity to manipulate text and have words and sentences presented in a way that makes learning the sounds and words easier. Teachers are better able to individualize reading instruction by having the ability to construct customized reading materials. Children with visual impairments and visual processing difficulties can have larger sized text and extra spacing between words. Text can be repeated as often as necessary and the rate or pace of speech can be adjusted for students with auditory processing difficulties. The use of graphics, sound, and animation can help to motivate and encourage children to complete reading tasks more successfully.
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  • Computer-aided writing software can assist students with handwriting and other expressive writing problems. Talking word processing programs can make writing tasks easier for students with learning disabilities. Creative writing programs can help stimulate children’s creativity and make them more successful at writing stories and assignments. Word prediction programs are available and can offer students help with spelling, word finding, and auditory processing difficulties. Good writing programs include features such as text-to-speech with male and female voices, the ability to enlarge text, different font choices, the use of color coding and highlighting, spell checkers and grammar and punctuation dictionaries.
  • Using technology to enhance reading and writing instruction can be an excellent way to stimulate your students to develop literacy skills and have fun in the process
    Increase of literacy skills in tech

The Age of the Smartphone: Communication Behind a Screen: Text Messaging and Literacy - 1 views

  • However, recent research has not been able to lend support to these theories of memory interference, and, in fact, it has shown just the opposite to be the case, text messaging may actually be positively associated with children and adult literacy (Plester et al., 2008, 2009). There have been two broad theories to explain these findings. First, Plester et al. (2009) suggested that texting can allow people access to a form of written language which is not constrained by standard grammer and spelling or produced for the purposes of formal learning practice in school, but rather as a means of easy communication with frieds. Crystal (2008) and Leake (2008) further hypothesized that this freeing from conventional constraints and the additional necessity of brevity to fall within the character limit allows children and adults to use reading and writing in a much more playful way.  
    "However, recent research has not been able to lend support to these theories of memory interference, and, in fact, it has shown just the opposite to be the case, text messaging may actually be positively associated with children and adult literacy (Plester et al., 2008, 2009). There have been two broad theories to explain these findings. First, Plester et al. (2009) suggested that texting can allow people access to a form of written language which is not constrained by standard grammer and spelling or produced for the purposes of formal learning practice in school, but rather as a means of easy communication with frieds. Crystal (2008) and Leake (2008) further hypothesized that this freeing from conventional constraints and the additional necessity of brevity to fall within the character limit allows children and adults to use reading and writing in a much more playful way. "

National Social Science Association - 0 views

  •      Although there is no evidence that the use of such acronyms and abbreviations in professions and career fields have caused a deterioration of the English language, yet some have argued that the use of textese and textisms may result in diminishing an individual’s use of the English language. On the contrary, according to Plesteret. al (2008), text messaging positively affects the English literacy of students who tend to use more complex sentence structures, increased vocabulary, and increased awareness of correct use of language mechanics.  Furthermore, that better spelling and writing were more evident among students who used textisms
    " Although there is no evidence that the use of such acronyms and abbreviations in professions and career fields have caused a deterioration of the English language, yet some have argued that the use of textese and textisms may result in diminishing an individual's use of the English language. On the contrary, according to Plesteret. al (2008), text messaging positively affects the English literacy of students who tend to use more complex sentence structures, increased vocabulary, and increased awareness of correct use of language mechanics. Furthermore, that better spelling and writing were more evident among students who used textisms"

Education Week: Classroom-Tested Tech Tools Used to Boost Literacy - 0 views

  • For instance, in her classroom, Sullivan uses photos licensed under creative commons, an alternative to copyright that allows varying degrees of sharing, as a jumping-off point to start a conversation with her students. “It gives them a mental image to connect to,” she says, “a familiar, relatable scene so we can discuss what we see in the photo as a class and build the vocabulary.” Then the students can transition into a writing exercise, says Sullivan. Sullivan also uses audio recorders to have student-teachers read sets of vocabulary words, then she creates matching PowerPoint presentations with the words and burns them onto DVDs for the students to take home and listen to
    "For instance, in her classroom, Sullivan uses photos licensed under creative commons, an alternative to copyright that allows varying degrees of sharing, as a jumping-off point to start a conversation with her students. "It gives them a mental image to connect to," she says, "a familiar, relatable scene so we can discuss what we see in the photo as a class and build the vocabulary." Then the students can transition into a writing exercise, says Sullivan. Sullivan also uses audio recorders to have student-teachers read sets of vocabulary words, then she creates matching PowerPoint presentations with the words and burns them onto DVDs for the students to take home and listen to"

Texting Improving Literacy? | The Principal of Change - 0 views

  • One of the additional things he discussed in this talk was that we often say, “These kids do not read,” but he quickly dismisses this as a fallacy.  In fact, Crystal goes further to say that kids that text read more than what we did as children because they have more access to writing.  Simply put, they do not read and write the same things that we did.  Looking at my own situation, I have actually read more “books” in the last little while than I ever have, as I carry around a huge book collection all the time on my iPhone and/or iPad.  The ease of access makes it a lot easier for me to read whether it is blogs, books, or yes, text messages and tweets.
  • distinctly remember reading that Osama bin Laden was assassinated before the announcement was made by Barack Obama.  Leaks of the information came so quickly and although it was chalked up to be rumour, it obviously was confirmed after.  More people are turning to the Twitter search function to find out about events in real time from people who are willing to share.  It is rare now that any reporter would not have a Twitter account so they can be the first to share the story, which is much easier from a phone in 140 characters, as opposed to a long article written even on a website.
    "One of the additional things he discussed in this talk was that we often say, "These kids do not read," but he quickly dismisses this as a fallacy. In fact, Crystal goes further to say that kids that text read more than what we did as children because they have more access to writing. Simply put, they do not read and write the same things that we did. Looking at my own situation, I have actually read more "books" in the last little while than I ever have, as I carry around a huge book collection all the time on my iPhone and/or iPad. The ease of access makes it a lot easier for me to read whether it is blogs, books, or yes, text messages and tweets."

Adolescent Literacy: What's Technology Got to Do With It? | Adolescent Literacy Topics ... - 1 views

  • How can technology support learners? Electronic references such as dictionaries, thesauruses, encyclopedias. Definitions, translations, and explanations are now a click away. Identify dictionaries and other online tools to use in the program, teach their use, and expect students to use them to develop their vocabulary skills. Look for tools with text to speech to read the word, read the definitions, and support word study. If classrooms are not equipped with Internet-ready computers, consider purchasing handheld dictionaries with many of the same features and encourage students to get their own and use them. Have students sign up for a word of the day e-mail or text message to receive on their own cell or smart phones. Video supports, how-to diagrams and animated illustrations. Visuals are a fantastic tool for building background knowledge, especially for ELL learners. Bookmark sites such as with content specific illustrations to help learners grasp sequences, interactions, and relationships. Use virtual manipulatives and interactive math dictionaries such as the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives and The Math Forum@Drexel University to demonstrate concepts and vocabulary.
  • Digital text. Convert any scanned reading material into digital text with a scanner that has optical character recognition. This allows it to be read aloud by text to speech software and also customized to meet visual needs (enlarged font, shaded background, etc.). Books are increasingly available for purchase as digital books through online booksellers and free ebooks are available at Project Gutenberg University of Virginia library. For learners with a documented visual and print disability, a subscription is available to the vast online repositories of digital books at and Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic.
  • Text-to-speech (TTS) software with electronic references. Providing a read aloud through TTS supports learners' comprehension and vocabulary. Many students with dyslexia have better listening than reading comprehension. TTS programs, especially those with highlighting as the text is read provides a model of fluent reading, supports vocabulary development, and frees attention for annotation and active comprehension.
    "Technology can be a tremendous benefit to differentiating instruction and supporting learners' success with literacy tasks in career training. Used strategically, technology tools can support individualized needs while supporting instruction of a shared, core curriculum. Students with LD will most likely not be prepared to use many mainstream tools as learning supports, however, as "far too few" K-12 students with LD are using technology in the classroom.4 They will need explicit instruction and guided practice to become proficient."

Porath - 0 views

shared by seabreezy on 14 May 14 - No Cached
    Empirical research exploring the use of text messaging in formal educational settings is still emerging; therefore, studies from diverse disciplines were examined. The domains of communication and media studies and information technology address the first question investigating how young adults use text messaging. The majority of research into adult use of text messaging to interact with adolescents and young adults comes from the fields of health and wellness and medical journals were primarily utilized. Finally, because there are so few studies on the use of text messaging in education, popular media, professional and practitioner magazines, and books were the sources of real-world applications of text messaging in schools. E-mail is the preferred mode of communication for school or work, but when teenagers want something that is fast, immediate, and can be done anywhere - texting is preferred (Lev-Ram, 2006). For teenagers, the cell phone is almost always with the person, so it is constantly accessible. Being small and silent, the cell phone is easily transported and used furtively under the supervision of authority, as compared to e- mail, which requires a computer (Thurlow, 2003). Many teenagers have reported that they share a computer with family members or that it is in a common area of the home so instant messaging and e- mail can be observed (Faulkner & Culwin, 2005). In addition, because the phone displays both text and sender, the user can choose when and if to respond to a message and has time to compose an appropriate response. Teen and Young Adult Text Messaging Content Multiple studies in various countries have been conducted on the content of young adults' text messages, with similar results across studies. Many text messages have to do with coordination of events and maintaining relationships. Often a text will be sent to see if the receiver is available for phoning on a land- line, an instant message chat, or a face-to-face meeting (Grinter & E
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